SpintextTheLawyer's Avatar
I make uninspired skyscrapers in video games.
Level 50 Grandmaster Architect

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The start of me finding my own architectural style. With this building, I made a-
significant advancement in design by considering the building in a more artistic,
meaningful way. The building was designed to be the headquarters of a bank, so I-
represented the importance of banks in the building's façade. Made in the summer-
of 2021.

In the summer of 2021, I began to experiment with some of my older architectural-
fascinations. Bringing back brutalist, post-war, high-tech architecture into my-
focus. I began with these 4 towers, which I could never figure out a base for, but-
still represent an important turning point in my design.

Just a couple months later, in late January I'd begin work on Rainier Blocks.-
Sticking to the Brutalist, High-tech theme of the post above, I designed Rainier-
Blocks with a monumental intimidation in mind. I wanted to create a strong feeling,
and that resulted in the chaotic slab of windows that this building is. This building-
marked an important step in my development as a builder. I decided to express-
how the building would be split up by creating literal splits in the façade. Overall,
this is my most important building.

This building reiterated a lot of the lessons I had learned from making Rainier-
Blocks, but did it in a slightly more refined, and topical way. It was my redesign of-
Penn15, a skyscraper in New York City that was criticized for it's height blocking-
views of the Empire State Building. That was back in the 2010s, since then-
Hudson Yards has done more than enough to block views of the iconic skyscraper,-
and it doesn't really matter how tall this one is now. But I still wanted to try to make-
some sort of commentary through a building, so I designed my tower side-by-side-
to a replica of the Empire State Building. I made their base heights the same, and-
my tower's spire only a couple meters taller than the Empire State Building's.-
Additionally, I added a bowing shape to the building as an acknowledgement to-
Hudson Yards, which it would be facing.
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