- H.P. Lovecraft - The Werethulhu (2 side) [Flipped ver in desc]Minecraft Skin7.4k 905 27
sir_sasquatch 11/18/20 6:17 • posted 3/29/17 5:33
- Big Boss AKA Snake - Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain - sneaking suit + 5 additional skin variationsMinecraft Skin7.6k 1.2k 23
sir_sasquatch •10/2/15 8:29
- Gustave H - The Grand Budapest Hotel [1.8+] (detailed front)Minecraft Skin1.9k 228
sir_sasquatch •10/1/15 4:09
- My Art Skills [50 subs special]Art Blog1.1k 117x 1
sir_sasquatch 1/7/15 12:14 • posted 5/12/14 6:21
- nanobot soldier (1.8 only and greater in 3Dview) birthday special :DMinecraft Skin1k 35 19
sir_sasquatch •7/15/14 4:59
- Pu Endar - God of the sky islands (above the Clouds skin contest)Minecraft Skin7.8k 1.8k 47
sir_sasquatch •6/20/14 7:44