Sirium's Avatar
Level 57
Grandmaster Artist Network

Hello Planet Minecraft!

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Welcome to Sirium Studio!

Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro, we're here to empower your
creativity and welcome you to our familiar private build

Building Community

At SiriumMC, we're not just about providing tools – we're about
fostering a community of builders who share their passion for creation.
Our team, comprised of seasoned MC builders including DerpyDee_,
AlienMeaning, Misoh_, PegasusFieber17, Darth_E, and Flexx47, will try
to assist executing ideas efficiently!

Unlock Your Creativity

Manage your own world and schematics, use our amazing presets and
shortcuts, and make use of WorldEdit, Arceon, BuildersUtilities,
GoBrush, GoPaint, Voxelsniper, MetaBrushes, MetaEdits and more..

Why is it private?

Well, first, resources do not grow on trees no?
The biggest reason for us to run is, to provide a lovely Minecraft workspace to ourselves..
We want to worry less about people trying to do bad stuff, and focus more on a harmonic environment.

We are sorry for our today's payment wall, but we want to be surrounded by people who really want to create!

Don't miss any free downloads on Discord via
Planet Minecraft


© 2010 - 2024
