ThePainter's Avatar
Level 30
Artisan Artist

Wall Posts

  • ThePainter's Avatar
    February 13, 2024, 8:50 am to Public

    February 13, 2024.
    My "THE MOUNT MASSIVE SCHOOL" map was deleted from MediaFire for DMCA violation. Finally.
    I have been waiting for the deletion of this stupid "OUTLAST - FULL GAME RECREATION (1.8)" clone for almost 3 years. This garbage deserved to get deleted. I appreciate MediaFire's actions!
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    March 25, 2022, 9:27 am to Public
    Hello, guys. Today is Friday, March the 25th. Today the 3rd term (the longest and the most difficult) ended.

    I haven't been posting anything for a month now because i had TOO much school work. We had a lot of tests every day and the teachers also started giving us A LOT of projects. For example, I had 4 project works to make a week ago (PE, History, Safety studies, Project). I used to finish doing homework at 8 pm. Starting from this term, I finish it at 9 pm. Fortunately, I haven't got a lot of bad marks during this hell. In the 1st term I got 2-3 times more bad marks than in the 3rd.

    One of the main problems was my Safety Studies DEBT. It was the first school debt in my life. During the whole term we were learning a military science on Safety Studies. We had 3 exams on military science: a protective suit exam, the AK-74 assembly/disassembly and learning AK-74 parts by heart. We had to pass the first one until February the 8th, the second and the third - until March the 1st. I successfully passed the protective suit on February the 1st, the AK-74 parts also didn't cause difficulties, but the assembly/reassembly turned into a hell. I didn't pass it on February the 22nd, on March the 1st I also didn't manage to pass it because of 1 mistake. On March the 15th our teacher came and said: "The exam time is over, everyone who hasn't passed one or several exams are DEBTORS! Until Friday you can find me and pass the exams individually, or you will get "F"s!". I was really terrified when I realised that I'm one of debtors. I was considering the "individual passing" as something impossible because it was difficult to find Oksana Gennadevna at school and there were a lot of debtors who also had to pass exams individually. On Wednesday I didn't find her. On Thursday there was a crowd of high-school students near her room, so I didn't get to her again. After this I realised that if I don't pass the freaking assembly/reassembly on friday, I will get "F". On Friday I was desperate. On the break after second lesson I desperately went to her room and she was there. I said that I had to pass the f*****g exam IMMEDIATELY. We went to a scary utility room. There was no table or something alike, so I had to assembly/reassembly the gun in an uncomfortable SQUATTING pose. It was really uncomfortable and unpleasant, but I had to pass it urgently. I got "B", but I was happy because I was finally free of debt.

    This 11-week long hell ended, so I will continue posting skins very soon. The holidays are quite short (until April the 3rd), but I will be able to post several skins during this time.

  • ThePainter's Avatar
    December 31, 2021, 4:14 pm to Public
    2022 has finally come! It's already 0:14 am!🥳🥳🥳
    ZappyGru said 2021-12-31 16:53:38
    ZappyGru's Avatar
    Lucky you, I still have to wait a few hours before the day comes!
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    December 31, 2021, 3:00 pm to Public
    It's 11:00pm! 1 hour left!🥳
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    December 31, 2021, 9:18 am to Public
    Hello, guys.
    It's Friday, December the 31st, 2021, 5 pm. In 7 hours 2021 finishes. So I'd like to summarize this year, how was it, what good and what bad happened during this year, what were the main events of 2021.

