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Level 1
New Crafter

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    04/05/2014 11:00 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    In-game name: Skeletonman316

    Location: USA (EST)
    Minecraft experience: 2.5 years
    Why you want to apply: its hard to find a good community of gamers for minecraft and I have been wanting to join one and make friends and have fun with them at the same time. thank you for your time

    "vanilla rain"
    04/03/2014 4:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    What is your minecraft player name? Skeletonman316
    What is your age?: 16
    How long have you been playing minecraft?: about 2.5 years now
    Do you have a youtube channel? If yes, do you plan to record?(Not required): I do and I am not sure if I am going to record or not
    What is your skype account?(You will be added to a groupchat with all the players.): Skeletonman316
    Who is your favorite mindcracker?: oo this is hard.....beef, etho or guude
    What is your favorite playstyle?: survival
    What is your favorite buildstyle?: just whatever I feel like at the time

    Are you mature enough to be on the server?: I am sure you would get this a lot that "I am mature" but they are just saying that, but trust me when I say I am mature and I like to have fun as well

    Explain why you should be let onto the server?: I get along with people very well. im the kind of guy that always makes people laugh and have fun, I try to as helpful with people as possible no matter what is needed. but I also like to have fun and make new friends
    Show any builds you have made(Not required. but preferred): sorry I don't have any
    Favorite block?: uh I guess clean stone or redstone block
    03/07/2014 2:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    I can today if you want
    03/04/2014 6:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar




    *Proof of previous builds:i don't take pics of them sorry

    Why should we pick you over other builders? because I enjoy building and having fun with it. as well as making incredible things that help out

    Which build styles are you good at? im good at medieval. not so good with really detailed stuff. ok at modern

    Anything Else?: if theres anything else you need help with I amm here
    03/04/2014 6:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    Why should I accept you:Ive been looking for an awesome servr to have fun on and make new friends that are also mature. I have never griefed or hacked in my life I swear
    Talents:Good builder, miner, um if talking about in real life then swimmer and mathuh and being funny
    How much Will you Play: atleast an hour a day
    03/04/2014 6:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar

    Name: Casey
    Age (must be 11+): 16
    Skype (must have):Skeletonman316
    Maturity (out of 10, please be honest): 8
    Dedication (minimum 1 hour on workdays): atleast an hour a day
    Region/Time Zone (It may affect your place):EST
    Any extra information (experience):have done some recording with friends
    03/04/2014 6:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    I don't have any pics of my builds can I still qualify?
    03/03/2014 9:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    Skype Username: Skeletonman316


    Minecraft username: Skeletonman316 as well


    Why do you want to join our server: Im a mature minecraft player that has been wanting to find an awesome whitelisted survival surver because I hate griefers and people being stupid. I've always enjoyed playing on a multi player server and making new friends and helping out people as best as I can

    Youtube Channel:MrSkeletonman316

    Can you record for Youtube: Not really. I have onevideo and tht was for a test

    Do you have a Laptop or Destop:desktop

    Thank you for reading this and I hope to be accepted.
    03/03/2014 9:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    If you still need help im here
    IGN: Skeletonman316
    03/03/2014 7:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    Ign: Skeletonman316
    Building experince (1-10): in my opinion a 7-8 because the really really detailed buildings im ok at.
    why you want to become a builder: I really enjoy building and helping people and seeing how my buildings come out. as well as having fun making new friends
    what you can build: any servers you have been staff on: midevil kind of stuff, anything really. whatever you need
    03/01/2014 2:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    What is your IGN:Skeletonman316
    YouTube: I have a channel and I have like one video just to test but haven't recorded since.
    How many videos will you put a week if you record: depends on if I et any help on any recording software (cheese is my favorite food)
    What is your experience with Minecraft: About 2 years of playing it. I've played all kinds of Minecraft, survival, factions, pvp, mini games, etc.
    What made you apply to this server: I've been looking for a good community of players that want to have fun playing the game and playing with eachother and making new friends
    How often will you play: Daily atleast and hour
    Why should I accept you: I want to have fun playing minecraft with people and not kill eachother all the time. have fun building, surviving and making some laughs. Im a friendly guy that likes to help people out however I can.
    What can you contribute to the server/what do you want to do: I can contribute u labor, I know it sounds weird but if anyone would need help I would try the best I can. As well as try to keep people laughing and enjoying the game.
    What do you like doing most on Minecraft: Building, mining
    Pictures of builds (optional): sorry I don't take pics...

    Thank you for reading this. I hope I can play with you sometime on the server.
    03/01/2014 2:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    - Minecraft Name: Skeletonman316
    - Age: 16
    - What type of player are you: laid back. miner/ worker and one that just wants to have fun
    -What got you intrested in my server: I've been looking for a nice survival server with cool people to have fun with.
    - What games do you like besides Minecraft: Call of Duty. Halo. Borderlands.
    - Will you join us on Skype: yes I will join you as much as I can
    - Anything else you want to add: just putting this in here. maturity level for me (1-10) 8. thank you for reading this and hope to be accepted
    02/23/2014 1:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    02/23/2014 1:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    Name: Casey (male)
    How long have you played Minecraft: About 2 and a half years
    How long have you played raiding servers: About a year
    Do you know the simple tips and tricks of raiding: more or less
    What is your prefered role(Soldier, Builder, Miner, Raider THERE WILL BE MORE LATER.): either a miner or builder. (more of miner)
    How long do you plan on being on the server at a time: atleast an hour a day
    02/13/2014 10:39 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    Youtube Channel link: I only ever recorded once or twice because it doesn't really work that well for me. but I have one video...
    Skype: Skeletonman316
    Age: 16
    02/12/2014 6:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    Name: Casey
    Youtube: (I will just give the link. I only have like 2 or 3 videos)
    thts my first video...
    Skype: Skeletonman316
    02/12/2014 6:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    IGN: Skeletonman316
    Skype: Skeletonman316
    Age: 16 (although I sound older)
    How long have you played minecraft: ive played minecraft for about 2.5 years now
    Be on server regularly? yes I plan to almost everyday for and hour or two. probably more
    Why do you want to join? I have been wanting to join a real vanilla server for a while with some cool people to have fun and enjoy minecraft with.
    best skill: mining and building. semi good with redstone
    worst skill: combat
    10/12/2013 10:28 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    Real name: Casey
    Age: 15 almost 16
    IGN: Skeletonman316
    Skype: Skeletonman316
    Channel: I would like to keep that private for now.
    Time zone: Eastern standard time
    Can you commit to this: Yes I can. I am on minecraft basically everyday. (yes I have an outside life. haha)
    10/11/2013 4:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    at the top of the screen it says new topic
    10/10/2013 8:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Skeletonman316's Avatar
    Name: Casey
    Minecraft Name: Skeletonman316
    Skype: Skeletonman316
    Age: 15 almost 16
    Funny? On a scale of 1-10 I would say an 8
    Recording software: I'm hoping to get a good recording software soon. Sorry if that is a problem.

    Thank you for reading this and I hope to be accepted.

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