ShelLuser's Avatar
Level 57
Grandmaster Engineer

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  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    January 19, 2021, 8:58 pm to Public
    Took a break from Minecraft but getting back into it somewhat; this evening I mined 73 obsidian using a plain diamond pickaxe in singleplayer and guess what? It was quite satisfying! The Nether has definitely improved!
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    November 20, 2020, 1:07 pm to Public
    Last week someone thanked me through Steam for liking their post on PMC. I'll take the PMC community over the "official" forum any day of the week, thank you very much!
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    October 5, 2020, 1:37 pm to Public
    Amazing, it's Minecraft snapshot season already!
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    April 3, 2020, 9:35 pm to Public
    YEARS ago I asked to the 'powers that be' if server reviews would be allowed. They were, and I don't see anything which hints that things might have changed. To this end I got a new Minecraft account and started visiting the 3 main servers I like the most (Hi Empathy!). Pardon my bias but she deserves it! Aaaanyway, expect 3 reviews of 3 servers written in an non-biased form (I'm also going to point out the bad stuff) within 3 - 6 months. I know that is a huge long time period but I have no other choice (some people have to work during this crisis and that's not always fun or easy!). So why post this you ask? To make it work! This is a promise, and I intend to keep those. This will "force" me to make this happen. But within due time.
    ShelLuser said 2024-01-21 17:06:49
    ShelLuser's Avatar
    And so far it never did. But I do not forget, and yes: Emparhy is special. But Imma gonna to better, WE are gonna do better (thanks Aya!!). => to be continued.
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    February 9, 2020, 7:46 pm to Public
    So we get to keep the black cat, I think that's pretty cool! Steam always has nice stuff which expires, I really like that the cat remains :)
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    October 20, 2019, 12:50 am to Public
    Gratz to PMC for trying something new, Ender is a great idea (honest!). But... being the 1488'th out of 1488 who discovered him? Not sure how that is supposed to motivate me or any other future visitors...
    PMC said 2019-11-06 11:56:46
    PMC's Avatar
    Looks like you never found Batty, though :)
    AyanamiKun said 2019-10-20 09:58:47
    AyanamiKun's Avatar
    [bgcolor=#fff]I want an Ender tooo! why can't i borrow urs? ^.^ anyway, ur now 1488 out of 1506 so ur not last anymore, yaay! :)[/bgcolor]
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    October 12, 2019, 7:56 pm to Public
    Signs that you really love Minecraft: you have several extra accounts to enjoy. Besides my main account I have 2 more; one fully dedicated to my overall favorite server and one which is basically my 'official' alt (hmm, maybe I should vent in the blog section about this). And then there's AyanamiKun, who is special to me. Some consider her an alt because we play from the same IP address, some consider her an alt because when it was time to move together I had to run over to her laptop :P All we know for sure is that she's not called the Stig! :P
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    October 2, 2019, 7:49 pm to Public
    So this evening I've been on the road so to speak and experimenting a bit with MC 1.14 on my laptop. What do you know? It's a lot more revolutionary than I gave it credit for at first; keyword: strict JSON. If you enjoy setting up custom items (looking at you server owners) then you're going to love 1.14: pretty much everything can customized. From item names and even item Lore (!). Time to re-new my "coding guide" soonish.
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    September 30, 2019, 8:39 pm to Public
    Minecraft is the kin of game you keep coming back to from time to time. And when you do... well.. each to their own of course but for me it's once again an awesome experience.
    EmpathyHeals said 2019-10-01 00:40:00
    EmpathyHeals's Avatar
    Such similar sentiments...

    Minecraft is the kind of game a server owner loves to see people who left come back to from time to time. And when they do... well.. each to their own of course, but for me it was once again an awesome experience seeing you. And AyanamiKun too :).

    Thank you for dropping in on Empathy 2.0 tonight (and sorry for the beta related glitches).
    I look forward to seeing you both again next time, and hoping it will be soon.

