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    11/15/2012 2:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Real Name: Ben
    Ign: smozey
    Gender: Male
    Skype: (Tell you if I get it! )
    Birthdate: 12/8/99
    Country: England
    Previous Positions: Head Admin x3 (ShineCraft, CursePVP & LoyalCraft)
    Position Applying for: Admin
    A little bit about you: I go to a grammar school and am VERY experienced. I have been playing Minecraft for a long time.
    Why you deserve this rank: Because I can help with anything you need and have a lot of spare time that I can dedicate to you. I can also help you build your spawn if you need
    How long you can play per day:
    Best Joke youve ever Heard (Nothing Inappropriate): Two blondes are walking down the road when one says "Look at that dog with one eye!" The other blonde covers one of her eyes and says "Where?" (My friend told me it xD)
    11/15/2012 2:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    I can help!!!
    11/15/2012 2:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    [*] name: Ben
    [*] ign: smozey
    [*] age: 13
    [*] previous experiences as admin or moderator: 4, Head Admin twice (ShineCraft and LoyalCraft), Admin once (CursePVP)
    [*] why you want to be here: Because; I am experienced and want to help out your server. I can help with basically anything!
    [*]Timezone/location: England (GMT)
    11/10/2012 5:32 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Is the server even up???
    10/30/2012 12:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    In game Name: smozey
    How will you benefit the server: I can build, moderate and help in any possible ways.
    Why does this interest you: Because I enjoy helping people and building.
    Previous Admin or Moderator experiences: Smitecraft (Admin), CursePVP(HeadAdmin), ShineCraft(HeadAdmin)
    Real Name: Ben
    Age: 13
    Country you live in:​ England
    Position Applying For: Admin/Head Admin
    About You: I go to a grammar school in the UK and am in Y9. I am relatively intelligent and am able to do lots of things and have many skills.
    How much time can you be on a day: Weekdays, usually 2-4 hours, and weekends as much time as needed.
    10/24/2012 2:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    In-game name: smozey
    Age: 13
    Gender: male
    Why do you want to be staff?: Because I feel that I can help the server, build for the server and make it the best it can be.
    What can you Provide for the server?: Building skills, my time, and lots of effort.
    What rank do you want?: Admin or Moderator hopefully.
    Suggestions?: Put a few mni games in and there are a lot op plugins I know of that could help.
    Name 2 hosts you think are good(and provide links):
    Redstone Hosting:
    Server Craft:
    10/24/2012 1:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    Age: 13
    Maturity: 10/10
    Rank you want: Head Admin/Admin
    How you can help: I can build, take care of the server, help people and generally make the server as good as it can be!
    10/24/2012 1:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    Age: 13
    Skype: (I will tell you if I get the role)
    Maturity: 10/10
    Rank: Head Admin or Admin
    How much you play: 2-4 hours weekdays and as long as needed week-ends and Friday.
    How can you help the server: I can help build, help people, advertise and help make the server the best it can be.

    10/23/2012 1:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    SKYPE: (HAVE TO HAVE IT) I will PM you if I get the role...
    GOOD WITH PERMISSIONS?: Not really...
    RELIABLE (1-100%) 99%
    MATURITY: 10/10
    KNOW ANY GOOD PLUGINS?: LIST THEM: World edit, World guard, Essentials, MobDisguise, VoxelSniper, iConomy, Chest shop and a lot more...
    HAVE YOU BEEN THIS RANK OR HIGHER ON ANY OTHER SERVERS? IF SO, LIST THEM HERE (NAMES): Yes. Head admin on: ShineCraft and CursePVP and admin on my friends which was a hamachi server.
    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED ON A-N-Y KIND OF SERVER? DONT LIE, I HAVE MCBANS!!: Yes once when my brother was banned for something he didn't do so I backed him up and I got a temp ban.
    WHAT ARE YOU GOOD WITH?: Some plugins, building, dealing with situations and generally helping people.
    WHAT TIMEZONE ARE YOU LOCATED IN?: GMT (Greenwich mean time)
    TELL ME ALITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I live in the UK. I'm called Ben and I go to a grammar school. I'm in Y9 and am very mature. I am very experienced in the role and I think that I could bring a lot to the server. I am relatively active and I am very funny (Sarcastic humour/impressions mainly not jokes).

