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Level 17
Journeyman Narwhal

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    10/01/2014 2:37 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    Got em
    09/30/2014 4:33 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    My skype is woolygrow
    09/30/2014 4:32 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    IGN? Swagmuffin2012

    IRL Name? Scott

    Past Experience? 3 servers owner and have been co owner on 6 other servers. I have also been playing for 2 years

    How You Can Help? I'm very active so i will be able to help with anuthing you need me yo do. I am very familiar with pluggins and i know hundreds. I will protect the server from anyone who breaks rules, hacks, or griefs. I will be able to build as well as be staff,

    Are You A Good Builder? If So Add Some Pic
    I am a fairly good builder, i am more of a command nerd as some would say. But, i am fairly familiar with building

    Can You Create Websites/Plugins?
    Yes i may be able to create a few pluggins and maybe a website

    Timezone? EST -5

    How Many Hours Can You Play A Day? 3-4
    09/30/2014 3:09 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar

    Age: 15
    Server Experience: i have been playing since 2012, i have owner 3 servers, co owned 12 and been admin on 8. i know how to set up pluggins.
    Why do you even want to: i have been bored with popular servers and decided i want to help on a new server. The thing is, with popular servers. No ideas are taken to be used and the admins and owners will not be open to ideas. I believe woth a new server it will be easier to make a greater server.
    Mature(y/n): yes
    Skype(Pm it instead if you dont want it public): woolygrow

    No Trolling
    No Griefing
    will you follow the rules:
    No talking about personal life to players
    09/30/2014 3:04 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    name: Scott aka swagmuffin2012
    age: 15
    skype: woolygrow
    what position you want: Head Admin/ Co-Owner or Admin
    why you want it: I have been Owner of 3 Servers and co owned many others. I am very experienced with owning a server and can help with any tips as well as help with plugins. I know hundreds of plugins to help the server.
    what will you do: Well, I am online usually every day 4 hours a day. I can go on the server a lot especially when you are in need for help. I can help with Bukkit, work with the developer, and help you too.
    09/30/2014 1:04 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    Ign: swagmuffin2012

    Age: 15

    Skype Name: Required* woolygrow

    How long can you be on per day?: 30min - 1hour Required* 3-4 hours

    Have you been staff on any other servers before?: I have been playing for 2 years and have been owner and co owner of plenty of servers.

    Why is it important for a staff team to have teamwork?: *post at least three sentences* I believe with teamwork, progress rapidly increases as well as strong ties with each other. Hopefully if I am to be chosen, I will become friends with every other staff/builder. With many staff positions and many people on staff, we can share ideas and creations as well as work together to get things done. Personally, I work better when I am with others I.E (talking, working, laughing).

    Why is it important to keep emotions out of a server?: *post at least three sentences* Drama is a not a factor that I would want in a server. If I was to become moderator, I would be on most of the day and help the server in any way possible. I would solve problems that the players may have. Problems that the owner or upper class staff will not have time for. If in the unlikely circumstance I were to promoted to admin or co owner, I would work on the server build itself, helping with the owners requests and problems.

    What puts you above the other user's apply for staff?: *post at least two sentences* One key factor about me is that I am a very bright, mature person. I do not discriminate against anyone. Like in a court, I give everyone a clean slate or fair trial. If someone needed me to do something that was out of my position, I would do it.

    How will you help the server grow if you are selected for staff?: To help the server I would work as a moderator, builder, admin, friend and anything else there is to be. I have many ideas for this server that could be used to our benefit or it might be turned down.. Usually an owner would appreciate ideas even if they would not be used..

    Anything else you would like to add:

    Thank you for taking your time to read this! If I am not chosen, good luck to the rest of you moderators and other staff!
    09/30/2014 12:46 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    Bernie191Hello, I am speaking on behalf of my friend who is looking for staff for his server. He Co-Owned a rather successful server back in 2011 for about a year and a half and has a good amount of MC/server experience. His main strong-suit is building, and he is not as proficient as some in the technical aspect of Minecraft Servers His server will be part of a network of servers known as Accumulative Gaming which has a couple servers right now that are set up for future success. Currently, he is in need of individuals who have experience with permissions and plugins, and he is also looking for some developers. If you are interested in helping out, please state the following:
    - Name/Minecraft IGN
    - Age
    - Experience
    - Skype (A must if you intend to help....you can PM the details if you would like)
    - Any other relevant information

    If interested, let me know and I will give you his Skype user so you can discuss this more in detail with him. Thanks.

    IGN: swagmuffin2012
    Age: 15
    Experience: Been playing since 2012.. I am a developer of plugins and mods as well as creating server clients.
    Skype: woolygrow
    Extra Info: I can code in 5 different computer languages. I admin on over 10 servers and mod on over 15...
    01/05/2014 11:38 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    Banned for not banning me
    04/09/2013 9:09 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    04/09/2013 7:05 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    Banned for spelling ad* wrong
    04/09/2013 7:02 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    04/09/2013 7:02 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    Added it thanks!
    04/09/2013 7:01 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    lol i dont think i can use these..
    04/08/2013 11:47 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    Added all of them
    04/08/2013 11:47 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    I have all of those except tank
    04/08/2013 7:49 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    WellCraftedB0xName: Arcane Scribe
    Ability: ability to study enemies attack and be able to use it against them
    Formula: Mage (maybe add some other recipe to it.... maybe mage+scribe)
    Picture: none


    Name: Skelegion
    Ability: shoots withering arrows or flaming arrows
    Formula: mini boss and enemy
    Picture: none

    I like them both. I will use them both as well.
    04/08/2013 7:34 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    Thank You! I will use both of them.
    04/08/2013 7:26 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    04/08/2013 7:26 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    add me....
    04/08/2013 7:21 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Narwhal
    swalshey123's Avatar
    I use LUA for apps and I use c++ or JAVA for PC Games.

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