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Level 2
Apprentice Miner

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    01/04/2013 8:02 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RegularMiner's Avatar
    Added, welcome to VanillaCrafty!

    BradcraftIGN: bradley9714
    Age: 15 (16 in february)
    Skype (is a must): bradley9715 (have no mic sorry)
    Have you been banned before?: no
    Why VanillaCrafty?: because i maybe want to make a youtube channel and be like minecrack maybe?
    How active are you?:very often and will be on it more if you accept me
    Tell us more about yourself:i am 15 and a love to play minecraft what more do you need to know
    Have you read the rules? And what is the golden rule?: yes and the golden rule is :One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself
    Anything else you want to add (comments, questions etc.): would you allow me to record maybe

    Rejected, you're not old enough and I'm not impressed. Sorry.
    10/13/2011 6:03 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RegularMiner's Avatar
    Great server! Gotta give a thumbs up to the staff, they are really helpful. And all the players in the server are nice.
    I totally recommend this server!
    10/11/2011 7:24 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RegularMiner's Avatar
    What is your name: Alex

    What is your age: 17

    Do you have Skype: Yes I do. I am from Finland so my accent will be pretty funny haha.

    What position would you want (Moderator, Officer, etc.): Officer

    What would your plan be to upkeep and improve the server: I would mostly try to keep things peaceful on the server by watching out for grieving and other activity which could ruin the fun. I would also help the new players since they will probably be a little lost at first - I could make it easier for them. And no, I wouldn't give them items or anything. I would just give them tips and answer to some of their questions with the best of my ability.

    Any other servers you run, moderate, or are involved with: None right now but I was in a server called The diamond league, where I was pretty much in a moderator role over there. Officially I haven't been a moderator in any server, but I would like to give it a try. That's why I would like to be an Officer first - to take things slowly.

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