Swiftly_'s Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    03/28/2016 5:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Swiftly_'s Avatar
    Just some advice Mr Chunky YT. If you really want people to apply you should probably do something more formal. Introduce yourself, introduce the crew, introduce the server. Also, I find it hard to believe that you are actually 16+ yourself.
    Im also a pro builder my latest build is here: http://imgur.com/a/WNoYV
    In no way whatsoever is that pro. Maybe be a little more humble next time and just present your latest builds without calling yourself good.
    03/03/2016 6:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Swiftly_'s Avatar
    Name: Ben

    Age: 13 (You can trust me with this, just please read all the way through.)

    IGN: Angrybananaman

    Location/Timezone: US EST

    Skype: Live:Ben.Hinson_1 (I live in King of Prussua) If that doesn't work just search Ben Hinsin, my profile pic should be an American flag colored eagle.

    What rank are you applying for? Builder

    Why do you want this rank? I've been building for 6 years and I do believe I'm better at it than most experienced college students. (I will add a portfolio of my recent builds, which most of aren't finished.) Since I never finish my work, I'm hoping working with a team of builders can allow me to see a final product for once.

    What servers have you been banned from? None.

    How can we trust you? I'm very trustworthy, I've never been banned from any servers, but really, there is no way to know if you should trust anyone. You just have to take their word for it and take a chance.

    What is your past experience with this and/or other ranks? I'm an Architect on a server ravand.org, I'm not sure if you'll be able to join their server (As it requires a launcher and special texture pack as well as Optifine 1.7.10.), but if you look them up online I'm sure you'll find some builds mine are on par with.

    What plugins are you experienced with? World Edit, Voxel Sniper, Metacycler.

    Do you happen to have a youtube channel? No.

    Do you have experience with proper advertising? No.

    How many hours can you play a day? I can play every day, (most days for about 3 hours, much more on weekends.)

    Anything Extra: If you want, although I'm not sure other members would listen to me, I can teach others tips, tricks, and basics on building. Anyways, here is my portfolio: http://imgur.com/a/2q8QG

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