Tazzez's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    02/28/2017 12:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Tazzez's Avatar
    IGN: Tazzez
    Age: 18
    Why do you want this position(We need at least one paragraph):

    - I have been staff before on a major factions network for 6 months, the network was The Archon. I did a very good job there as a staff member as well as taking care of things that got out of hand or were emergencies. I also have experience in web development and plugin design which could be of use to you as well.

    Experience (Details, rank, IPs and Website, if none please explain why we should pick you even though you don't have experience):

    - I worked as a staff member on PvP.TheArchon.net for approximately 6 months before I resigned due to not agreeing with the direction the staff team was heading. I also have experience in web development and many coding languages such as HTML, CSS and Javascript.

    Contact information:

    - Skype: Taz___
    email: TylerNRobertson@gmail.com

    How much time can you dedicate to the server?:

    - Monday-Friday: I am in school from 9am-3pm but then after that I would be willing to spend as much time as needed. I am easily available as well as to get a hold of in emergencies.
    - Saturday-Sunday: I have close to all day available unless something pops up but I will be willing to commit as much time that is needed.

    What are your skills:

    - Web Development (HTML,CSS,Javascript)
    - Server Administration (Previous experience in server moderation from The Archon)
    - Plugin configuration/creation
    - Team player
    - Mature
    - Experienced Minecraft Player

    What plugins do you have experience with?(Please Include some of the commands of that each use):

    - Worldedit (//wand,/stack,/up[height],//replace [block ID][Block ID])
    Permissions EX(/pex user group set [group name],pex reload, pex user [prefix] [group]
    Essentials (pretty much every command, essentials is the basics for all servers)
    Silk Spawners (/ss change [mobname], /ss give [mobname] [player])
    - I am experienced in many more plugins which I would be willing to tell you if i pull them from my test server.

    What is your experience with PermissionEx?:

    - I have configured the plugin myself when I was a DEV for a server before, very simple to understand and also easy to use once you know what your doing. I would say i'm very experienced when it comes to this plugin.

    What commands would you use as an Admin:

    - The commands which are necessary for management of a staff team as well as dealing with punishments. Also commands to help with server events. EX. broadcast, ban, mute, tempban, ipban, kick, etc.

    How would you deal with:

    A Griefer:
    - Greifer's would not be tolerated. Servers work hard to maintain their network and keep it from being a toxic environment. Any greifers would be dealt with either a perm or temp ban (depending on the game mode, factions greifing is more lenient between enemies)
    A Spammer:
    - Spammers would first get a kick and then after 3 kicks they would be temp banned for 10 mins. Once that is up and they keep on spamming then it will be 20 mins and so on.
    A player who just joined:
    - Welcome them to the server and if they have any questions or concerns help them understand the rules and how the community plays.
    A person who says they are from Planet Minecraft:
    - Unless they have complete proof and documents showing this then to me they are nothing but someone looking to troll on servers and will be banned for impersonation/attempt to obtain perms.
    What rules do you think a server should have:
    - Server rules wouldn't be up to me, they would be discussed as a staff team and with the owners to create what they see as their dream server to create a great minecraft community.

    What can you bring to the server that no one else can:
    - I am very mature and experienced when it comes to anything minecraft or website related. There are a lot of young people looking for Administration positions and Web design positions but being older I believe I will have more experience and knowledge to offer.

    How would you describe yourself in three words(Explain why those words best suit you):

    - Personable, Fun, Commited

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