TheExplosiveBros's Avatar
Level 5
Apprentice Crafter

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    11/12/2014 11:44 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheExplosiveBros's Avatar
    1. What is your IGN: vatvat3
    2. Why are you interested in joining this server? I am looking to join this server so that I can just have a friendly community where i can play nicely without being pestered by people who are immature, I like to have a server where I feel welcome on.
    3. How often will you play on the server? Around 3-6 hours on the weekdays and around 6 on weekends
    4. How old are you? (Must be at least 15, maybe 14 based on application/maturity) I am 14, but I can promise you that I am much more mature than most people of my age.
    5. How long have you played Minecraft for? 4 years (my fav thing is farming and building)
    6. How do you plan to spend your time on the server? Playing with a community, I might set up some kind of trading buisness where I can trade goods with other members of the server
    7. What is your skype? dan.laidlaw
    8. What is your Youtube? (If you have one. Recording is optional) ... qPQkemRghw, but my videos arn't currently good
    09/21/2014 10:32 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheExplosiveBros's Avatar
    IGN: vatvat3
    Age: I am basically 14, a week or two away
    How long you've played Minecraft: I have played minecraft for about 3-4 years now, and I'm just looking for a nice community based server so that I don't get bored of Minecraft
    Best at (In MC): I'm most proberly best at Farming and Building, pvp isn't my thing
    Mature?: I'm likely a 9/10

    I really hope you accept me, I'm looking foward to playing on the server!
    02/16/2014 10:02 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheExplosiveBros's Avatar
    OMG, I have been looking for someone to build a map of middle earth with, and someone comes with a server and wants help! I mean, who doesn't like LOTR and The Hobbit! I would LOVE to help with your authentic build of middle earth, I'm no Fyre UK, but I can build quite good! But I am very familiar with all the places in middle earth, btw, I'm vatvat3. Please let me know if I can help, because this project sounds something I would love to do!
    07/14/2013 7:02 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheExplosiveBros's Avatar
    Heyy, I'm vatvat3, and I would like to join Skinners Dimension. Im 13 years old, and I like to make skins!
    07/06/2013 3:59 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheExplosiveBros's Avatar
    Im intrested about this, I have made some textures before.
    I was just wondering what kind, is it realistic, cartoony.
    Also if you want help on sounds, I would LOVE to do that, because I'm a yet-to-be impressonised.

    PM me and we can get somthing sorted!

    The Explosive Bros.
    05/25/2013 5:41 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
    TheExplosiveBros's Avatar
    Im vatvat3, I would like to help you by being a texture maker, I am not good at HD texture, but very good at defualt 16x16 textures. As the post above I would just like to help, not get payed.


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