ThreefoldSerpent's Avatar
Level 1
New Hunter

Maecenas Serpens Triplici

»»————- ThreefoldSerpent ————-««

My primary function on this forum is to produce skins, those being of a particular caliber, theme, and genre. To be specific, I am a fan of both
contemporary and classical science fiction universes, as well as a few fantasy and feudal worlds. Its plain to see I am a massive fan of 40K,
more pointedly the Horus Heresy, which is set in an earlier time period than the original setting. I actually own two tabletop armies, my personal favorite being the Heresy Alpha Legion list I use mostly for display. The second is a Ynnari army, which combines both a Dark Eldar and Craftworlds list that I united with the new HQ boxset. As a result, most of the skins you will see produced are going to be of Warhammer material. I do occasionally play Minecraft, however I tend to jump from server to server and am looking for a place to settle down. In saying this, If you have any suggestions or a quality community to join, reach out to me. Otherwise, feel free to send me skin requests and rate my work, and also keep an eye on the Wall Posts to see what I am currently working on.

Member Statistics

1,037Profile views
28Experience points
2Forum threads
5Discussion posts
1Wall posts
May 10, 2018Joined PMC
ThreefoldSerpentMinecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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