this is the interior of the temple so far, and yep, it's going to be in the tree. The temple so far is a white quartz base, but that's my sketching stone. I will likely use a large amount of glow berries and natural vegetation along with some tiers, inner columns a few altars, books on lecterns. There's no real way to achieve a draped guazy fabric technique or I'd do it around the inner circle. I'm considering having some small 'tree shoots' enter into the temple.
So, I wanted to make a series to show build progress on a new spawn but the club owner I was in took the post down. Well, ok, i guess. Can it in my own wall? here it is, fingers crossed that Imagur works and the editors let an unfinished build get posted.
I would pick green...I could train my dogs better and drive to Wall Street and make enough money to buy a server array, and maybe spruce up my house a bit.