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Level 33 Artisan Wolf Whisperer

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    09/16/2014 6:42 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Get a nice studio apartment, nice car, invest it all and live off the interest. Oh how nicely I would live. Maybe give like a hundred million bucks to charity, because people dying is just not cool.
    09/12/2014 7:16 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    I wish I had gifs...
    09/12/2014 7:07 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    That's not how perspective works. It seems that this is 3 dimensional in a million wierd directions. The lines are all in the wrong places.
    09/12/2014 6:37 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    It's okay, I guess, but please PLEASE stop spamming about it.
    09/12/2014 4:57 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Mojang seems to be doing a good enough job on the game, except for their girlfight with bukkit. It's of sentimental value really, I just don't want to let my dev team go. My dev team!
    09/12/2014 4:54 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Click to reveal
    September 9th, 2027, was a day to be rembered, when a collossal wave of electromagnetic pulses and solar wind swept the earth, stripping its atmosphere and magnetic field of any substance, as well as destroying every electronic device in the world.
    So deeply did humanity rely on technology that it was utterly destroyed in one fell swoop.
    This is the story of Alley Lang- a smart fourteen-year old, her story told far into the future past her death.

    It was a thursday evening, and Alley Lang did not like thursdays. Because of this she was sitting and listening to music quietly, in the solitude of her own room.
    “Alley!” her mother’s voice rang, abnormally loud through the concrete floor below. “Come put these clothes away!”

    Alley hauled herself to her feet and trotted downstairs. Light filtered in through the frosted glass windows in the kitchen and struck her with astounding force as she came through into the living room. The largest wall of the house, a two-storey tall open area, was entirely of clear glass. Of course, there was a hard diamond coating on the outsides to protect it. Although giving the view a slightly bluish tint the diamond made up for that one shortfall by remaining scratchless and clear as water for years after installment. It was this hard window that Alley found her mother standing on the other side of, on the balcony, folding some dry clothes.

    Alley slid open the door soundlessly and stepped out next to her mother.
    “I’ll help finish the folding,” she said, taking a pair of dark trousers from the rack. She looked out at the endless sea of blue, solar rooves- her apartment in the Chaplin Building was at the fiftieth floor, a little higher than most buildings in New Argentum.

    Alley had until recently wondered often why the Chaplin building was named so, having only recently learning about its namesake, Charlie Chaplin. Why a high-rise buiding had to be named after an ancient mime, she couldn’t understand. He must have been pretty famous for his name to have lasted nearly a hundred years without his being in a position of power.

    Carrying the clothes upstairs, Alley heard a sound remarkably like a thunderclap. She pondered on it for a second, then dismissed it as fantasy- the day was bright, sunnier than the week preceding it, if that was even possible. She fed the clothes into their respective slots in the sorter, watching them zip out through the tube and sort themselves by colour and type along a rack. She took her mother’s clothes and fed those into the machine, which promptly broke down. The unwavering green light, embedded a millimetre under the translucent silicone, decided that it was ready to die.

    “Mum!” Alley called. “The sorter’s broken down.”
    “What?” Her mother sounded stressed. “Turn it back on again, I’m busy enough here as is.”
    Despite incessant prodding, the sorter refused to wake up and Ally ran back down the stairs. “It’s completely bro-” she began, before she saw the state of the house. The automatic blinds had released their grip and had completely closed. The fishtank had stopped bubbling. In fact, everything was dark and dead.
    “Mum, what did you do?”
    Alley heard a huge booming crash from the next room. Startled, she moved into the living room where everything was surprisingly normal. There weren’t too many devices that had shut down, so there wasn’t a difference as noticable as before. The only thing missing was-
    The suspended globe.

    The giant metal world map that hovered above the ground, suspended electromagnetically.
    Alley took a few steps forwards.
    Alley saw her mother dead under the globe, her face frozen in an unchangable expression of regret.

