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    04/23/2017 11:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    RyanPlaysMCForFun's Avatar
    1-What Is Your IGN?: PotatoAssassin

    2-What Is Your Current Age?: 16

    3-Why Would You Want To Join This Staff Team? [7 Sentences Minimum]: Proffesionality holds a very key part in my decisions of staffing for servers. After obviously noticing the advanced set up that this post holds, I was immediately intrigued by your many different game modes and as I stated earlier, your "proffesionality". Working with fellow avid people, I strongly believe that with others who strive to work just as hard as I do, this network can thrive and prosper under us all. Minecraft has always just been a very enjoyable experience for me all throughout my life, and staffing on servers and networks has always just been the best part of it all. I found my love in this game by making things that others can enjoy. Therefore, I would like to join your staff team for the gaining of leadership skills, make some strong friends along the way, and overall have a thorough and fun staff experience.

    4-What Can You Contribute To The Server?: I can contribute a whole lot. Ranging from my best efforts which the server will always get, to my experience and productivity. I'll do what a staff member should do based off of my position! And I will contribute my time

    5-Would You Be Able To Manage Lower Staff Members, How?: Yes, people skills has always been a strongpoint for me all throughout my life. Giving directions to lower staff members and receiving directions are things I can do easily. I have a major pet peeve about things that aren't thoroughly explained and described so the person listening is confused, so every message that I will relay will be easy to act on and such.

    6-Have You Ever Been Staff On Another Server, If So Why Are You Not Now?: Yes I have been staff on multiple other servers/networks, all of which have been an enjoyable and prosperous experience. Most are due to the servers either not being able to make it mainly due to financial reasons, and only once have I left a server due to me not really enjoying it.

    7-Are You Currently Staff On Another Server?: No I am not, I like to only being staff one server at a time.

    8-What Is Your Skype Or Discord ID?: Discord - Jackk#6075 {} Skype - Potato Assassin (profile picture is an eagle).

    9-Do You Have A Decent Mic?: Yes
    04/22/2017 6:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    RyanPlaysMCForFun's Avatar
    1-What Is Your IGN?: PotatoAssassin

    2-What Is Your Current Age?: 16

    3-Why Would You Want To Join This Staff Team? [7 Sentences Minimum]: Proffesionality holds a very key part in my decisions of staffing for servers. After obviously noticing the advanced set up that this post holds, I was immediately intrigued by your many different game modes and as I stated earlier, your "proffesionality". Working with fellow avid people, I strongly believe that with others who strive to work just as hard as I do, this network can thrive and prosper under us all. Minecraft has always just been a very enjoyable experience for me all throughout my life, and staffing on servers and networks has always just been the best part of it all. I found my love in this game by making things that others can enjoy. Therefore, I would like to join your staff team for the gaining of leadership skills, make some strong friends along the way, and overall have a thorough and fun staff experience.

    4-What Can You Contribute To The Server?: I can contribute a whole lot. Ranging from my best efforts which the server will always get, to my experience and productivity. I'll do what a staff member should do based off of my position! And I will contribute my time

    5-Would You Be Able To Manage Lower Staff Members, How?: Yes, people skills has always been a strongpoint for me all throughout my life. Giving directions to lower staff members and receiving directions are things I can do easily. I have a major pet peeve about things that aren't thoroughly explained and described so the person listening is confused, so every message that I will relay will be easy to act on and such.

    6-Have You Ever Been Staff On Another Server, If So Why Are You Not Now?: Yes I have been staff on multiple other servers/networks, all of which have been an enjoyable and prosperous experience. Most are due to the servers either not being able to make it mainly due to financial reasons, and only once have I left a server due to me not really enjoying it.

    7-Are You Currently Staff On Another Server?: No I am not, I like to only being staff one server at a time.

