tnp80808's Avatar
Level 18
Journeyman Dragonborn

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    10/27/2014 7:25 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn
    tnp80808's Avatar
    First Name: Timothy

    IGN (In Game Name) : redviper10a

    Skype (A Must have) : reds-minecraft

    Previous Experience (this is the main part of the application, it could determine the final answer!) : I have owned a few good populated servers in the past I couldn't run them anymore because I didn't have the funds to pay for them, been staff on a few other servers. I had a ton of experience with griefing.

    Which Position are you applying for? Admin

    Any (Building / Basic Plugin Configuration) experience? Yes, good plugin experience, decent at building.

    Maturity (1-10) Explain why: 9, because I joke when it is time to joke and I am serious when it is time to be serious...

    What you can contribute to the server: Well I can help with plugins & plugin configs,and I am decent at building. I can be on whenever possible as-well.

    Any other skills that could get you to be accepted? I know my way around with minecraft control panels, I am good with world edit.

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