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    06/10/2014 8:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Yah Now theres always //undo and //redo
    04/20/2014 3:48 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Not To rain on your parade But you spelled Denied wrong
    04/20/2014 3:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    noahjscModerator and builder spots open.


    Age(minimum 12):13

    Ign: sirryan2002

    Skype(optional):No Skype

    Maturity 1/10:8

    Experience: 5 Years Plus Ive been staff on 20+ servers

    Why you want to be staff?: I love being Staff it gives you the chance to be part of a minecraft community Also I Get to Help and Out and keep my self busy

    What you would do if you were staff: Help Players if needed Build When need and follow the rules In every way

    Why you think you should be staff: Well i have had So much experience with server and i like to help out new to almost new servers making sure they become better and better until theres players constantly joining

    Whats special about you?:I like Redstone and command blocks (im good at them) Im smart friendly and usually on a lot.

    A player send one of your staff members and ip for a server, offering a job what would you do? I would Message You and i would say no advertising and give them a warning but i cant really do anything more then a punishment because its there choice and there not much you can do but punish them which would send out a bad message to other players.
    04/07/2014 11:33 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Well Really.... That is longer than most people put down..
    04/07/2014 11:32 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    [quote="boxturtle_27"]I am a server owner looking for builders, youtubers and a Moderator.

    IGN: sirryan2002
    Timezone: Eastern USA
    Why should we choose you?Ive been playing a long time ive learned how to deal with challanges in the servers and dealing with unwanted things or people in servers ive had so much experience in being staff. Not to Mention i play minecraft a lot and tend to stick to keeping servers safe from griefers and hackers
    Why do you want to be any of the above? Well I Love Minecraft!! Its Fun to see new people and help out servers. Ive been Playing minecraft for about 5 years and have learned a lot about being staff and building making redstone machines and learning how to deal with hackers, cheaters, greifers, Etc.
    What are your Skills? Redstone, Im Not the Best Builder But im good at Building
    What Position do you prefer?Moderator Or Higher

    Thx For Reading

    04/05/2014 9:40 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    MinePLAY MC Servers
    Why should I pick you? I love Being Staff on servers I get to meet new people I also Love Helping It keeps me doing something all the time im also very good in redstone and am a partially a good builder i have had many experiences on other servers being Moderator Admin Co Owner And Head Admin
    What are you applying for? Anything That is a bit higher then moderator
    Are you nice to people? Very Nice It just matters how there acting And if There being Complete Jerks
    Will you abuse your powers? No I have never before abused my powers even if i have and i dont remember its for something very small
    How many hours a day can you be on? Usually 1-6 Depending What day in the week and what time of the Year

    Thanks For Reading This


    You are accepted please register at

    Np Already Did Before You Told me
    04/03/2014 2:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Why should I pick you? I love Being Staff on servers I get to meet new people I also Love Helping It keeps me doing something all the time im also very good in redstone and am a partially a good builder i have had many experiences on other servers being Moderator Admin Co Owner And Head Admin
    What are you applying for? Anything That is a bit higher then moderator
    Are you nice to people? Very Nice It just matters how there acting And if There being Complete Jerks
    Will you abuse your powers? No I have never before abused my powers even if i have and i dont remember its for something very small
    How many hours a day can you be on? Usually 1-6 Depending What day in the week and what time of the Year

    Thanks For Reading This

    04/02/2014 5:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Well... Theres a list

    Quarantine 1 & 2
    Divergent 1 & 2
    Hunger Games series
    I am number four series
    04/01/2014 7:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Awesome but... What dah ip?
    04/01/2014 7:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Hi My IGN is sirryan2002 and im 15 years old I have a lot of exp with Rollercoaster, Command blocks, Redstone and other themeparks i have worked with some people on a server that i believe has shut down. Thats it if you need any help just ask me im here at your disposal as long as i can help build/fix things
    01/03/2014 12:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar

    Mine would be "Shh, we dont want to wake the man eating mouse"
    01/03/2014 12:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    waffleminecraftServer IP:
    Vote for free rank with fly ability and other abilities

    Can i haz free rank?
    12/30/2013 5:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    12/30/2013 5:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Oh well it was worth a try I really wish there wasnt a age limit bye And anyway most of my bans are old and one of them was just kicking me off a server just for getting on
    12/30/2013 2:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Sirbacon101Your Minecraft name: sirryan2002
    (CaSe SeNsiTiVe)

    Your age: 17

    Your Location/Country: USA, Michigan- Id rather not give away were im exactly at

    Have you been banned from any other servers? Yes Because Ever heard about ICHG and team avolition i was being a idiot and griefing just for the fun of it and really i have not stole anything or griefed anyone for the past year or 2 and my most recent ban was a accident ^_^
    (We check for recent bans on other servers and If your answer is yes, please add how long ago and why? )

    Why would you like to join our server? Because i like small private servers. You get to learn about the players around you and it harder to do that in a public server. You also work together a little more. You make more friends and have a little more fun.

    Anything else you want to tell us about yourself? Well im good with redstone ive played minecraft for about 5 years Im not the best pvper and like to try new things also im not a type to cuss

    Also i am one to agree with the rules and follow them in any possible way
    12/30/2013 2:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Your Minecraft name: sirryan2002
    (CaSe SeNsiTiVe)

    Your age: 17

    Your Location/Country: USA, Michigan- Id rather not give away were im exactly at

    Have you been banned from any other servers? Yes Because Ever heard about ICHG and team avolition i was being a idiot and griefing just for the fun of it and really i have not stole anything or griefed anyone for the past year or 2 and my most recent ban was a accident ^_^
    (We check for recent bans on other servers and If your answer is yes, please add how long ago and why? )

    Why would you like to join our server? Because i like small private servers. You get to learn about the players around you and it harder to do that in a public server. You also work together a little more. You make more friends and have a little more fun.

    Anything else you want to tell us about yourself? Well im good with redstone ive played minecraft for about 5 years Im not the best pvper and like to try new things also im not a type to cuss

    I would no matter what follow the rules even if that means turning off redstone machines and no matter what i never grief anymore its a horrible thing ruining creations
    12/30/2013 1:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Start over make everyone default rank except for donaters or lower
    either ban or set all admins to default rank.

    Btw i could help you with a new server
    im a good builder and am awesome with redstone
    12/28/2013 9:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    Things with headphones I ####### hate them
    12/28/2013 9:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Sirbacon101's Avatar
    17. Abusing or being a jerk and forcing people to hug creepers

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