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    07/19/2017 11:43 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SuperMan420's Avatar
    accepted dm me your full discord or just add me VinceThePrince29#3068
    07/19/2017 11:32 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SuperMan420's Avatar
    06/29/2017 11:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SuperMan420's Avatar
    IGN:* VinceThePrince29

    Time Zone:* EST

    Preferred Name/Nickname: Vince

    Age:* 17

    Your greatest accomplishment:* I was the Owner of a survival server with 20 active players for 2 years before i had to close it down because i couldn't afford the server anymore :/

    Any previous work you would like to share:* As mentioned above i was the owner of a survival server and i was also a mod then was promoted to an admin on a server prior to owning a server for 7 months i left the role of admin to start up my own server which was fairly successful and i had a fun 2 years on it and learned alot.

    Are you able to take on this position? If so, How?:* Yes i am i have worked in the higher staff and lower staff i understand the responsibilities of all roles as i was in mostly all of them. i can work well with others and help solve problems that need to be solved.

    Your Discord:* VinceThePrince29#3068
    (Again, contact me another way if you don't have Discord)

    What are your strengths?:* I am very friendly and get along well with others im an active dedicated player i enjoy spending time on minecraft and having fun at the same time.

    Weaknesses?: Sometimes, I spend more time than necessary on a task.

    How much time can you dedicate?:* (Weekdays and weekends) 7 days a week probably 6-9 hours a day because its summer

    What will you do for our server?:* I will fill the role and follow my responsibilities and make sure that this server runs as smooth as possible and make sure we all have a good time playing the game.

    Any other information: I am really interested in helping this server out considering that Prison is one of my favorite game modes on mine craft
    06/29/2017 11:46 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SuperMan420's Avatar
    IGN - VinceThePrince29

    Previous IGN (If changed in name changes) - N/A

    Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application -​ YES

    Age - 17

    Timezone -EST

    Link to gaming twitter account (if you have one) -​ N/A

    What time are you most often on? (your time) -​ Depends im on for most of the day mostly afternoon and late at night.

    Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? -​ tiny amount of spanish but primary English.

    When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? -​ i started playing mc 3 years ago and i play very often about 7 days a week and 6-8 hours a day

    Have you ever been banned or temp banned on any server? -​ Yes

    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? -​ I was the Owner on server that had 40 people and 20 active players but after 2 years i couldn't afford to run the server anymore :/ I was also an admin on another server for 7 months before that closed too :/

    Where are you most active on the server? -​ Never join the server yet

    How many hours can you contribute per day? -​ any where from 5-8

    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? - Just be calm and treat them the way you would want to be treated.

    Do you have any experience with depression? How have you dealt with this? -Yes i actually have but the way i dealt with is is by playing video games it help take your mind off of things.

    Do you use the teamspeak and a microphone? -​ yes i have teamspeak discord and skype and just got a mic.

    Are you able to record? -​ no

    What is the date of the last application you made? -​ 6/28/2017

    Anything else we should know? -​Really would love to be apart of your team and help out as much as i can and at the same time gaining more experience.

    Thank you for your time.
    06/29/2017 2:56 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SuperMan420's Avatar
    IGN: VinceThePrince29
    Discord: VinceThePrince29#3068
    Timezone / Country:EST/USA
    Why would you like to join? I would love to play and have fun so this is a great opportunity to do so
    About Yourself: Outgoing and get along well with others and enjoy playing minecraft
    Anything Else?: understand that this is short but it is to the point and i hope im taking into consideration

    Thanks for your time
    05/28/2017 5:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SuperMan420's Avatar
    1. Name (Whichever name you want to go by)

    2. Age

    3. Timezone/Country
    EST / USA

    4. Role and maybe some work of yours

    5. Discord/Skype Name
    #3068 / Minecrafter252

    6. Why you want to join the team
    I Think that join this team we can have a lot of fun and have a good time. This seems like a really good idea and i would love to be apart of this team.

    Thank you.
    05/28/2017 5:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SuperMan420's Avatar


    USA / EST


    don't want to make public

    Why would you like to join Swift SMP?:
    Looking for a survival server with friendly players

    About Yourself:
    Get along with others well, enjoy playing survival mine craft with other players and building towns. i play mine craft a lot and with summer coming i will be playing alot more.

    Anything Else?
    Im really interested in joining this server and having a great time!
    02/28/2016 7:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    SuperMan420's Avatar
    Name: Vince
    In-game-name: My IGN is MrPhillyOG.

    Age: I am currently 16
    Location (timezone): EST
    Hours available:about 4-6 hours a day

    Skype: Minecrafter252

    Why should I hire you: You should hire me because I know what I'm doing, and I'm a friendly guy overall! I have played Minecraft since its release on the Xbox 360, and then a week later, I purchased it on the PC and I've never stopped since! Over this time, I have acquired an awful lot of knowledge about the game and a wide variety of the different plugins that are out there, and I have also been a member of staff on multiple other servers in that time. I know how to keep my cool in any situations that may arise, and I also understand how to stomp out petty arguments between players swiftly and fairly. I enjoy working as a team and helping others have an enjoyable time on servers that I am a member of staff on. I also understand that there may very well be people that are a higher rank than myself and I have no problem whatsoever reporting anything that I cant handle or deal with to them to then sort out. I am an honest player, and I'd like to think that this is reflected in my attitude towards other users and members of staff. I do not steal or grief, and I follow the rules at all times. Whilst I do enjoy jokes and have a sense of humour myself, I also know when the line is being crossed, and when a joke is no longer funny. I can also help out new players with any questions that they may have and can even teach some of the more experienced players a thing or two that they didn't know!

    Past experience: I have had lots of experience with being a member of staff on multiple different Minecraft servers! I shall go over some of them below, with what they taught me, and what I have taken away from my time being a member of staff on them.

    Green Cities: This was the first ever server that I got staff on. I applied on Minecraft forums and got the rank. I was ecstatic. The owner took time to teach me about some of the different plugins that I did not know how to use properly and the server gave me a taste of being a member of staff for the first time. I loved it. We had quite a small, close knit community, until the server sadly went down due to the owner losing interest in gaming, although I still remember the people and the fundamentals that I learnt from my time on the server,

    MinePunch: This was the first large-ish server that I got staff on. It had anywhere between 30 - 100+ people on at any given time. Despite not being used to this many people on at once, I quickly adapted and learnt what to do and how to handle myself. I sadly had to step down from my staff rank due to having an awful lot of school work that I had to catch up with, and not having the amount of time I would like to spend on the server available. But it was awesome. I really enjoyed being apart of it and learning about how these somewhat large servers were run in comparison to the smaller ones out there.

    Position applying for: I was thinking maybe admin but you can pick

    Good Luck to all that Apply!
    07/17/2015 2:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    06/26/2015 4:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    Still Can Apply
    06/26/2015 4:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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