Sprocket_T's Avatar
Level 24 Expert Goblin


So this little blurb is going to be more about the project that I am working on here more so then me, as it is the main reason I am here. Over the past several years, in various attempts to either make a board game or video game, I have been world building. I have so many ideas that I want to get out and I have come to the conclusion that modding Minecraft might be the easiest way for me to get my world and some of the stories tied to its creation out of my head and into some sort of medium.

The world that I have envisioned is called Rhexis. It is a high-fantasy realm with technological aspects. A civilization that destroyed itself after discovering magic. A war with inter-dimensional beings that became the catalyst for multiple dimensions collapsing into one realm.

The whole idea of this world was created to be a bed for any and all my ideas that I could come up with and serves in theory as a garden for my ideas.

I plan to take things slow and take my time to slowely change what I can into parts of the world of Rhexis. Starting simple with a texture pack and working my way up through monsters, biomes, items and so forth. Hopefully over time it will begin to resemble the world in my mind.

I am a father with kids that have outgrown minecraft and I see this as a medium or a canvas of sorts. I hope that others will enjoy the work that I have to share.

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Jun 4, 2019Joined PMC

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