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Level 55 Grandmaster Dragon

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    07/19/2016 2:44 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    Jungle Temples are the most interesting to me. Their traps and the password-locked chest are interesting redstone contraptions
    07/07/2016 8:22 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    Oh, so you're using one-command block creations?

    They will most likely be outdated (if you haven't already gotten new versions of them), so you might have to search for a new version.
    07/07/2016 8:20 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    You forgot a little "id:" in there!

    /testfor @e[type=Item] {Item:{id:minecraft:ender_eye,tag:{display:{Name:"Air Strike Summoner",Lore:[Summons An Airstrike!]}}}}
    07/07/2016 8:13 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    Would you mind posting the commands you are trying to use?

    Several different things about the way certain commands are structured have changed.
    06/30/2016 9:04 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    You can still do this - you just need to use redstone clocks instead.

    For the tags, however, it requires just a bit more.

    Simply replace the usage of a tag with another scoreboard objective. When the above command adds a tag, then set the objective to 1. When it removes the tag, set the objective to 0.

    You'll also need to replace the tag in the commands. Just use score_OBJECTIVE_min=1
    06/30/2016 2:15 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    You can use a command block scoreboard to replace your repeaters.

    Create a dummy objective. I'll be using one named GeyserTimer
    /scoreboard objectives add GeyserTimer dummy

    Next, spawn a dummy armorstand anywhere you want. I'll be naming it GeyserDummy.
    /summon ArmorStand ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"GeyserDummy",NoGravity:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,PersistenceRequired:1}

    Now keep this command repeating constantly:
    /execute @e[name=GeyserDummy,tag=GeyserStart] ~0 ~0 ~0 /scoreboard players add @e[name=GeyserDummy] GeyserTimer 1

    To start your geyser use this command:
    /scoreboard players tag @e[name=GeyserDummy] add GeyserStart

    Now add this code before all of your /setblock and /fill comands. Keep all of these commands constantly running as well. It'll be easy to make them repeat by using repeat command blocks.
    /execute @e[name=GeyserDummy,score_GeyserTimer_min=<TIME>,score_GeyserTimer=<TIME>] ~0 ~0 ~0

    Replace the <TIME>'s with your tick number. 20 ticks equal 1 second. For example, entering a number of 60 will delay the command by 3 seconds.

    Now, to end, you will need to use 2 commands. These 2 commands need to be repeating constantly like the rest.
    /execute @e[name=GeyserDummy,score_GeyserTimer_min=<TIME>,score_GeyserTimer=<TIME>] ~0 ~0 ~0 /scoreboard players tag @e[name=GeyserDummy] remove GeyserStart

    /execute @e[name=GeyserDummy,score_GeyserTimer_min=<TIME>,score_GeyserTimer=<TIME>] ~0 ~0 ~0 /scoreboard players set @e[name=GeyserDummy] GeyserTimer 0

    Remember to fill in numbers at the <TIME> marks. Put in the number of ticks you want to pass before the whole command chain ends.
    06/25/2016 1:34 am
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    I wanted to use lmgtfy at least once in my life...

    There you go!
    06/24/2016 6:02 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    06/16/2016 1:06 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    There are 2 ways to do this.

    You can use a chain command block - then set it to conditional mode. This will make it run its command when the command block before it ran its command successfully.

    The other (older) way is to use a comparator. Having a command block with a comparator coming out from it will make the comparator power on when the command block successfully runs a command.
    06/13/2016 12:28 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    I thought Zombies, Spiders, Endermen, and Creepers were all called Creepers.

    I tried building a dam out of bedrock - I didn't know why the pistons didn't move

    I was just confused in general.
    06/11/2016 1:57 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    /effect person effect duration amplifier true
    06/08/2016 7:00 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    Movie Maker is pretty bad. A while ago, I found an incredible video editing software, and the plus is, is that it's free!

