SmellyCarcass's Avatar
Level 7 Apprentice Pirate

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    09/05/2013 12:22 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    What a nice spawn you have there, what a shame I ruined it...

    Pro tip: Protect your spawn next time

    Luv u <3
    04/17/2012 6:14 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    Admin App

    IGN: SmellyCarcass
    Where are you from?: Venezuela But I live in Florida
    Overall experience: 10/10
    Staff experience: I have been Admin on 8 servers
    Building experience: I have built the eifel tower, Pyramids of Giza, a rollercoaster (Big one), and many more stuff
    What does an admin do in-game?: They take control of the server and stop any griefers on the server and just make it a peaceful place
    Are you mature?: Yes I am very mature 10/10
    Enything else?: Not really no
    04/17/2012 6:11 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    Name: Christian Dietrich
    Age: 14
    IGN: SmellyCarcass
    Can you run the server?: No sorry I cant
    Do you have skype (better chance of being picked): christian.dietrich2
    Spot applying for: Admin
    Why should you be chosen?: I have been Admin on 8 other servers and I ran one server on my own (Hamachi though)
    Ever been banned? (BE HONEST): No, well actually once but I was framed for a griefing on
    Ever Greif? (BE HONEST): No
    Times you will play...
    My time zone is:
    SUN: 11-9
    04/17/2012 6:04 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    IGN: SmellyCarcass
    Age: 14
    Previous staff experience?: Admin on 8 servers. Used to be owner on my own server called AmeriCraft
    How often can you play?: 4-6 hours a day
    What timezone are you in?: EST
    04/09/2012 10:14 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    IGN: SmellyCarcass
    Timezone: Eastern Timezone- America
    Do you have skype: Yes
    Age: 14
    Cracked or Legit Minecraft: Legit
    Griefed Before: Not at all
    04/08/2012 8:14 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    IGN: SmellyCarcass
    Mod,Co-Owner: Mod
    New Server Ip (Who Can Set Up the server to be owner with me). : I dont know how sorry
    Tell me I want 2 Mods and 1 Co-Owner so enter fast!!!
    04/08/2012 12:05 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    Name: SmellyCarcass
    Age: 14
    Rank: Admin
    Skype: christian.dietrich2
    Mature Lvl: 10/10
    Exp: Admin on 8 servers including SkyCraft, AguaCraft, and CowNation
    Reason: I just find it very fun to help out people on servers when they truly need it at risky times
    03/28/2012 11:19 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    IGN: SmellyCarcass

    Country - United States

    What past experience have you had with administration? - I am currently an admin on and AguaCraft. I have been an owner on RainbowCraft and AmeriCraft.

    How would you deal with someone who grieved? - First of all if it wasn't that bad I would warn them. If it was sorta bad I would Jail them and then it would lead to TempBan or Ban

    What would the mature thing to do be if someone was being racist, sexist or insulting to you? - First of all i would kick then tempban then ban

    What would you do if someone asked for Operator or ranks? - I would say no and dont ask again

    How would you act when someone joined the server for the first time? - I would be friendly and show them around

    Are you impatient? Do you listen to people? - Of course I am patient

    Do you think you are a 'fair' user? - Yep I have never griefed or been bad to other players

    Do you feel you can enforce rules to a high standard? - Of course, rules are like the heart. Its the base of the server

    Have you ever been banned? (If so, for what reason?) - No

    What do you feel 3 key elements to keeping a strong server are? - Watch over the server, help out, and be friendly

    (PM your skype to me if you are accepted.)
    03/28/2012 12:25 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    IGN: SmellyCarcass
    Age: 14
    Mod or Admin?: Admin
    Why you want the position: I just really find it fun to help people out on servers that need help on! I have been Admin on 7 servers (btw)
    Skye Name(If you have skype): christian.dietrich2
    03/26/2012 7:20 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    Hi man, I would really like to be an Admin because I have been one on about 7 servers. I am very good with plugins such as WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and many more! If you could choose me I would be very thankfull.

    IGN: SmellyCarcass
    03/26/2012 7:15 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    Hey man, I would really like to be a Moderator/Admin because I have been Moderators on 13 servers and Admin on 7. I really like to help out on servers. Its pretty fun!
    02/05/2012 3:12 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    1.) Why are you fit for the Job? I have lots of experience. Admin on 13 servers. Mod on 7 servers.

    2.) Will you ever Greif, Hack etc.? OF course I wont

    3.) If someone said Give me Mod Or Admin What would you say? I would say no and tell them they have to earn it.

    4.) How long can you be on? (Daily) 6 hours

    5.) IGN: SmellyCarcass
    02/04/2012 7:46 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    AGE:( 11+) 21
    IGN:( ur ign) SmellyCarcass
    CRACKED:( do u have a cracked MC? ;yes;no; ) No
    02/04/2012 7:09 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    In-Game Name: SmellyCarcass
    Age: 21
    Former Experience: Admin on 13 servers including AguaCraft, BritCraft, and LogCraft
    Bukkit Experience`? Plug-ins etc: WorldEdit, MobArena, Essentials
    Skype? We don't use it to talk but a very good way to type to each other privately. If you have it, what's your Skype name: christian.dietrich2
    How can you help to improve the Server?: I will stop griefers, and just make it a better place.
    And, why should we choose you to become a Moderator
    on our Server? : As I have already said, I have been Admin/Mod on 13 servers. I am quite experienced in this kind of stuff. I really like helping btw.
    02/02/2012 12:59 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    NP I can help you bro . I have been an Admin on 14 servers. I can really help you with the shop. Im good at it
    02/02/2012 12:57 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    Hi man, I am a Admin on 14 servers. So I think that is pretty self explanitory.
    02/02/2012 12:56 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    How long can you be on a server per week: I can be on as much as I can
    What's you're age: 21
    You're name: My minecraft name is SmellyCarcass but my real name is Christian Dietrich
    Experience: I owned a server called RainbowCraft but I shut it down
    How you would want the server to be: I want it to be popular, fun, awesome server.
    Will you be able to make the server traffic have atleast 10 people on for most of the day?: I will advertise the server a lot.
    How can you prove to me you're worthy of this position and that I can trust you: I have owned a pretty popular server. I owned RainbowCraft and AmeriCraft
    What are you're strengths in running a server or being an admin: I am amazing with plugins, I love to own servers, it so much fun.
    What are you're weakness's in running a server or being an admin: I'm not so good with Permissions
    Are you dedicated to building a new spawn to maximise popularity: Yes I will, of course I will.
    What kind of server are you looking at making: I wanna make Faction/Survival Server.
    02/02/2012 12:51 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    In Game Name: SmellyCarcass
    Why you wish to join: I just love being OP/Admin on servers to help people
    your favorite Role play game (mines fallout) (since it is a rpg server): Fallout ftw
    Age : 21
    location as in state or if your out of america, Country: Florida
    How often you play: I play as much as I can
    What are you good at: I am good with plugins like Essentials, WorldEdit, MobArena, WorldGuard, ChestShop, and DYNmap
    02/02/2012 12:48 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Pirate
    SmellyCarcass's Avatar
    Ill help you bro . I am really good at building. I LOVE helping people make servers.

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