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    02/17/2015 1:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    sadistickitten's Avatar
    *Admin Application
    IGN: SharpenUrFangs
    Age: 14. I am younger than the majority of people who have applied on here, but I can assure you that I am more mature than the average 14yr old.
    Bans: I have never been banned on a server. And, I don't plan on breaking the rules or doing anything unpleasant to result in being banned in the future.
    Experience being Staff: I have only been staff before on one minecraft server. Which, has actually shut down yesterday. Though, the website is still running so if you'd like the link to it for proof, I will provide it. I have also been staff on multiple forum sites.
    How mature are you: As I previously said in this app, I am very mature for my age. I have been told so by many other people in the past. And I myself, can point out the maturity level between myself, and other people my age.
    Why should I hire you?: I like to help people and I learn to know the rules clearly enough to know what to let pass and what to not. Also, I'm extremely patient when it comes to helping and introducing people to topics or ideas they may not be familiar with, and don't mind explaining it more than once, or in depth. I can also keep a level head, and won't take very much offense if someone is rude to me. I try to help out as much as I can when users have questions about certain things, and try to answer them to the best of my knowledge, or direct them onto the right path.
    How can you Help: I can help by doing multiple things. I am a decent builder. (I can provide screenshots for that.) I can keep players on track and make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. A lot of the answer to this question can actually be answered in the previous thing asked.
    Do you have Good Grammar: My grammar is very good.
    Time Zone: EST (UTC -5:00)
    Plugins/Building/Developing experience: I do not have any experience with plugins, due to being a member of staff teams with our own devs. I do have experience with building though. I have created multiple spawns for people.
    How much will you Dedicate to the Server: I am willing to dedicate atleast 6-8 hours per day. I have a lot of free time, so I'm able to log on and off of Minecraft frequently.
    How Long have you been Playing Minecraft: I've been playing since late 2012 or early 2013. I don't know the exact date.
    How will you Treat New Players: I will make sure to make the new players feel welcomed. I do not judge new players based on their maturity level, age, personality, etc.
    How will you Treat Rule-Breakers: Although how I treat rule-breakers mostly depends on your way of doing things, I do have a process of how I usually do things. (Using my previous staff experience as an example.) When someone broke a rule, depending on the severity of the rule broken I would either warn, kick, tempban, or even perm-ban them. For example, if someone was spamming I would warn them. If they proceeded to do so, it would result in a kick. And lastly, if they came back after being kicked it would be a tempmute. Afterwards, tempban, ban, etc.
    Why we should Pick You (5 sent. min.): I can promise you that I will take my job very seriously. I have never lied in an important situation. Or Purposely broken a rule. You will be able to trust me, and I will never do something to lose your trust. And, I have several staff experiences.
    Anything Else: I think I have provided enough information in my application. Therefor, I am deeply sorry for the novel I have written. If you do not feel that I am worthy for admin, feel free to assign me to moderator if I am accepted.
    02/17/2015 12:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    sadistickitten's Avatar
    IGN - SharpenUrFangs
    Previous IGN (If changed in name changes) - N/A

    Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application -​ Yes, I understand that asking a staff member about my app, results in an instant deny to my application.

    Age - 14. I very well know that I am young, but I promise you that I am more mature than the average 14 year old.

    Timezone - ​EST (UTC -5:00)

    What time are you most often on? (your time) - ​On schooldays I'm usually able to come on at 2:30-3pm. After that time, I'm available pretty much anytime throughout the day.

    Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? -​ No, I am only fluent in English.

    When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? - ​I started playing Minecraft back in 2012 or early 2013.

    Have you ever been banned or temp banned on any server? -​ No, and I don't plan on breaking the rules or doing anything unpleasant to result in being banned in the future. (On any server)

    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? - ​I have been a moderator on one other minecraft server. Which was actually shut down yesterday due to not having enough donations to keep it up and running. (If you would like, I could send you the link to the website, which is still up and running.) I have also been staff on multiple forum sites.

    How many hours can you contribute per day? - ​ ​I'm able to come on to atleast six to eight hours per day. Although, it's usually more, since my time on the computer isn't exactly limited. So, if needed, I could be more active.

    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? - I would advise them to be very patient with the person they were dealing with. Younger people tend to be less mature than others, so I'd advice them to keep a level head, explain things in depth, and to not take much offense when that person is rude to you.

    Do you have any experience with depression? How have you dealt with this? - No, I do not have any experience with depression myself. But I have dealt with people who have gone through it/still going through it. When someone is feeling down, I always tell them that I'm a person they can come to talk about things. I don't judge people for there past, actions, etc.

    Do you use the teamspeak and a microphone? - ​I do not use teamspeak. But if it is required I could make arrangements. Although prefer skype. (I have a working microphone.)

    Are you able to record? -​ I am able to, but i'd rather not.

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