    Updated version, with more paragraph breaks and a few extra words- still need some character development, I guess, but I'm not sure how I can fit that in. It'll be nicer to read. I added a sort of explanation for how the globe could have fallen (I hadn't mentioned a boom or crash before, which such a large object would undoubtedly create).
    09/12/2014 8:54 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Put it this way-
    write a chapter for every little word block there and you'll have a full length story. That wouldn't even be too hard, a good book is like a fractal. You can always dive deeper.
    09/12/2014 8:52 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Actually I was inspired by Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke, as well as a video by the youtuber Scott Manley in which he mentioned a sort of apocalyptic event which would wipe out any long piece of metal (a.k.a electric wires, telephone cables). Humans rely more and more on electronics these days. In Rendezvous with Rama, there are several explaining the Spaceguard program which was created to warn the earth of incoming meteors, even though the story had nothing to do with meteors and Spaceguard had almost nothing to do with the story at all.
    09/12/2014 8:48 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    vikki7783Spacing - most people don't like reading blocks of text. I know you had paragraphs, but the space between them was 1 line. Make the text more spaced out, like this:

    (Insert paragraph)

    (Insert another paragraph)

    Pacing - all of it happened waaaay to quickly. One minute, you were talking about electromagnetics or something, then before you know it the clothes sorting thing is broken and the mother is dead. Take your time explaining the many techy words I'm sure most people don't know the meaning of.

    Spacing and pacing, okay.

    Character development - Like I said before, you rushed into the action before telling us about Alley. All we know is that she likes music and dislikes Thursdays. That's not nearly enough information on the characters. Why does she dislike Thursdays? What kind of person is she? What does she look like?

    So I guess I need to spend more time on the finer details.

    Vocabulary/description - Okay, we're all expected to be able to do better than 'Jimmy walked to the beach. He ate ice cream. He went swimming. He walked home.' But too much complicated description! It's a different story when you're writing a scientific report, but this is a novel. Having a few complicated words here and there is cool, but make it more simple in some places. Use short, sharp sentences with simpler language to make the reader want to keep reading, instead of using long, complex sentences that are more like dictionaries.

    I'll try and get rid of a few words. As mentioned below, that's what I'd actually say.

    Being casual - You sound too formal. I'm assuming that Alley is a teenager. Make her sound more like a teenager and less like a rocket scientist.

    Actually, I modelled Alley on myself. Being the ultimate nerd, I don't know how to talk any other way.
    09/12/2014 6:23 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    09/12/2014 5:13 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Unlike most here, I'd prefer it if it was shadowed by one colour only- nice artwork, though!
    09/12/2014 4:55 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    I agree entirely. It might seem a little critical, but it would make a great full-length story with a bit of work. Good luck.
    09/05/2014 11:17 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Yogscast USED to be good...
    Remember the original survival and shadow of israphel? That is what a minecraft channel SHOULD be.
    09/05/2014 4:37 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Don't post troll bait or they'll catch it
    09/05/2014 4:36 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    In-game IGN: xXyoloderp124Xx

    Age: 9

    timezone: idk, american

    Skype(optional): nt allowed

    Gym type: do u have dragons?

    Gym Team: what d u mean


    How long have you been on the server?(less than 1 hour=instant deny): i dont know what server ure taking abot

    How much time will you spent on the server per day(must be at least 2 hours+ per day)? idk a few mins maybe

    Experience with pixelmon/minecraft: idk what pixelmon is but i played mincraft since 1.7.2

    Why do you want to be Gym Leader?: cuz i work out

    Why should we choose you/what makes you different from other people who apply?: im 9 and im more swag then u

    Extra Info/tell us about you (optional): is a gym leader op?
    09/04/2014 11:39 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Late to the party, you'll probably never read this.
    I don't believe either the scientific or religious normal explanations- with the big bang, where did that matter all come from? With God, the question is where did God come from?

    I just don't think about the beginning of the universe.
    09/01/2014 3:14 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    8-16 mainly, occasionally an 18 or 22 year old. Minecraft used to be a fun, friendly game but now...
    08/30/2014 5:04 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Live in Wellington, NZ. Got the two earthquakes at 7 on the richter scale
    Luckily wellington is built to withstand earthquakes.
    08/30/2014 5:03 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Please stop bumping, your projects do not take priority over others.

    The building itself is not bad, but the project overall does not impress me. It's small, in an unoriginal style and the fancy pictures are its best features.
    It is not a bad project like most I see, but there are some things that get too much attention and leave none for the really good stuff.
    08/29/2014 7:18 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Wolf Whisperer
    SkyGeckoMC's Avatar
    Dont' bother with girls until you get out of high school. Out of 5 i've had one good relationship. I wanted to marry her, but it was all screwed up by the disgrace of human being known as her mother.

    Girls in middle/high school only care about themselves.

    Relationships from age 11-17 are awful

    Yes, kid relationships suck, but seriously?
    I've never seen something so obviously sexist, saying that girls only care about themselves yet feeling entitled like they owe you something, like it's your job to be their boyfriend.
    Once apon a time, you liked a girl. She didn't like you back. The end.
    What, you want me to go make you dinner?

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