SaltyDipper's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    08/07/2019 9:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SaltyDipper's Avatar
    This is my application for Admin on the MurderStroke serve.

    -IGN: SaltyDipper

    -Preferred Name: Salty

    -Position: Admin/Moderator

    -I think I would be a fantastic moderator because with my time in the Navy in charge of people and leading them in the right direction. I have learned how to carry myself professionally and handle issues in a calm and routine way every time.
    -I've been playing since back in 2009 and took a brake after high school, joined the Navy and 2 years later here I am.
    -I had been a builder and then admin on 2 other sever a couple of years ago for about a year each. I was admin/builder there for a little over a year. I monitored chat and people using X-Ray mods and other hacks. I used to be pretty proficient at world edit but all memory of that is almost gone.
    -A little about myself: I'm 22 years from the state of Missouri but currently in SoCal. I enjoy learning how to make music and playing the video games. I have dreams of one day starting up a stable youtube/twitch channel.

    -Why I want to be staff on the you server: I miss the days of old. Playing minecraft with my buddies and staying up all night doing funny things on the server (back when we all used skype calls)

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