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    05/14/2012 11:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Well hello good sir!
    04/20/2012 7:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    04/18/2012 10:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Skin me good sir.. Mine name saith it all! I am the great and only Testicleese!
    04/18/2012 10:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Greetings! I am the great Testicleese! I am a sworn enemy of vile and torturous souls hell bent on our destruction! Herpes and his evil empire of nether warts look to unravel our world by infecting it with his ilk! Please stand forward and join me in this most difficult battle. Together with my army, the trusty Antibioticnaughts and I shall free this world of the vermin that threatens us from within. They shall try to invade from our southern boarders! But we shall stop them! Oh yes! They will fall
    04/18/2012 10:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Behold I the great Testicleese am always interested in a slot! Doth the slot have red hair?? Being from the north-lands I find those flaming haired beauties to be most potent in thy sleeping chambers! Perhaps after a good rumping thou can switch slots with thine? I would offer thy the customary washing of mine slot before offering to the. Alas good brother! Tis good to speak of slots to great men of loin as thee! Good day sire! Good day!
    04/18/2012 9:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    My bump is fine thank you! And I shall ask you not inquire about it further.... Hast thou heard something? .. Perhaps one of my long lost maidens hath a loose tongue? I say to thee sir, it was cold! When your a man and it's cold,........ I mean there must be some level of understanding! Things doth shrink in the cold!
    04/18/2012 11:45 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Good day my moody friends. Behold! It is I; The Mighty Testicleese! I hath been pitched in battle for many moons and away to the southlands of vaginnia. I bear the scars and smell of sweet victory, and wish to regale thee with mine tail..... Figuratively of course...
    10/12/2011 10:43 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    They are the shadow kin. Great and mysterious beings of the dark realm. Once messengers to the inquisitor, the shadow kin rebelled and fought to free themselves from bondage. They are evil in nature due to the mistrust they hold for all living things. In battle they can form behind their victim grabbing hold while slipping into the void only to reappear high in the sky dropping their victim to their doom. They have also been known to grab hold of prey, slip into the void and place a victim in trees, rocks, or mountain sides as they are fond of watching a slow and torturous death.. Beware these creatures, for they bode ill omen..
    09/22/2011 8:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Thank you good sir! (On a side note, I am working on a blog that will detail the great adventures of Testicleese and will release it soon.) Good luck with your roleplay have fun and hope to see you around. Thanks for once again being a great sport Black!
    09/22/2011 8:23 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Oh, thats fine good sir.... Uh.. I had something to do anyway... I am a very busy man indeed! (cough) Creatures to slay, maidens to rescue and all that! Besides I needed to wash mine golden locks! (Sniff) Good day to you all.....
    09/22/2011 8:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Foul play? It cannot be an adventure whilst the mighty Testicleese is not involved! I have slain the foul beast Flatulenta of Fradoor! I have matched wits against Spermanta the Great, whose vast army drowned the great city of Pantya! What treachery is this nave!
    09/22/2011 1:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Ah a winters solstice! The times when I was a young lad in my village, during the solstice, our town elder would come to us speaking in an old forgotten tongue. He would slap us gently about the face with freshly harvested boar testicles while ushering us through the ceremony blessing us as true men of the realm. Ahhh the memories.. The smells... The... ughhhhh... The smells? Im.. Im going to be sick!
    09/22/2011 11:34 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    My package is fine thank you! And I shall ask you not inquire about it further.... Have you heard something? .. Perhaps one of my long lost maidens has a loose tongue? I say to thee sir, it was cold! When your a man and it's cold, I mean there must be some level of understanding!
    09/22/2011 4:02 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Testicleese's Avatar
    Too Right you are my noble nave!

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