    Thanks for your time

    10/23/2012 1:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    Age: 13
    Skype (Do you have a mic?): I would prefer to say it in PM if I get the role (Yes I do have a mic)
    Experience (Don't lie because if I feel it's to much you wont get it): Head Admin twice (ShineCraft & CursePVP) and Admin once (can't remember that one) and Mod once (don't know the name but don't know the ip but I can tell you that later)
    Matureness (1-10 10 being very mature): 9
    Permissions (What permission are good with e.g.PermissionsEx, bPermissions): PermissonsEx kinda but not exactly much... Io use things like World Edit and World guard and other plugins as well...
    Building Skills (Include Pictures even downloads): Don't have many pictures but I am good with some buildings and I do pixel art. So I can show you them on the server I am Mod on if you like...
    Other: I know this app seems a little stupid and you probably won't give me the role but I feel that you should as I am very experienced in the role although I am not very techy...
    10/23/2012 11:30 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Applying for: Hopefully Head Admin or Admin
    IGN: smozey
    Name: Ben
    Age: 13
    Why you should get the role: Because I am very experienced in this sort of thing. I have been head admin on two servers, admin on 3 and I have been Moderator on a few others. I also feel I could bring a lot to the role and help the server.
    Have you ever been banned: No
    How many hours can you be on a day: Weekdays 2-4 and weekends as long as needed.

