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    04/21/2012 1:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Prodigygaming's Avatar
    1) Characters bio, and name: Crispen, a 16 year old boy who's mother recently died, he was also with out a dad, most of his life. He ran away from his town, forced to survive in the worst conditions, also chased by his old towns best trained soldiers, its a matter of life and death.
    2) What town you came from? Authoria, (No town right now, that is the old one)
    3) Occupation? (job) Theif, (forced to steal to survive)
    4) Age (of character). 16

    MInecraft IGN
    03/29/2012 9:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Prodigygaming's Avatar
    IGN: Psychowaffles
    Recent Servers: Multigaming network, Kings craft, blitzcraft, opticraft.
    Have you been a Mod before: Yes, I have been a mod, i have crated several servers of my own, and I am very computer smart. I know almost everything about minecraft, and I think that you would be impressed to have me on your server. Please pm me. Ps, moderator is the highest rank you can get on that server.
    Why should I pick you: Because I am computer smart, nice but strict. I know how to handle people easily. I would treat everyone differently and I could help you with what ever you need. I also type good, and have good grammar so it is easy for people to understand me.
    Why Should i trust you: You should trust me because I really do enjoy helping people out. I am a great helper, but an even better admin! I can do anything you need me to an more, I am kind of an over acheiver when it comes to technical stuff. I also am a moderator at a 24 hr server that always has atleast 25 people online. I am good with plugins to. I a very mature, please pm me.
    03/28/2012 5:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Prodigygaming's Avatar
    Wat postion: Admin Last slot, please make the right choice.
    Ign: Psywhowaffles
    Do u have skype (dont post here PM me if i accept u): No I don’t have one ( I could make one though
    Are u good with many plugins: yes, I am good with most plugins
    How long can u be on for: Lets just say I am on when I’m not sleeping or at school, or with friends.
    Why u really want this postion: I would like to have the ADMIN last slot please.. I know that I am a little late, but here it goes.
    Hello, my in game name is Psychowaffles. I am a very mature and respectful person. I know ow to handle a server, people, and manage forums, plugins, [etc] I would do what ever is needed to make our server a great place to be! I know what people want in a server! If you pick me, I assure you that you will be 100 % satisfied, and more with my work. As of now, my life is kind of dedicated to my job as a moderator, on a 24 hour server, moderator is the highest position there is, besides owner. If I became an admin, I would work here instead, even though I know my other server would miss all of my work. I am an excelent spawn builder. I can create games, an amazing waterslide, I am command proficiant and know most of the plugins. I have ran a server before, but I wanted to expand, and to do that, I need more ram. PLease just pick me, I would be an excelent choice, and I would create any account needed, like skype, [etc]. I think that this server could really use a hard worker like me to make it one of the best servers out there! Thank you for your time. - Psychowaffles
    03/28/2012 5:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Prodigygaming's Avatar
    Ign: Psychowaffles
    Timezone: Eastern time.
    Where do you live?: U.S.A. Maine.
    Daily playing hours: I play as much as I can, (quite a bit)
    Any past experience? I have plenty of experience on minecraft, I know pretty much all of the recipes, I also know how to create a server very easily, I am computer smart, and keep learning more each day. I can help you with anything, most likely
    What would you do if spammers came on the server? Spammers would be kicked first, with a no spamming warning, if they do it again, its a mute.
    What would you do if the server randomly crashes? If the server randomly crashes ,I would do all that I can to contact you to get it back up.
    Are you good with people? Very good with people, I can type fast and I am a very greate person to be with on Minecraft.
    Are you impatient? No not at all.
    Will you ban your friend if he/she is greifing? I would not treat anyone differently, I would do what ever the rules are for griefing, If a ban, then yes.
    What will you do if someone asks you to op him/her? I would tell them no, do not ask again, or I will mute you.
    If someone joins the server, what will you say to him/her? Welcome to our server, please enjoy your stay and enjoy the community.
    How many times have you been banned? Never.
    Why do you want to be an admin: I want to be an admin because I have so much experience with minecraft, managing people, typing, helping people, helping with plugins, creating forums, and I reply to all of my Non spam email messages. I am a moderator at a 24/7 server that always has atleast 35 people online, And moderator is the highest rank you can get at the server.
    What could you bring to the team: I could bring what ever was needed and more, I am a hard worker, and I would call my self a perfectionist, I am a good builder, and I am really computer smart.
    Admin Recommendations: I am not sure what this means?
    Helper Recommendations:I am not sure what this means?
    Do you have any knowledge of plugins or have any experience as an admin: Yes, I used to run my own server, which of course had plugins, i am very computer smart, and Yes, I am a moderator at multigaming-network. That is the highest rank possible.
    Do you understand that you can be removed from the admin team at any time: Yes, I understand that I would not be incharge of the owner, and I could be revoked of my duties at any time.
    Do you have Skype? If so pm me the name: I don't have one at the moment, I have to get a new computer , the one I use right now is my desktop at my house
    Will you be able to PM trough pmc?: Yeah!
    03/28/2012 5:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Prodigygaming's Avatar
    Did you promote my ingame name Psychowaffles?
    03/27/2012 8:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Prodigygaming's Avatar
    I know how you feel about people who have too many permissions... >.< . They get mad and then they rage, and do horrible things... Like delete our forums, delete our teamspeak, come back on the server as a member and they build lag machines.. I could do what ever you guys needed to make the server larger, and more stable.. Like add plugins, add RAM. Get us a domain name with a new forum. [Etc] Thanks, have a great day/night!
    03/27/2012 8:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Prodigygaming's Avatar
    ign: Psychowaffles
    what you wanna be and why: I would like to be a server admin, I would like to create my own server, but I am working on getting a "Server only" computer.
    banned?: Nope, never have been.
    Age: 15
    why you were banned: I was never banned.
    maturity lvl: 10, I am always on task and down to business but can also be very fun and outgoing.
    what you wanna do on the server to contribute: I would do what ever I was asked and more, I can do anything you ask me, and more, I am a very smart Minecraft/computer tech. (in my own words ofcourse )
    I would do what ever it takes.. I know everything there is to know about creating and monitering a server. I would contribute to building epic spawn buildings, and I would advertise, I would create a voting page for our server also.

    Note to owner: I think that you should pic me because I am always down to buisness, I would monitor our forums, and server, I would advertise, I would get donations for the server. I am also a moderator at , And that is the highest rank because past admins betrayed our server and did some horrible things. I have good grammar and can type extremely fast. i am on minecraft all the time and treat it as my job. Pick me and you will be very happy with your decidion. Thanks - Psychowaffles

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