RedGatoradeMan8's Avatar
Level 2 Apprentice Miner

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    06/10/2014 6:36 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RedGatoradeMan8's Avatar
    Age(15+): I'm 14 right now, but my birthday is next month, so that shouldn't really matter.
    Rank you want: Admin
    IGN: RedGatoradeMan8
    Real name: Eric
    Skype: mr.getdeleted
    Are you okay with a interview: Yes
    Why do you want to be staff on The PvP network(The Longer the better): I want to be a staff member on The PvP network because I want to help you make the server get better any way I can. I want to be apart of the server community and make the server grow and get better. I would say that I have a decent amount of experience with hosting a server and being a staff member, and I think I can help you make this a good server.
    Can you donate/pay for the hosting: Possibly. Depends on the circumstances.
    How many hours can you be on in a average day: about 5-8 hours during weekdays and pretty much all day on weekends.
    Experience with your position you are applying for: I have owned 2 servers, have been moderator on 2 servers, and I was a helper on a server. On both of the servers I had, I had quite a bit of people joining everyday. I configured all of the plugins I had myself, and I made the whole server myself. No help from anyone. They were both faction server. I had about 25-50 plugins on them, and I didn't have any lag whatsoever. All the plugins were configured to my liking, and they all worked pretty good. The 2 servers that I was a moderator on are pixelmon servers. Here are the websites of the servers I was moderator on. . I can also show you my server if you want to see it.
    Can you develop plugins: No, I can't develop plugins, but I can configure virtually any plugin you want me to configure.
    Anything else: Please consider to be an Admin on your server. I know I can help you, just give me a chance to.

    06/08/2014 12:26 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RedGatoradeMan8's Avatar
    Name: Eric
    IGN: RedGatoradeMan8
    Skype*: mr.getdeleted

    What plugins are you good with?: I'm good with most of the essential plugins such as essentials, group manager, world edit, world guard, etc... I've had 2 servers in the past, and I probably had around 25-50 plugins on each server, so I have quite a bit of experience with plugins. I'm very good with configuring plugins, and making then do exactly what you want.

    Can you make plugins?: As of right now, no.

    Can you configure permissions?: Yes I can. I have a lot of experience with using group manager and Permissions EX. I would prefer to use group manager, but I can configure any other permissions plugin you want to use.

    Can you configure most plugins?: Yes I can, I can configure practically any plugin you want me to configure.

    Are you willing to dedicate a lot of time and effort to help make this server spectacular?!: Yes I am. If you are serious about making this server, and your going to be dedicated, then I will help you any way I can. If you need like a Head-PluginManager, then i'm the person your looking for.

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