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    08/29/2013 5:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Name: Ben

    Age: 14

    Minecraft IGN: smozey

    What Position have you chose? ( YOU MAY ONLY PICK ONE ): Moderator

    Include as much detail as possible as why you chose that position. (You must write as much as you can think of to support your choice): because I like to help people and help people play fairly and in the best way possible. I am not very good at building and I don't know all plugin stuff and I really wanted to help... So I chose to apply as Moderator as I feel it will be what i'm best as.

    Specialties (BUILDERS ONLY):

    What can you do to help the server?: I can help the server run better and help players get the best experience. I will enforce rules and help in all ways possible to me.

    Have you ever been staff on a server before? If so, what servers? I have been Moderator and Admin on a few, but they have all closed now...

    Do you have a skype? If so, What is your Skype Name? Sorry no
    08/29/2013 5:06 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    Age: 14
    Skype: (secret(will tell you if I get the role))
    Why do you want to be staff? To help you with your server and to promote the rules.
    08/29/2013 4:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    I'll do it (IGN: smozey)
    08/29/2013 2:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    I would be interested in being Head Admin. IGN: smozey
    05/12/2013 8:21 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    Building Experience: lots of experience. I'm better at more modern, complicated things rather than simple things. I just don't really like them.
    Age: 13
    Good Plugins: Quite a lot really. The main ones (e.g. world edit, world guard, essentials, permissions etc) and a few others.
    Admin, co-owner experience (if applying fo them): Admin, lots of experience. Well not that much. 2 or 3 servers, they pretty much all ran out of money though...
    Skype (not recommended): ben.rouse7 (no mic though)
    What am I applying for: Admin
    05/12/2013 5:47 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Name: Ben Rouse

    Mc Name: smozey

    Age: 13

    What role would you like: Admin

    Why: Because I can help lots and i enjoy helping. I am mature and can help with any situation. I am experienced.

    Do you have Skype: Yes

    Skype Name: ben.rouse7
    05/12/2013 5:35 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    It says that I am acepted as Head Admin, but i'm mod...
    05/12/2013 5:16 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar

    Mc Name: smozey

    Age: 13

    What role would you like: Head Admin

    Why: Because I can help lots and i enjoy helping. I am mature and can help with any situation. I am experienced.

    Do you have Skype: Yes

    Skype Name: ben.rouse7
    05/11/2013 3:54 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    for some reason i was banned, don't know why, i was just building houses like i was told to and then i was banned... Please unban me or tell me what I did wrong
    05/11/2013 2:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Age: smozey
    Rank you are applying for: Builder
    What experience do you have with "said" rank?: I am good, not brilliant but good
    *For Developers only: List an example of a plugin you have coded or help code
    What makes you a desirable candidate for this rank?: I can build as much as you wish and can help as much as you want. I can also spend a lot of time on your server
    What can you help bring to the server?: Well buildings obviously. But much more as well.
    Describe your general attitude: Nice, can be strict and can have a laugh
    Per day, how long will you be on, if at all?: probably everyday. Time? depends on the day.
    On a scale of 1/100, describe your maturity, then explain why with at least 3 sentences: 96. I am very mature and am experienced in the role. I am very good under pressure. And i can deal with tricky situations
    Do you have skype?: Yes
    Do you have a microphone?: No
    05/11/2013 2:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    I went on, and when I got there, I wasn't told whether i was staff or not, i was ignored.
    05/09/2013 1:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    that ip doesn't work for me: can't reach server
    05/08/2013 4:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    AGE: 13
    SKYPE: ben.rouse7
    ROLE: Admin
    EXPERIENCE: I have lots of experience in roles. Mostly as mod but a few as Admin/Head Admin.
    PREVIOUS ACCOMPLISHMENTS RELATING TO ROLE: I have helped out many servers with buildigs, advertisements and developments. And i feel that I could really help your server.
    WHY I SHOULD CHOOSE YOU: I can give lots to your server and I can come on a lot (depending on the day)
    05/08/2013 3:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    I think that your server is terrible. I refuse to vote.
    05/08/2013 3:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    MC IGN : smozey
    Age : 13
    Why you want to be a Head-Admin : Because I can help out your server a lot and provide you with as much help as possible. I have had experience as head admin once, but the server ran out of money and closed down.
    What will you do to contribute to the server : I can contribute building skills, my advice and lots of my time. I can come on the server a lot depending on the day.
    Plugins you know: I know several plugins, but not more advanced ones. I can use medium levels ones and group manager.
    Skype : ben.rouse7
    05/07/2013 3:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Minecraft username: smozey
    Maturity 1/10: Probably around 9. I am sometimes a bit... Stupid...
    Skype: will give you that if I get the role
    Age: 13
    How much are you on a day: Quite a while depending on the day.
    Why I should pick you: Because I am mature and can have a laugh. I know i'm not very old but i'm mature for my age. I can help the server in many ways, building or any other kinds necessary. I can remain calm under pressure and I am quite experienced in the roles you are looking for.
    Can you donate if the server needs donations to stay running?(I can support it for a while at first): Probably not, but maybe depending on the amount needed.
    11/17/2012 5:42 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Am I accepted now?
    11/15/2012 2:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    11/15/2012 2:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    ok , so am I accepted? (Can you add me to the whitelist so I can see around and get used to it??? I can also start helping you buid things and ,maybe help you with spawn.
    11/15/2012 2:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    sorry xD! I can play around 0-4 hours per weekday and as much as needed on weekends. Hope you pick me!
    P.s. The server isn't up for me???

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