    It's called DaVinci Resolve. Here's a link to the website. ... nciresolve
    06/05/2016 12:56 am
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    06/02/2016 12:09 am
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    Make a DIY fan!
    05/30/2016 12:13 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    You can do scoreboard math.

    First you will have to make a new dummy objective. I will be calling it Two. You must set the score of this objective to 2 (simply set the score of Dummy to 2).

    Now you will need to run 2 commands in sequence to get your desired result.
    /scoreboard players operation PLAYER ObjectiveB = SELECTOR Objective A

    /scoreboard players operation PLAYER ObjectiveB /= Dummy Two

    Since Minecraft's scoreboard system doesn't support decimals, the system will either round up or round down (forgot which one it was) when dividing an odd number.
    05/25/2016 12:06 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    Alright. After a bit of playing around, I got it to work.

    You'll need to set the first command up as a repeat command block, and then the following commands on chain blocks. Order matters.

    /execute @a ~0 ~0 ~0 detect ~0 ~0 ~0 water 0 effect @p poison 1 1 true

    /scoreboard players tag @a add RidingBoat {RootVehicle:{Entity:{id:"Boat"}}}

    /effect @a[tag=RidingBoat] poison 0

    /scoreboard players tag @a remove RidingBoat
    05/05/2016 5:21 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    try adding on x=, y=, z=, and r= to your command.
    05/04/2016 3:49 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    EDIT: My bad, I only read the rest of the post now. This gives you a random number, but not a random redstone output. You will need to add on extra command blocks to get your desired redstone output.

    You can use command blocks' @r feature.

    Firstly, create a scoreboard objective. It will be a dummy objective. I'll be naming mine RANDOM.

    Summon a few invisible armorstands and name them each differently. (In example: Random1, Random2, Random3....). Now make sure all of these armorstands have the same tag. I'll be naming this tag Open.

    Whenever you want to randomize the score of RANDOM, use this chain of commands:
    /scoreboard players tag @r[type=ArmorStand,tag=Open] add Picked

    A little bit of delay later: (1 tick is fine for conditional chain command blocks, but 2 ticks are required for comparators.)
    /scoreboard players tag @e[type=ArmorStand,tag=Open] remove Open

    You will now need 1 repeating command block for each of your armorstands.
    /testfor @e[type=ArmorStand,tag=Open]

    Add on a conditional chain command block:
    /scoreboard players set Dummy RANDOM [NUMBER]

    If you want the random number to apply to a certain player/mob instead of globally, replace Dummy with your selector (@a,@p,etc).

    To make this mulitplayer compatible, try adding on extra systems, or more advanced, have the triggering player/mob spawn armorstands onto themselves the randomizing armorstands.

    Uses no redstone (only command blocks, if you chose to use conditional chains)
    Easily expandable

    Uses command blocks
    Uses entities
    04/14/2016 4:07 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    Draining and refilling water has always been a difficulty task - now doing it in the middle of a lake makes it even more difficult. It can be done - but it would probably result in a lake that does not look natural at all, and hence, remove the "secret" from the entrance.
    04/08/2016 8:57 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dragon
    Skitto493's Avatar
    Do you want to activate upon a specific item being dropped?
    Do you want to only activate once? (or a cooldown?)
    Do you want it to return the item immediately upon drop?

    I'll give a general item dropping ability activation I use.

    Run these commands in a chain on a clock. Order matters.

    /execute @e[type=Item,tag=!ItemCD] ~0 ~0 ~0 /scoreboard players tag @p add ItemDrop {Data tags here for specific item}

    You can have as many of this one as you want. This is where you execute your commands:
    /execute @a[tag=ItemDrop] ~0 ~0 ~0 <your command here>

    /execute @a[tag=ItemDrop] ~0 ~0 ~0 /scoreboard players tag @e[type=Item,c=1] add ItemCD

    /scoreboard players tag @a[tag=ItemDrop] remove ItemDrop

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