    8-What Is Your Skype Or Discord ID?: Discord - Jackk

    9-Do You Have A Decent Mic?: Yes

    04/09/2017 1:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    RyanPlaysMCForFun's Avatar
    04/07/2017 9:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    RyanPlaysMCForFun's Avatar
    Age: 16

    IGN: PotatoAssassin

    Skype: ShotsHaveBeenFired

    Timezone: PST (West Coast)

    Rank: Administrator

    Do you have any experience in this position, if so, where?: I have a very sufficient amount of experience in this position. Like most, I have been staff on other previous servers, and though it may have only been 5 other positions I have held, two of those have been Administrator rankings. All of my previous staffing experiences have been long and prosperous, and I would also like to add that I have had my most fun/long lasting/fortunate experiences in Admin position. The two times I had been admin were one being in a network, MCNetwork, and another being IgniteFactions. MCNetwork was the better of the two, as I feel as I had a much larger role to fulfill, as the network was the definition of professional.

    Why should you be staff on The Vortex Network?: For me, it's all about the mentality and mindset that you have when you apply or staff for a new server and or network. The application is just the beginning and lets the owners learn about you and such, while if you are accepted, you are expected to do fit that position perfectly. So, if I am in fact accepted, I will strive to be the better staff member on this team and network. I will be as helpful as possible, all the time; I pride myself in being a solid listener and then being able to do things based what I just heard. What puts me above the other applicants for this position, is my mentality in everything that I do. From Minecraft, to the real world, I dedicate myself to whatever project at hand, and will not quit until it is done just right. I am most definitely a people's person, I know how to work with all kinds of different attitudes and such. Even if I don't get along with someone as well, I will put that behind me and come in with a open mind. And finally I know when it's ok to joke around, and then when it is time to get serious, we have to have fun while were doing it so .

    How often can you play and how long a day?: I will play everyday, unless something comes up (which is quite rare), and I play around 3-5 hours a day.

    Basic overview of your skills: I have all of the skills and such needed for this rank, and more. I know how to work with people with ease and will dedicate myself to this server. I know how to deal with problems and root them out, and resolve them as quickly as possible. Dealing with people is what I am very strong at, and observing how others work and adjusting to their agendas, all of which you will see if I do get accepted.

    About Yourself: I play on my varsity High School Soccer team, and love to game on my computer and console. I have always been intrigued by Minecraft and the multiplayer side of it.

    Anything else? Nothing, but thank you for reading this!
    04/06/2017 1:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    RyanPlaysMCForFun's Avatar
    01/02/2016 3:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    RyanPlaysMCForFun's Avatar
    Moderator Application

    Age: 15

    Minecraft User Name: PotatoAssassin

    Have you ever been Moderator on another server: I have been Moderator on five other servers in my minecraft career (If my memory perceives me correctly.)

    How would you benefit this network - at least 3 lines: I would benefit this server by bringing a ton of different and unique characteristics and abilities. Some of these are that I am an extremely dedicated and determined minecraft player that will do anything to help make the players experience on CryptexMC the best it can be, I am a very hard worker and won't stop until the job is done, and lastly I am just a nice and chill kind that likes playing minecraft and is cool to hang around and talk to. Also, I have a very good eye for monitoring chats of all kinds of servers, even the big ones where there of thousands of messages coming in each minute. I don't tolerate spamming, cursing, sexual comments, and other stupid messages that just are totally immature.

    Why do you want to be Moderator on this network - at least 3 lines: I want to be Moderator in this network because I have always been a leader, whether it is from school to my club soccer team, I have always had the need to take the lead (#rhymes.) Being a Moderator on what appears to be a professional network will boost my confidence and my outgoing character allowing me to be the best that I can ever be as a network staff member. Another reason of why I would like to be Moderator is that I have always got angry or frustrated at the spammers in chat that would always advertise their servers for players or the people that think they can just spam inappropriate words or links, therefore ever since I became a moderator on a server or network I would make it my sole duty to clean the chat of all these nuisances.

    Have you ever been staff on another network before: I have been Moderator on one network before. This server was TheBlockMC which was a very large server averaging about 100 players, however this was shut down due to the owner having some family problems. However, this was a great experience for me as I grew in leadership skills and got a ton of experience being a moderator on a large network as I was there for about three months.

    Extra Information: My skype is ShotsHaveBeenFired. Thank you for reading this application and I wish the best of luck to your server.

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