roadkill123098's Avatar
Level 1 New Explorer

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    09/22/2012 8:52 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    IGN: roadkill123098
    Skype(not required): roadkill123098
    Ability(1-10): 9
    Past experience(give proof e.g.. name of server): mod on 1 server (icecreamcraft) admin on another (pandacraft) both got shut down sadly
    Experience with plugins(1-10): 8
    Maturity(1-10): 10
    How can you help(give detail): i can do anything from helping players understand plugins to building large structures
    How active can you be(hours online per day): about 4 hours mon-fri and up to 8 on weekends
    09/22/2012 8:49 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    Ign: Roadkill123098
    Skype: roadkill123098
    Age: 16
    Maturity level: pretty mature. but we all have to joke once in a while
    Funny: i am told i am.
    LP Expereince?: a lil bit
    09/22/2012 8:46 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    Reallife-Name: Brandon
    Minecraft-Name: roadkill123098
    Age: 16
    Country: U.S.A.
    Mother-Language: English
    Microphone?: y
    Teamspeak 3?: n
    Skype?: y
    09/22/2012 8:44 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    IGN: roadkill123098
    Age: 16
    Skype: roadkill123098
    Team: need one
    08/21/2012 3:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    I wana play =(
    08/20/2012 10:04 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    ill be my own race. the gingers in each city there needs to be the main base then a residential area so people can have there own homes but at the same time still have a headquarters were they can plan defend and such. or in the main city have purchasable plots that are not able to be greifed so people can build there homes (homes only no other structures) come on guys ideas! lets get them flowing!
    08/19/2012 9:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    believe we need a new thread for how to be the discussion, i dont want to have to search a million pages to find the discussion
    08/19/2012 9:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    so does this mean the server will be up soon? =D i wana start haveing fun!
    08/19/2012 6:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    just got my skype. its my username lol. roadkill123098 ive seen your skype in this post so im adding you now ^.^
    08/19/2012 4:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    i cannot connect to the ip. is it posted right?
    08/19/2012 3:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    thank you for your acceptance. hope to see you soon!
    08/19/2012 3:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    IGN: roadkill123098
    Age: 16
    World Edit XP: 8/10 i have no clue how you want me to explain my experience
    Bans: ive never been banned and i have banned 3 people before (all for greifing) on my last server
    Dedicated time: any time on weekends and after school.

    if you need anything else i will be happy to answer your questions
    08/19/2012 3:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    Name: brandon

    IGN: roadkill123098

    How long have you played MC for?: about 2 years

    What is your specialty? (Building, Redstone, etc.): small structures with detail detail detail

    What rank are you applying for?: anything you need filled ( i would love to be an admin tho =3 )

    Why do you deserve this rank?: im experience with staffing. for my history you can ask me

    How will you help out the server?: i am always on almost. i know the answers to many questions. and im just a kind soul

    Do you have a Skype?: i will soon and when i do i will get it to you (waiting for my bluetooth receiver to come in the mail)

    What's your Time-zone?: eastern (US)
    08/19/2012 3:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    IGN: roadkill123098

    how long can u be on the server: till it shuts down or i die

    UR NOT A GRIEFER RIGHT D:< why would i grief?

    maturity level on a scale of 1 to 10: 69. naw im jokeing im very
    can u handle the job? yes

    r u responsible enough? yes

    how long have u played minecraft? about 2 years

    any past experience? mod on a server that went to crap and admin on one that just shut down
    08/15/2012 11:24 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    What you are willing to do: act (no voice) and build anything that needs to be
    Age(12 and up please): 16
    Editing skills: none =(
    Can you host a server? no
    Minecraft username: roadkill123098
    Could you possibly find a texture pack that is really custumizable so we can use it for the movie? maybe. i could try
    Anything else i should note? im a fun person and i run on eastern time. and i have no life so im always available XD
    08/15/2012 10:32 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    roadkill123098's Avatar
    Please list the following details:
    IGN: roadkill123098
    Age (18+ ONLY for Admin) 19
    Location (Country) USA
    History modded on one server that became over populated and no longer was fun. also was an admin on a server for about 3 months but then it went down.
    Why should I pick you? i am a skilled builder. mature. have no life so im on all the time XD i enjoy meeting people and helping anyone who needs it. im also well aqainted with plug ins and commands.

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