  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    September 28, 2019, 4:37 pm to Public
    Meh, kinda unimpressed with Minecon this year. It's all about people and hardly about Minecraft itself anymore. If I wanted to look at gameshows I can also turn on the television... Not very excited about piglins which - to me - look a lot like re-purposed pillagers to me; they even have their own "nether ravager". On the positive side I do like the idea of golden armor finally getting a real purpose.

    The only thing I do hope for is that Mojang will finally finish 1.14 by finally giving the fletcher & smithing table a proper function. I think it's kinda weird to release a game that allows you to craft a block that basically does nothing for you....
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    September 28, 2019, 9:50 am to Public
    I feel like a weekend rant coming up, and what better topic than Minecraft? Blog section here I come! (as soon as I can get myself a little help)...
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    September 27, 2019, 4:28 am to Public
    So many plans, so little time these days :/ Started playing a new 1:14 world on my laptop. I have to say: campfires are very useful indeed :)
    AbstractKitten said 2019-09-27 05:00:19
    AbstractKitten's Avatar
    and cute too. :D
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    April 13, 2019, 11:02 pm to Public
    I played 1.14 with Aya today (she's now on PMC too, I am very excited about this!) and we're (= joint effort) gonna share a review very soon. 1.14 has its good parts (cool new villager & pillager stuff) but also bad parts (why does the server.jar insist on me telling it NOT to use a gui on a frickin' server?!!).
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    April 12, 2019, 7:33 pm to Public
    1.14 pre-release came out, means 1.14 is getting really close now. Exciting times!
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    April 2, 2019, 6:49 am to Public
    Minecraft 3D (shareware) is probably the best Minecraft version I ever played! Just too bad my hardware is too good for the game ;)
    EmpathyHeals said 2019-04-02 11:54:37
    EmpathyHeals's Avatar
    I would love to see Minecraft in 3D.
    *wave* ShelLuser
    ShelLuser said 2019-04-02 06:50:19
    ShelLuser's Avatar
    No promises but I'll try to review this amazing game later this week :)
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    March 21, 2019, 12:53 pm to Public
    For the record: No, I (/we) are not looking for a new Minecraft server. Sending me private messages to try and persuade me to join one will only have the totally opposite effect: I'm going to steer clear from you and your server best as I can. Just saying....
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    March 19, 2019, 2:44 am to Public
    W00t, my new laptop is gonna be delivered today! Nothing too spectacular (its main use will be Office related), however; it will be the first laptop I own which can run Minecraft. That should be fun: being able to work on some ideas while on the road.
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    March 18, 2019, 2:08 am to Public
    Know what I love best? Posting a thread and people respond to it, often with good stuff too! I have been a bit absent but watch me... PMC is special, and about to become more even :)
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    January 25, 2019, 4:15 pm to Public
    Finally, I am back. For real this time. A new computer, a new beginning. I'll tell you this: Windows 10 is a pretty amazing operating system.
    ShelLuser said 2019-01-25 16:38:29
    ShelLuser's Avatar
    No way. And I'll soon be back on Discord too, once I get my verification code. I would have been back sooner, were it not for my PC issues. And even though I could browse on my backup machine it's not good for your motivation if you type in a sentence and then see the letters appear 5 seconds afterwards (I'm a decently fast typist).

    But that's all in the past now :)
    Cyprezz said 2019-01-25 16:28:31
    Cyprezz's Avatar
    Welcome back! Thought you were gone forever :(
  • ShelLuser's Avatar
    November 24, 2018, 9:27 pm to Public
    Current status: I am not happy (sorta). My new PC will become a thing after the 28th of December, but it should be good. In the mean time I managed to get Minecraft going on my FreeBSD server but only up to 1.12.2. 1.13 and beyond uses a new version of lwjgl Java library, which my system obviously doesn't have (yet).

    I really don't like how I was never able to join the Halloween festivities but we're going to get "revenge" for that; my gf came over for the weekend and her laptop contained a draft of my story which I totally forgot about.

    So yeah: coming soon: Shell's delayed Halloween story.
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