    Hope you pick me!
    10/22/2012 4:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Which position you are applying for: Admin
    IGN: smozey
    Name(optional): Ben
    Gender: Male
    Skype(optional): I will tell you if I get the role
    Maturity level on a scale from 1-10: 9
    Building level (1-10): 8
    Do you get along with others?: Definitely
    Do you have experience?: Lots. Head admin on 1 and admin on 3
    If so, what is it?: Head admin on 1 and admin on 3
    Have you ever been banned?: Once. When my bro was banned for no reason I complained and got banned too...
    If so, why?: When my bro was banned for no reason I complained and got banned too...
    10/22/2012 3:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Admin App:
    IGN: smozey
    SKYPE: (HAVE TO HAVE IT) I will PM you it if I get the role
    GOOD WITH PERMISSIONS?: Relatively, not great. That's probably my only set back.
    RELIABLE (1-100%) 95->99%
    MATURITY: 9/10
    CAN YOU GET THE JOB DONE WHEN ASKED TO?: Yes, definitely. Unless it's something unaccessable to me or EXTREMELY difficult. But usually yes.
    KNOW ANY GOOD PLUGINS?: LIST THEM: Group manager, world edit, world guard, mob disguise, iConomy, Chest Shop, Colored signs and quite a lot more.
    HAVE YOU BEEN THIS RANK OR HIGHER ON ANY OTHER SERVERS? IF SO, LIST THEM HERE (NAMES): YES. Admin on around 3 and head admin on 1. They are: Shinecraft (Head Admin), Curse PVP, My friends hamachi one, and another I don't know the name of.
    HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED ON A-N-Y KIND OF SERVER? DONT LIE, I HAVE MCBANS!!: Yes once. Because my brother got banned for something he didn't do so I complained to the server owner and got banned aswell...
    WHAT ARE YOU GOOD WITH?: Lots. Building, helping people, explaining things, solving problems, finding things out and quite a lot more.
    WHAT TIMEZONE ARE YOU LOCATED IN?: GMT (Greenwich mean time)
    TELL ME ALITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I live in the UK and go to a grammar school. I do have one annoying brother who may want to come on the server. I play Minecraft a lot and started in 1.3 BETA. I enjoy lots of thing and I am very intelligent.
    10/22/2012 3:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    Gender: Male
    Age: 13
    Plugin Experience: Depending on plugins. I would say a lot. Some more than others.
    Leadership Skills: High. I am very experienced in this role and I have had a lot of practice.
    Hours/Day your on: Depending on the day. Monday->Friday between 2&4 hours. Weekends all day if needs be.
    Can you help manager a server: Definitely. As I have mentioned above I have been admin/head admin several times on servers and feel that this is a role I could really get into and help bring the server to a really high standard.
    How well do you work with others: Very well. In roles like this you have to be able to work with others or it won't work and the server will collabse.
    Can You clean up greif: Yes. If it's something major e.g. spawn definitely I will help. But if it's just someone's dirt shack I probably wouldn't.
    Do you have the guts to demote/ban someone: Yes. Definitely. I have done it many times before and it's not a hard thing to do.
    Contact: Server, PM, Skype...
    Thanks for your time.
    -Ben (My name)
    10/22/2012 3:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Hi. My name is Ben, I am 13 years old and I live in the UK. Although you do specify you don't want 11-13 year old 'kids' I feel that although I am classified under that category I think that for my age I am intelligent, responsible and mature. I know a lot about Minecraft and feel I could bring a lot to the role. You are probably thinking that because i'm only 13 I can't really do much. I am very experienced in this role and am very mature for my age. I go to a grammar school and am in year 9. I am intelligent and can deal with all sorts of problems or issues you may have. I can come on between 2-4 hours weekdays and as long as needed on weekends. I am in GMT time and I am not sure about you so that could be an issue. I would prefer admin but moderator is good. I hope you pick me to be a member of staff for your server. Thanks.
    (P.S. I do have skype but I would prefer to PM you that if I get the role )
    10/22/2012 2:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    Age: 13
    skype: (must have) I would prefer not to say it in public, but if I can get the role I will tell you it
    IGN: smozey
    IRL: Ben
    TimeZone: (If you dont know this info, dont even try applying. ) England (GMT)
    How much can you play in a day?: (hours) Around 2 hours weekdays and a lot on weekends around 4-6 hours
    Trustworthy?: (1/10) Definitely 10/10
    Reliable (1-100%) Around 90-95%
    Maturity: (1/10) 9/10 (I am very mature for my age)
    What is the name of the server?: VortexCraft
    Tell me alittle about yourself: I go to a UK grammar school and am very intelligent despite me only being 13. I come from Yorkshire and have had lots of experience in the role of Admin/Mod
    Have you been Admin or higher on any other servers: If so, list them below: Yes;
    10/21/2012 11:48 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    age: 13
    Applying for: 10/10 ( Hopefully Admin but Mod is good)
    building skill 8/10
    redstone skill 7/10
    command skill skill 8/10
    why should you be chosen: Because I can be a valuable contribution to the server, I
    have had lots of past experience and I will be able to help anyone who needs it.
    I can help you build areas of the server and help members of the minecraft community.
    experience: Lots. I have been admin on around 3 (one head admin) and mod on 1.
    Have you been banned? Why? I have never been banned from a server.
    How often can you go on? Everyday usually although some days it may be around 6:00pm - 7:00pm GMT
    if someone was griefing what would you do? First of all I would ask them why they are griefing. If they don't have a valid reason then I would ban them and fix what they griefed. If they said something e.g. "I didn't know it was against the rules" I would ask them how long they have been on the server. If it is a long time I will ban them because they should know it's against the rules. If they had only just joined I would get them to fix it because they may not know it was against the rules.
    if someone from staff was griefing what would you do? First of all I would take away there powers so they couldn't ban me. Then I would ask them what they are doing. I would see if they can fix it. If they say no I will ban them and inform the owner. If they say yes I would get them to fix it, then inform the owner and allow the owner to give them their powers back.
    if someone spammed what would you do? Depending on what they are saying and for how long. For minor things I will kick them or mute them. If it's something more major I would probably ban or mute them.
    if your friend griefed what would you do?
    Do you like Melons? No I like pineapples
    10/21/2012 10:56 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    IGN: smozey
    age: 13
    Applying for: 10/10 ( Hopefully Admin but Mod is good)
    building skill 8/10
    redstone skill 7/10
    command skill skill 8/10
    why should you be chosen: Because I can be a valuable contribution to the server, I
    have had lots of past experience and I will be able to help anyone who needs it.
    I can help you build areas of the server and help members of the minecraft community.
    experience: Lots. I have been admin on around 3 (one head admin) and mod on 1.
    Have you been banned? Why? I have never been banned from a server.
    How often can you go on? Everyday usually although some days it may be around 6:00pm - 7:00pm GMT
    if someone was griefing what would you do? First of all I would ask them why they are griefing. If they don't have a valid reason then I would ban them and fix what they griefed. If they said something e.g. "I didn't know it was against the rules" I would ask them how long they have been on the server. If it is a long time I will ban them because they should know it's against the rules. If they had only just joined I would get them to fix it because they may not know it was against the rules.
    if someone from staff was griefing what would you do? First of all I would take away there powers so they couldn't ban me. Then I would ask them what they are doing. I would see if they can fix it. If they say no I will ban them and inform the owner. If they say yes I would get them to fix it, then inform the owner and allow the owner to give them their powers back.
    if someone spammed what would you do? Depending on what they are saying and for how long. For minor things I will kick them or mute them. If it's something more major I would probably ban or mute them.
    if your friend griefed what would you do?
    Do you like Melons? No I like pineapples
    10/21/2012 9:57 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    i will join
    07/16/2012 2:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    smozey's Avatar
    I am afraid that temporarily all the moderator and admin spaces are filled. There will be more available as the server gets more popular though. Thanks!


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