RumblingStone's Avatar
Level 9
Apprentice Architect

Me & Minecraft, a short summary!


I've been playing minecraft since 2011..

During the past years you can imagine that i have experienced a lot of motivated and unmotivated moments/periods.
To be honest, I've busted myself using minecraft to get inspiration to start a new Project. But without creating a reason to continue when the hyped motivation wears of...

During my time with minecraft, I've launched several servers. Most of them "succeeded". But when time came, I would usually run a server with a bunch of people who would play on without me having the feeling of success..
I was basically an admin running around, trying to serve and solve all the problems the players had (all day long). So... Basically, i didn't give myself time to work with what i love most with minecraft... Express my own creativity!

I have plans and ideas for the server, wich will keep me busy running the it for YEARS to come!
If you want to join me on this journey, you should start by liking and following my Facebook page and follow on Instagram! Also you can head over to the Madir Thir homepage (currently under construction) to find more information about the server and contact information.

I'm really looking forward to an amazing future with amazing people, lots of inspiration and excellent productivity!

Rumbling Stone

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Jul 24, 2015Joined PMC
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