    OK. Let's summarize every month individually.
    January was an important month because I joined Planet Minecraft. My career started. At school January was a normal month, not very easy or difficult.
    February was also a normal month. We had a lot of snow, despite living in southern Russia where snow is rare. At school February was normal, just 2 days (2 and 26) were unlucky.
    March was a GOOD month. Several school days were really lucky, none were bad, the 3rd term finished happily. The weather was also good with a lot of snow. Spring holidays in the end of March were successful (only the 23rd was bad because I deleted my old YouTube channel because of active unsubscribing from my channel. I lost half subscribers that day).
    April was difficult. We had been writing exams for the entire month, we had 8 exams. Besides of exams, I had really bad situation with Computer Science. I got 3 "F"s in a row and a threat of getting "F" in term existed. I was so busy that I posted 0 skins in April. Almost 2 months passed before I posted my first skin after all this hell.
    May was a really good month. In the beginning of May we had long 11-day holidays. Than we were studying for 1,5 weeks and summer holidays came. Every school day was successful, I corrected my Computer Science mark and got an excellent mark. Other subjects were also excellent.
    June, July and August were good month. No bad events happened. The 2021 summer was good.
    September, the first month of new school year, was an above average month. It started successfully, only the end of month contained several bad days.
    But in October everything was opposite. It was a bad and difficult month. Yes, the beginning of October was quite normal. But after the 18th of October THIS HELL started. Almost every day was bad. The 19th was a hell busy day, I didn't have even 5 minutes to relax. I was like in a prison among all homework. The 20th and 21st were normal. 22nd was bad, I got a bad mark on Algebra. The next 3 days were medium, but Tuesday the 26th was a record day. For the first time I got THREE "F"s in one day. It was something crazy. I will remember the 26th for my whole life. The term ended with all "A" and one "B" mark - in Geometry. I got "B" in term for the first time. It happened because of "F" on Tuesday the 26th.
    November holidays were good. The entire November was a good month. On the 20th we decorated a New Year tree in our house. Just the 23rd was unlucky - I got "F" in Biology. The last month of 2021 - December - was also good. Most of days were lucky. In the end of December we had a REALLY lot of tests and control works, but I wrote all of them good. Now we have long winter holidays which will end on January the 9th.

    2021 was an above average year overall. Most of days were good, almost 50% were medium, least of them were bad. In 2021 I posted 116 submissions on Planet Minecraft: 115 skins and 1 map.
    OK. It's time for New Year wishes. I wish you all the best. I wish you happiness, health, success and prosperity. I wish all your dreams will come true, everyone in your families will be happy, children will love parents and parents will love children. I wish every Planet Minecraft member a lot of diamonds, favourites, subscribers and a lot of success.

    Be happy! Happy Holiday, dear friends! Happy New Year 2022!🥳🥳🥳

  • ThePainter's Avatar
    December 17, 2021, 9:31 am to Public
    2 weeks left!
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    November 13, 2021, 1:56 pm to Public
    Today is Saturday, November the 13th. I'm presenting my 2021 "year in pixels" calendar, which describes how good such day of 2021. Some days were especially good or ESPECIALLY BAD. I will post the full calendar on December the 31st.
    LunaEclipse4304 said 2021-11-13 14:02:31
    LunaEclipse4304's Avatar
    good idea, i might try this next year
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    November 8, 2021, 7:23 am to Public
    Today is Monday, November the 8th. We had the first day of the 2nd term. It contained:

    1. Computer Science - we had just a new topic.
    2. English - the same, we started a new module in the Student's book.
    3. Algebra - we were repeating rational equations tasks and on Wednesday we will have a test.
    4. Russian - it was a scary lesson. We had a control composition.
    5. Chemistry - the term started with a new teacher. Our previous teacher stopped teaching Chemistry and started teaching Geography because "Our Geography teacher (2019-2020)" left our school.
    6. Literature - we were preparing for a control composition about "Captain's Daughter" in 9.3 format.
    7. Mechanical Drawing - we had a control detail drawing and it wasn't as easy as 1st term drawings.

    Surprisingly, the day, despite being the 1st in the term, wasn't as long as November the 9th, 2020, January the 11th, 2021, March the 31st and September the 2nd.

    The school is really difficult and nervous. I'm already waiting for December the 28th when the term will end.

