TheDerpyMudkip's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    05/18/2014 11:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    TheDerpyMudkip's Avatar
    Name: Mudkip (Sorry, I don't want to give out my real name)
    Skype: DerpyMudkip
    Age: 17
    IGN: DerpyMudkip
    Youtube: (If you have one) None.
    Minecraft Experience: Been playing since 1.6 Beta
    Minecraft type you like to play: Minigames, Factions, Hunger Games, Walls, etc.
    Minecraft Skills (EG: Coding, PvP, Building): Building, PvP'ing
    Do you have a server/ Could you host one: I used to host one with 50+ players on it,
    How good at pvp are you: 7.7/10
    What is your timezone: Pacific Standard
    Where do you live: Los Angeles, California
    How often do you play Minecraft: 3-4 hours a day.
    Personal Traits: Communicative, Genuine, Compassion, Integrity,
    Servers you play: I'm banned on some servers because I was hacked before. Don't worry though, I changed my password and migrated. The server I play most on is: The Hive.
    Are you dedicated: Yes, of course. Well, once it's time for finals (which is this week), I won't be as much.
    Would you be keen to play UHC (Ultra HardCore): Yes, of course.
    Would you like to do a 12 player pixelmon (Pixelmon Mod) series: Oh God, yes. I'm Korean. I was raised on Pokemon.
    Describe yourself: I'm Korean, I love to game, and I also love to rap. I'm really good at freestyling.
    Anything Else you want to share: Thank You for giving me an opportunity like this.
    05/18/2014 2:13 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    TheDerpyMudkip's Avatar
    This application is specifically made for Head-Admin

    Age: 17
    Skype: (Required) DerpyMudkip
    Explain your maturity in a few sentences: I'm responsible and respectful to people. I have manners and know how to differentiate from right and wrong, and I know how to manage a server and its players.
    How hard working are you? Since it's Finals week, I can play for at least 2 hours. Being Korean sometimes sucks.
    How many hours can you dedicate to our project? When I'm done with Finals in a week, I can dedicate 6 hours.
    What previous experience do you have? Head Admin, Admin, Moderator, Moderator, Admin
    Do you have any technical knowledge? I used to run my own server, so I know how to configure plugins, use FTP, etc.
    Why should we accept you? I believe strongly that I am a very mature person and I am well fit for the job. If a rule needs to be enforced, it shall be done. If a player needs assistance, it should be given. If a player is causing issues, he/she will be dealt with appropriately. I will never abuse my power since there is no reason for me to do so.
    What traits do you have that will help you? Honesty, Focus, Passion, Respect, Confidence, Integrity, Compassion, Communicative, Genuine, Supportive
    What can you bring that others can't? Leadership transitions and team strength.
    What are your strengths and weaknesses? My strengths are that I am not afraid to take risks and go for broke. If I have to make a decision that could alter my ego, I just hope for the best and take it. My weakness is fearlessness. At times, I will regret decisions I have made in the past and would argue with myself asking why I made a decision such as this or that. I think that everyone in some point goes through a phase where they're insecure of the decisions they make.

    Other Info: This application was made specifically for the Head-Admin position.

    Thank You for taking the time to read over this application.
    05/18/2014 1:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    TheDerpyMudkip's Avatar
    [b]1.Rank you are applying for: [b]Admin[/b]
    [b]2.[/b]IGN: [b]DerpyMudkip[/b]
    [b]3.[/b]age/gender/location (all optional only include what you're comfortable with): [b]17, Male, California[/b]
    [b]4.[/b]Any staff experience: [b]Admin and Moderator[/b]
    [b]5.[/b]Why you want to help our server: [b]I am a responsible, and respectful person. I know simple manners, I know how to differentiate right from wrong, and I know how to manage a server.[/b]
    [b]6.[/b]Do you have a server of your own (We don't need the IP. We just want to know this so we know if Darkness Empire will be your first server priority): [b]I used to run a Factions/PvP server back in 2012. I stopped hosting around Christmas and since then, I've been staff members on a few servers. I quit them because I felt that the other staff members weren't fit for the job and were also immature. I hope that this time, if I do become a staff member, I will have a good experience.[/b]
    [b]If you have any questions that you want to ask me, please add me on Skype: DerpyMudkip[/b]

    [b]Thank You.[/b]

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