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Level 1 New Miner

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    03/08/2016 10:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Spaceosaur's Avatar
    2) The under - teen (under 12) kids - They are extremely immature, noisy, uncreative and abusive that have been exposed to the internet and are creating a whole lot of Bigotry issue everywhere. Not all of them are like that, I am talking about the bad ones. And these bad ones are almost everywhere which makes the world again generalize and stereotype the Minecraft Community. These kinds of kids are also the ones who spam uncreativity all over the net. Under 12 should not be allowed to play until they are in supervision, because they are immature and don't have the brains to grasp the world. Even, they are small and they should play outside rather than sticking to the computer, teens and people above the age of 12 should be allowed exposure to the net (majority of them in supervision because they still are not experienced enough, not all but most of them.) as they now start to have a tough life and stress due to studies and the hitting of the reality of this world (not wanna sound melodramatic but it is true!).

    That's purely you letting those annoying kids get to you. You state that they are annoying, you acknowledge that you don't like them, but if you let that get to you, your not really that more mature than them. A part of maturity is knowing when to do something.

    6) Not using your brain - Now lets talk about basically everyone here ... hem.75661/. Now also one thing - why do you as a player rush? Why don't use strategies in the game? Do you think rushing to your opponent make you look cool? No it wont, it would look like an ape who as an itchy butt has gone on a rampage. When you use strategies and play like real, you wont make the whole game a cluster*bad word* but make it more longer and interesting.

    Now, wouldn't it be good if you thought and your opponent didn't? Doesn't seem like a problem to me. And why most people don't think about what they do is probably because this game isn't like FPS games where people win millions by being good. There are no ranks, there is no encouragement to get good. Minecraft is a pretty laid back game, there is no competitive aspects to it like COD or CS:GO.

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