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Level 1
New Network

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    06/01/2015 3:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Roselyn's Avatar
    Name: ThePaperBird, some call me Paper, Bird, but not "The" But you can call me Rose if you want.

    Age: 16

    Maturity out of 10: 7, I'm not all serious buisness, but hell if i know when its time to get down and do my job, but i serve with a smile and a laugh!

    Have you been staff on any other servers: I used to have a hobby that would kill me spare time by going on new servers that just opened, and bring what i know to get them up and running, then leave to find the next project, Other then that i filled the Moderator rank of a "MiragePvP" A fairly popular Factions server with about 100 players, sadly i quit due to the treatment i got for my work, i was basically the owner, i had to deal with everything there. Other then that ive been staff here and there, etcetc, small positions really nothing notable.

    Have you ever been banned on any server that use mcban: Ive never been banned before. Period.

    What can YOU specifically bring to NinjaCraft: Mainly, Dedication, experience, and skill, i work great both with a team and independently. Other then that i could bring a large diversity to the pool, for I am an open trans person. So cheers on that!

    Why do you want to be staff on my server: I'm hoping you are a lot better then my last toxic environment i talk about previously, that you are an owner who appreciates his staff for more then the money they make for you.

    Why should we pick you: To be honest this seems a lot like the last question, and the question above, but i digress. I should get picked for the fact that i have a need to help others, as to why im here typing this up, Id love nothing more then help a new server and bringing it up to the greatness and popularity is deserves.

    How Long have you been on this server? Approximate it if you must, but be as specific as possible: Well, the server doesn't seem to be open, so i dont know what youre going on about here.

    How many hours per day are you on the server? How many days on average per week? Not total time: Well i have absolutely no life, so at best i could do a 9AM to 12 Midnight. So hours on end.

    Why do you think you would be a good moderator: I have experience, and a desire to help those in need, I have a deep seeded hatred for Hackers, With my experience and skill i can use my position to know who would make a good Helper, and teach them the basics of being so.
    05/31/2015 9:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    Roselyn's Avatar

    Skype: flinas3242

    Age: 16

    Position You're Applying for: Mod/Admin

    Why should we allow you to be a member of our staff: I recently quit from being Moderator (Basically Admin, had OP and the whole deal.) on a rather large Factions Server with about 100 players, named "MiragePvP" due to the improper way the owner treated his staff, and used us for money gain, I came here looking for a serious replacement, a new server just getting its beginning, untill i noticed this forums post and i just had to try it. But i digress. Lets cover the formalities shall we? Im a very dedicated worker to any thing server related, Im the type of girl who would do anything for the interest of the server and the community. I shall keep this nice and simple, as i could probably go off on a tangent

    Thank you for your considerations, and taking the time to read this through!

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