Sheabutterxo's Avatar
Level 1
New Crafter

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    01/05/2014 12:21 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Sheabutterxo's Avatar
    Name: Shea (pronounced Shay)
    IGN: Sheabutterxox
    Age: 18
    Games: Minecraft, SC II, GW II, LoL, Civ V, MTG- more.
    Consoles: PC
    Gender: Female
    Skype: Sheabutterxo
    Can you Stream/Record?: Not sure... Maybe?
    Are you nice?: Psh, I'm Canadian what do you expect?
    Mic: Yes, kind of shitty though.
    01/05/2014 12:08 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Sheabutterxo's Avatar
    Oh so am I .. Dumb me.
    01/05/2014 12:08 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Sheabutterxo's Avatar
    IGN: Sheabutterxox
    Skype Sheabutterxo
    Why do you think I should pick you?: I am absolutely in love with minecraft and meeting new people. If you want someone who can sit there and chat with you while casually playing in your girl.
    Why are you applying?: Need new friends who play minecraft. Most of them have left me for League of Legends (Hate the new updates so I basically have quit)
    Age (will not effect):18
    If you have any screenshots please post: Don't see the relevance.
    Experience: I have played minecraft for a very long time and took part (created) a club within my residence at University x.x
    Can you host a server for us to build in?: If someone teaches me how
    When have you started building?: ....Isn't that what minecraft is about?
    Where do you live? Winnipeg, Manitoba (Have fun looking that one up)

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