theman1125's Avatar
Level 5
Apprentice Miner

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    06/05/2014 11:31 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    theman1125's Avatar
    Age: 14

    IGN: theman1125

    Language: English

    Experience: I have been a Helper on 1 server, Moderator on 8, Head-Moderator on 2, Admin on 5, Head-Admin on 1, Co-Owner on 3, and I have owned 3 servers now. Also, I have been a Warden on a Prison server, and I have been a Guard on a prison server.

    Contact Source: Skype: Manly Doge (Ask for my email on skype if needed)

    What are you applying for? Why?: I am applying for Admin or Moderator. I am applying for Admin/Moderator because I have tons of experience with commands, and know how to handle almost every situation between players/staff.

    What is your experience and evidence of you experience?: One of my servers are still up. I can give you the IP in skype if you need it for evidence.

    What is your intelligence in relation to plugins?: I am extremely good with plugins. All except for PermissionsEx

    What are your building skills, and proof of skills?: I am a decent builder, I can send you a screenshot of my server spawn through skype.

    Anything else you might want to add?: Well, I am applying for this position because I love to help people. I see people all the time that need help, and most of the time I can't help them, and knowing that makes me feel sad on the inside . Also, I am very mature for my age, as I have been told so by many adults.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my application!

    06/02/2014 12:36 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    theman1125's Avatar
    Staff Application Format:

    In Game Name:

    In Real Life Name (First):



    Staff Experience (BE SPECIFIC):

    What Can You Bring To The Server?:

    Why Do You Want To Be Staff?:

    Why Should We Pick You?:

    What Makes You Different From The Other Applicants?:

    ~(Your In Game Name Here)
    04/08/2014 10:57 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    theman1125's Avatar

    Join My Server IP:
    09/05/2012 5:14 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    theman1125's Avatar
    fuck u
    09/05/2012 5:04 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    theman1125's Avatar
    I would like to be a mod because i can help out with the server in any way i can. Im a decent builder, and i will keep the server clean of hackers spammers etc. I will also help other players, stop their fighting, and stop advertising. I will also be on as much as possible. I say as much as possible because school has started and im going to be very busy.
    the most important rules of a server are: Listen to the staff and never disrespect them. 2. No hacking/spamming 3. No advertising other servers. Thats 3 of the most important rules of a server.
    My strengths are keeping a server a friendly environment and keeping hackers and spammers away.
    My weaknesses are building, which i am ok at.
    I know a lot about plugins but i dont know how to set them up.
    I do not and never will abuse people or my powers as mod admin co-owner or any staff rank. I dont abuse my powers or people. peirod.
    09/05/2012 4:52 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
    theman1125's Avatar
    Name: Lucas (but you can call me Luke)
    IGN: theman1125

    Skype: i used to have one but it logged out and i dont remember the password

    Age: 15

    I would like Co_Owner or administrator, but moderator would be fine.

    I have been an admin and op on 2 servers, an admin on 1, and a moderator on 7.

    I plan to give my loyalty and hard work to the server, my best building techniques, and the best protection from hackers, spammers, etc
    If i could contribute to the server costs if i could but i dont have a credit card or a paypal.

    I will make the server better by keeping it clean from hackers, spammers, etc. helping with any building that needs done, and helping other players as much as possible.

    I would get more people to come on the server by advertising it on reddit, planetminecraft, minecraft server list, and advertising on other servers. I would even try to make a website for the server. If the server already has a website then it will be a second one advertising the server.

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