Rinue_'s Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    01/18/2016 2:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Rinue_'s Avatar
    What are you applying for? moderator
    What is your Minecraft ign? wheelhorse1968
    How old are you? 13
    What is your name? Rinue
    Please provide your Skype name. Rinue Rodriguez
    Answer the next set of questions in paragraph form. The more effort you place in your application, the more interest we will have in you!
    What is your experience as staff? I really don't have any experience as staff I used to run a very small server with my friends but then that died out but I think I can bring a lot to the server and I learn very quick
    Are you currently active on any other servers? I am very active everyday I get on my favorite server that is a factions server that ssundee and crainer play on but I am willing to stop playing that server to join this one
    What will you bring to our server in particular? You said it was a pretty small server so I think I can help make it bigger
    How active can you be? Some days I can be on for the whole day other days (school days) I can only play for a few hours at most and some weekends I can't get on at all
    Provide us with a small passage about yourself. We want to know a little about our applicants!
    Hello I am Rinue I live in the USA and I am 13. Sense I was 6 I have really wanted to help people if it was on video games or real life. I love poptarts and have some experience being a moderator but I thought I could try out for admin. I have been moderator many times on Gary's mod but very little on minecraft. If you want to message me you can use my email: Rinue89@gmail.com

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