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    01/05/2016 3:44 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/cro ... d-3571038/

    hows this? tbh ive never seen the show tho
    12/31/2015 9:17 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    haha u a furry? Np I got u fam http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/blue-thing-3565799/
    disclaimer, i havent rly made animals b4 but, i try
    11/19/2013 10:27 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    Lol, of course! But why would anyone answer no? People who have PS3's on this site wouldn't mind playing it on the console and if you have and XBox or PC then it wouldn't apply to you.
    But I think it's kinda impossible because of who owns it and all that shizzlewizzle
    11/19/2013 7:15 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    That is global warming. Or at least the symptoms of it. These climate extremes are all a result of the balance being disrupted. Not to go preaching against cars and stuff like that but I just felt I had to say because it seems many assume that global warming simply means hotter climate and higher water levels.
    11/17/2013 10:33 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    Iron Will is a great one I use
    11/17/2013 10:31 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    Is this your first server? How do you even know if the applicants are reputable? There's no app to show whether or not they can build with pictures as proof and you'd be given strangers creative mode on your server to build. And then you'd promote someone who is a good builder to admin? How do you even know they'd make a good admin? Just cuz someone can build doesn't mean they can control. No offense to any applicants, I'm just pointing out that this request is quite susceptible to griefers and the like. But hopefully all goes well, good luck
    08/31/2013 8:04 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    That's just more recently. Nevertheless I think there's a bunch of cool rappers out there that aren't so superficial. Just not the famous ones

    I like Chance the rapper, Cro, Dan Bull xD, Big Daddy Kane, and Kendrick Lamar among others
    08/31/2013 5:34 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    IGN: JoMo406
    Skype: sorry, i'd have to PM
    Timezone (this is so I know when your able to mentor): Eastern Standard i think, I know its -5
    Why you would like to mentor new skinners: It's cool to think i could help people improve their skills, and I feel like even though I'd be a mentor, I could definitely learn from the students also
    What is your best skin? (link pls): http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/nap ... /#comments
    08/30/2013 11:59 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    It's called Sims
    08/30/2013 11:59 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    I'd be sad that my figure was replaced by an unshapely cube xD
    08/30/2013 1:45 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    Alright!! I'm in!
    08/30/2013 1:40 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    Doesn't everyone make free skins? I don't think it's legal to get money for it probs something in the terms and conditions when you get minecraft etc etc
    08/28/2013 11:22 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    Nearly everyone who uses the internet hates SOPA, i dont see how it could ever even get close to passing

    It's just a naive attempt at regulating over something that is uncontrollable
    08/28/2013 11:15 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    I use that one all the time ^-^

    otherwise -.- or sometimes .__.
    08/07/2013 1:15 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    That seems to be a given. Younger kids wouldn't have yet started playing as many video games let alone having accounts on websites. Older kids are probably busy with college and jobs and starting life etc etc so definitely not the majority have the time or will to maintain an account or whatever.
    So, the two largest groups should be 14-16 and mid-twenties and up (though I'm pretty sure the latter would not spend the time to do the poll as they're probably the ones keeping the site running and have better things to do)
    07/26/2013 4:18 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    You should make a non hd texture pack too
    07/26/2013 3:22 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    Become good friends with him by October, and then ask him out to the movies. #oldschool

    But you say you know his sister, so it's not that far fetched to just go and talk to him a bit and then ask to go do something, not necessarily romantic just hanging out or whatever. But scary movies always work >:D
    07/23/2013 5:55 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    If you get Windows 8 on something that isnt that tablet thingy you have a Windows 7 desktop mode and can use it as you would use windows 7. So if you're getting it for a normal desktop and don't care about price, get Win8 and you get 2 in 1... Now that's what I call economising ^-^
    07/21/2013 3:54 pm
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    Honestly making original content when you're already doing a pretty common thing (making minecraft videos) is very difficult. The only reason the famous video game commentators are famous is because they got into it when it was still new. They were some of the first out there and a riding the wave of success created by a popular game. If you really want to "make it big" maybe consider finding a game that is less known but has potential to be great. Also, as others have said, the quality of the video is kinda bad as in make it less pixel-y. You kinda seem to be more into it for the popularity rather than just having fun posting with friends. Most of the people who are popular now started out making videos with friends as a joke and uploading it to youtube as a secondary. Now it seems people make videos with the man purpose being to put onto youtube rather than recording a good time with buddies. I'm really not trying to be mean, so sorry if it comes off as harsh, good luck I guess

    Also, PS don't start that madness with any Army of sorts. Thats overused and stupid and only unites trolls to go out and flame other YTers
    07/20/2013 10:55 am
    Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
    tacitAlpaca's Avatar
    Sam forfeited, not sure if he contacted you about it already

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