Tepid's Avatar
Level 14
Journeyman Crafter

About Me

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YES, I admit it, I'm a TREKKIE. I love the Trek Universe. But my true passion is Starfleet Ships. Much like a persons love of a hot rod car or sailing vessel, I love starships. When I discovered Planet Minecraft, and then discovered creations by Atrocities, Momentaneously and 14joyer I was hooked. One of my first public server builds was a complete reproduction of 14joyer's Defiant model. No copy and paste, I farmed the mats, and built it brick by brick. I also spent months downloading any schematic I could get my hands on and explore every inch of those ships. Looked at how the larger builds had a more realistic feel for them. I studied and admired them and started to develop my own ideas (inspired) by the various people. There are far more than the three I listed above, but Momentaneously's shells are some of the best, and I wish he would add more.

I try to build to realism as much as possible (considering Star Trek is all fiction). Power lines, gas lines, fuel tanks, etc., are all there in the builds as much as I can fit with my limited knowledge. My current ships are smaller, but I have my eyes on some larger builds. Problems being that doing it solo it will take me a long time.

I take no credit for the creation of any of these models. Most are conversions of free downloads from the internet and credit is given to anyone who is the 'known' creator.

Keep in mind that many of them are still pretty raw and need cleanup, but I'm hoping to add some new blood to the minetrek fleet with these models. I hope you will enjoy.
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