I'm Cyprezz the owner and lead developer of PMC, a slice of the internet that feels like home. Thanks for hanging out here.
I like the freedom to be creative and the process of having an idea, building it from the ground up and watching it become something you can be proud of. Minecraft provides this opportunity and we're all watching as the community takes their own ideas and expresses them into the Minecraft medium.
Like many others, gaming is the main reason I became interested in Computer Science. My first experience of utilizing a computer as a tool for creativity, not just using it, was creating custom Quake II skins, maps and developing a very simple HTML website for a gaming clan. I'd stay up late with my brother and sister and wake up early to fit more game time in before catching the bus. I still miss playing Starcraft & Asheron's Call. My senior year in high school, I took a QBasic class, programmed a Frogger clone and I was hooked. I loved telling a computer what to do, watching a program evolve into something I could not only use myself but continue to tweak and improve on over time. It's a fun and rewarding process.
Pixel Art by ZappyGru |
After high school, I decided to major in Computer Science which eventually became my minor as I switched to a New Media major and focused on web development. I continued gaming late into the night, even during my Masters degree. In fact, I know I logged more hours in gaming than I needed to study. I learned a lot by working at a student run, new media service on real world projects. Everything felt like it could be solved or improved on with code. Conceptualizing creative solutions keeps me up at night and gets me up in the morning. I still plan on developing a game someday, just not yet.
After college, I did freelance web development for a number of years. While doing client work, I developed and launched a side project, gamesprays.com, a community site sharing game sprays, digital in-game graffiti art, primarily for Valve's games, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead and Counter Strike. Working on that site pushed my skills in programming, interface design and online content & community management. My Gamesprays code base would eventually lay the foundation for planetminecraft.com.
I started playing Minecraft in 2010 and like so many others, lost a grasp on space and time. Hours flew by and everything was made, or would soon be made, of blocks. There was and still is nothing quite like Minecraft. Besides the fact that the game itself provides total freedom of creativity, almost everything about the game could be modified from the skins to the code base. The idea to support the community in sharing their creations and custom game content was a instant click. I launched planetminecraft.com on November 8th, 2010 with only a project section, posted my own projects and shared the launch on reddit.com/r/minecraft. As more and more members began sharing their own projects, the site took on a life of it's own and grew with the explosive popularity of Minecraft. It's amazing to watch the game evolve and be a part of the community.
In 2013,
Paril became an Admin and started development work for Planet Minecraft! He's taken lead on website optimization with specialization in JavaScript. Paril developed the forums, tickets, PMCSkin3D, PMCView3D ( 3D Map Viewer) , Banner Editor, Papercraft and many systems behind the scenes. He's a friend of mine with an honest heart and PMC would not be what it is today without his talents, feedback and help.
Today, I can look back and feel humbled while still looking forward to the growing possibilities of the game and the evolution of PMC.