RobbiHask's Avatar
Level 2 Apprentice Miner

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    05/13/2012 4:49 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    Name: Rob
    IGN: RobbiHask
    Age: 18
    Position: Admin
    Previous server you have been on: too many to count, but 3 hardcore pvp faction servers (admin for a developer of the Heroes plug-in)
    Do you have Skype: Yes
    Why should I choose you?: Been admin on 8 different servers and had a great time doing it and heard I was good at the job.
    Why do you want to help?: I love being an admin and being able to help players and servers start up.
    Mature: 10/10 when needed
    Experience: 8 different servers of mixed genres
    What is your speciality: large builds with World edit. I also make a mean boat/airship
    Other: I'd do my best to help you and the players on your server and look forward to your reply
    02/23/2012 6:18 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    The meaning of life is 42 as previously stated by another user
    02/11/2012 8:51 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    Hey I'm interested but I don't have any images, I can show you my builds ingame though?
    02/11/2012 6:00 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    good luck in getting on any servers, your IP's and Users will be blocked on EVERY server on MC xD goons.
    02/04/2012 6:22 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    age: 17 (18 next month)
    how long have u played minecraft: since 1.4
    mautrity: 8
    have u ever had a position on another server: head admin, moderator, admin, mini-mod, guide
    plugin command knoldge: factions/heroes/towny
    ign: RobbiHask
    02/04/2012 6:20 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    In-Game Name: RobbiHask
    Age: 17 (18 next month)
    Former Experience: minimod/guide/moderator on faction server. Head Admin on another faction server. Admin on another server.
    Bukkit Experience`? Plug-ins etc: Don't know how to code them but I know some in game commands for factions, towny heroes.
    Skype? We don't use it to talk but a very good way to
    type to eachother privatly. If you have it, what's your
    Skype name: kinky-pickle
    How can you help to improve the Server?
    And, why should we choose you to become a Moderator
    on our Server?: I love MC and have had it since 1.4, I enjoy helping and building and I have a lot of experience.

    Thanks for your time
    01/31/2012 12:30 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    I'd love to help
    01/17/2012 7:21 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    Name: Rob
    Age: 17
    Location (optional): UK
    In-Game Name: RobbiHask
    Prior Building Experience: Head admin/Moderator on two seperate servers, created 90% of all builds on one.
    Other Info: Love building and helping players
    01/17/2012 7:19 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    experience: head admin + mod on seperate servers
    Age(15-21): 17
    hours available: varying
    good with triggers: triggers?
    Years playing minecraft: since around 1.4
    IGN(staff list purposes): RobbiHask
    01/16/2012 12:17 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    Oh ofc, but what we need to remember more importantly is that everyone REALLY knows the Herobrine isn't real. I mean, we only have the owner/creator of the game and the deveopment team telling us he isn't. HELL, screw it WE ALL KNOW BETTER THAN THE MAKERS OF THE GAME. >_>
    01/15/2012 8:10 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    Minecraft username: RobbiHask
    Age: 17
    Reason for application:
    I've had alot of previous experience and enjoy minecraft and its community

    How much activity can you give to the server and its forums?
    As much as I possibly can, I have quite a lot of spare time

    If you have any bukkit plugin knowledge please put the names of the plugins and how expansive your knowledge is:
    I'm not very good at plugins and have next to no experience, sorry =/ I'm GREAT at World Edit, i can ban effectively, i know towny/faction cmds as well as LogBlock (depending on the server config)

    If you have any prior admin experience please tell us below:
    I've been a moderator on one other towny/faction server as well as Head Admin on another which proved a great teaching experience and I gained more experience
    01/15/2012 8:06 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    IGN: RobbiHask
    Why i want to join the server: stopped playing my two previous servers with good reason
    Why do i want to be a staff member (Dont have to fill out) : had experience with two previous staff positions on minecraft including Mod and Head Admin as well as other multiplayer games
    Are you new to minecraft: nope, had it since around 1.4
    12/19/2011 10:13 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    Fill out this form:
    Name: Rob
    IGN: RobbiHask
    Age: 17
    Mature?: When needed, definately
    Any Experience with coding perm?: No coding sorry
    Have skype?: Yes
    Skype Name: kinky-pickle
    Loction: UK
    12/03/2011 10:50 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    Hi, noticed you didnt reply to my application, does that mean no?
    12/03/2011 10:43 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    ign: RobbiHask
    and i'm 17, good with players and have had experience as an admin if you ever need help.
    12/03/2011 9:42 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    IGN: RobbiHask
    Age: 17
    Job on the Server:OP
    How Often you are Available: Almost every day , weekends too.
    What do you say about greifers?: Kill 'em all
    12/03/2011 9:26 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    Thanks man, add me on skype or message me on here the IP and stuff I need to know, my IGN is RobbiHask, look forward to helping you out
    12/01/2011 11:39 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    RobbiHask's Avatar
    age: 17
    Why do you think that you qualify: I'vehad experience being an admin on a highly popular Heroes server and am good with other players
    do you know any plugins if do list there in the app: Heroes only really
    what experance have you had: Admin on a server owned by one of the Heroes Developers themself, promoted numerous times and offered promotions from sister servers.
    do you have skype or steam(if you dont have a mic dont bother): Skype is Kinky-Pickle
    and most of all how can i trust you: I'm an all round good guy, love minecraft and help the servers i play on as much as I possibly can.

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