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    12/15/2013 12:47 am
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar
    Come on man, you're a site moderator. The first thing I'd expect a mod to do is be able to read forum posts properly.

    I recently received a Xbox360
    12/15/2013 12:44 am
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar

    @OP, your graphics drivers aren't updated.
    12/14/2013 1:31 pm
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar
    You aren't getting a gaming laptop for $380. $600 maybe. $800 you would get a decent laptop that can play most games at low.

    My $600 laptop can play most Valve games at med-high 60fps, Minecraft at default settings (2 chunk render) at 80fps, and other games at lowish. ACII at 50fps on low.

    12/09/2013 7:54 pm
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar
    Oh? You can make a registration system in HTML, a forum system in HTML, a profile system in HTML?
    Please, do show me, I'd love to see.
    12/07/2013 9:22 pm
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar
    Back when I played Minecraft, this was the only reason I used this site.
    12/07/2013 9:21 pm
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar
    I own two personal accounts and I can agree it's very helpful. Alts, not so much especially with the fact that the owners can change them back easily.
    12/07/2013 4:01 pm
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar
    Yeah son, you know whats up.
    12/07/2013 1:07 am
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar
    Ok, sorry. 95% 12 year olds.
    12/07/2013 12:49 am
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar
    xer0I don't think so. Op most likely has an over-heating problem, most likely caused by lint-clogged fans, or in a slightly worse case, poor thermal paste contact with the CPU, and that cannot be solved by freezing the hard disk drive. The only time you should be doing that is if the platters are stuck and you absolutely need to attempt data recovery. What you suggested could very well damage OP's hard drive if (s)he chooses to follow your advice. It would be great if you could refrain from offering computer advice when you apparently know nothing about them. No offense intended, but shoddy advice can really screw someone over who doesn't know enough about what they're doing to determine that the suggested procedure is not the appropriate course of action.

    iMinecrafterYou clearly have no idea what you are talking about. No offense intended.
    I have been working in the IT businesses for over 25 years. Way back since the beginning of computers, before you were born.
    I know what I'm talking about. Don't try to make my post look stupid.

    I do, in fact, know exactly what I'm talking about, unlike yourself. And I'm sorry to say this, but I'm pretty sure you're lying about your experience. No way in hell would an IT professional with 25 years of experience like you claim to have would even begin to think that freezing the hard drive would aid someone with an overheating processor, or possibly even a virus. (Though that's unlikely because a virus wouldn't make it "difficult to turn on", which is most likely the CPU failing to initialize because it's core temperature is above TJ MAX defined limit and it's calling a #THERMALTRIP function.
    Freezing a harddrive is a LAST RESORT attempt at recovering data from a damaged drive, and it's most usually a one-off solution as the frozen motor spinning up to operating temperature will most usually cause damage.
    Seriously, you need to stop slinging this B.S. towards innocent users who don't know any better. This is worse than the trolls that tell users to delete System32, at least then you can boot from a LiveCD and recover the data before a reformat, what you're suggesting will destroy the drive. Stop it.

    swag bro virus be gone

    oh btw op delete system31 itz better than system32
    12/07/2013 12:42 am
    Level 65 : High Grandmaster Miner
    Province's Avatar
    guise i like tacos

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