  • ThePainter's Avatar
    November 7, 2021, 1:03 am to Public
    Unfortunately, tomorrow the 2nd term starts. It ends only on the New Year's week (lasts 51 days). On the first day we will immediately have a Russian test and Literature composition.
    ThePainter replied to Spongie's comment below 2021-11-08 07:07:43
    ThePainter's Avatar
    Thank you, Spxngie! Thanks also for subscribing!🌟✨
    Spongie said 2021-11-07 01:54:43
    Spongie's Avatar
    Aaa, good luck!
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    October 2, 2021, 6:00 am to Public
    Hello. Today I start a new format of wallposts (real-life videos). They will contain interesting situations from real life. I will sometimes post them along with regular posts.

    Today I noticed a lot of wasps on cucumber plantation in my village house yard and recorded. The camera can't show a full atmosphere of the situation, but I tried to record as clearly as possible. Enjoy.

    Sassafras said 2021-10-02 07:58:00
    Sassafras's Avatar
    Yesh I’m glad I’m not you
    ThePainter said 2021-10-02 06:28:40
    ThePainter's Avatar
    There are so many wasps not only on cucumbers. There is a huge amount of them EVERYWHERE OUTSIDE.
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    September 28, 2021, 11:37 am to Public
    Thank you for subscribing, dear 1398! You are the best!
    FinGeisthauser said 2021-09-28 12:35:41
    FinGeisthauser's Avatar
    🥰 I like his shirt alotand the glasses
    ThePainter replied to FinGeisthauser's comment below 2021-09-28 12:27:10
    ThePainter's Avatar
    I'm very glad that you appreciate my skins:)✨
    FinGeisthauser said 2021-09-28 12:19:19
    FinGeisthauser's Avatar
    💌Thank YOU
    neat dog
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    September 22, 2021, 2:40 pm to Public
    This can't be described with polite words. The situation with tests and homeworks is so fu**ing horrible. OK, at first I say that on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we have Algebra, on Tuesdays and Thursdays we have Geometry. Tomorrow is Thursday, so we would normally have Geometry. Today I have done a lot of HUGE, INSANELY DIFFICULT homeworks and LEARNED A LOT OF SН*T PARAGRAPHS TODAY AND AT 9 PM OUR TEACHER SENT THAT, INSTEAD OF GEOMETRY, WE WILL HAVE ALGEBRA TOMORROW. ONE FREAKING TEST AND FREAKING HUGE HOMEWORK MORE! I'm almost dead. I have been studying at school from 7:30 to 13:00, from 13:00 to 14 I had one hour to come from school and have dinner, and from 14:00 to 21:00 I have been doing homework. I definitely won't do the Algebra homework legitimately and prepare for the test work. I will only rewrite this homework from GDZ sites. I'll definitely get "F" tomorrow, but after all this nightmare I don't mind. Thanks to all my readers. Good luck. 😶🔫
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    September 2, 2021, 8:54 am to Public
    Hello. Today is Thursday, September the 2nd. Today we had the first serious day of school with 6 lessons:

    1. Chemistry
    2. History
    3. Geometry
    4. Biology
    5. Geography
    6. Music
    The lessons were introduction lessons, so we didn't have any tests or other scary tasks. The school was just 5 hours 10 minutes long (from 8:50 to 14:00), but it was really felt like 6 or 7 hours. This was normal and predictable, because the first 1-2 days after holidays are always really long. In the last schoolyear September the 2nd, November the 9th, January the 11th and March the 31st were also very long.

    But one EXTREMELY SAD thing happened...📱=☠️

    I was walking from school, carrying my phone in hand and suddenly saw that my bag is not entirely closed. I tried to close it, and the high wind gust suddenly blew. My phone fell on the wet ground (we had a rain in the morning). I took it and saw a HUGE fissure on the half of screen. It was huge like after the hammer hit. I don't know how the phone was broke so severely. It fell on the solid tiled or laminate floor several times and didn't even have the single small fissure, and a soft wet ground has violently crushed it. I think that there were some small gravel stones on the ground which broke the phone. I'm going to have a new phone in a couple of days. I'd like to give you an advice: hold your phone firmly in the hands and try not to drop it anywhere. If you drop it on the ground, it will severely crush with a chance of 90%. That's all. Have a good end of the working week. Good luck.
    ThePainter replied to Zulfish's comment below 2021-09-02 09:34:32
    ThePainter's Avatar
    Good luck with studying. The school is horrible (
    Zulfish said 2021-09-02 09:07:26
    Zulfish's Avatar
    That's rough dude I have school too now :(
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    August 31, 2021, 10:59 am to Public

    It was a good summer...
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    August 23, 2021, 6:55 am to Public
    Today is Monday, August the 23rd. Unfortunately, the school is really close now, because September the 1st will be on the next week. A lot of things at school are changing this schoolyear.

    The first thing which is changed is school shift. We have been a second shift class during the previous two years, the school was from 1:30 pm to 6:40 pm in 2019-2020 and from 1:40 / 2:30 pm to 7:40 pm in 2020-2021. This year (2021-2022) we finally become the first shift class, the school will start at 8:00 am and end probably at 2:30 pm.

    The second thing which is changed is the subject amount. Art and boys' Technology are removed in the 8th grade. Chemistry, Life Safety Fundamentals, mechanical drawing and Project are starting.

    The third thing which is changed ONLY in our class is the English program. For a long time (from 2nd to 7th grade) we were studying with Kuzovlev program, which was considered to be bad. Starting this year we will study with "Spotlight" program, which is considered to be better than Kuzovlev program.

    The fourth thing is the saddest one. Our form teacher, which was teaching and managing our class for 3 schoolyears, retired a week ago. She was kind and fair, we got a lot of Russian and Literature knowledges from her, so most of the class was shocked and disappointed by this event. We are going to have a new form teacher who is our classmate's mother. She is rude and respects only her son, she shouts quite often. Our new form teacher doesn't teach any subjects, so I don't know who will be our new Russian and Literature teacher.

    The fifth thing is also a little sad. The Technology subject is removed this year and replaced by Mechanical drawing, so our boys' Technology teacher doesn't teach us anymore. We will have a new teacher of Mechanical drawing who is 48 years old woman. She was also our Art teacher from October to December 2019. That time she didn't seem to be evil, but she could change after 2 years. The Art is completely removed and not replaced by any subject.

    OK, these are all changes for now. If there are other changes, I will update this wallpost in a short time. Good luck, goodbye.
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    August 18, 2021, 6:27 am to Public
    I found another site which allowes EVERYBODY to sign-in. Because of this site I can now post media on Planet Minecraft.
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    August 18, 2021, 6:23 am to Public

    How does the Zheka's granddaughter look like in Minecraft.
    ThePainter said 2021-08-18 12:07:22
    ThePainter's Avatar
    OK, I've read your message. Thanks for your opinion, because Russia really could block Imgur. Russian government often blocks sites which seem to be not good for it. I've already found analogic site which isn't blocked, so I don't need Imgur anymore.
    Papa Enny said 2021-08-18 11:20:15
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    Guy, do you even read the notes, private messages?
    I wrote you something
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    August 18, 2021, 12:28 am to Public
    Today is Wednesday, August the 18th. Exactly 2 weeks are left before school. The curriculum in this schoolyear will be difficult (like in the previous), so during the terms I will post skins ONLY ON THE WEEKENDS, because the other days are going to be busy. During the holidays I'm going to post skins more often.
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    August 6, 2021, 7:07 am to Public
    I've finally installed 64-bit Java. I'm now playing Minecraft with 20 render dintance and have a LOT of mods without lagging.
  • ThePainter's Avatar
    July 28, 2021, 10:25 am to Public
    Exactly a year ago, on July the 28th, 2020, I made Dog and Chloe skins. I posted them only in 2021, because in 2021 I joined Planet Minecraft. I made some other skins a long ago and posted in 2021. For example, I made the Biologist skin on December the 7th, 2018 and posted on January the 30th, 2021. I made the Santa Lavus skin on December the 23th, 2019 and posted also on January the 30th, 2021.
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