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Level 2
Apprentice Miner

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    08/29/2019 4:40 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    TotallyMuffin's Avatar
    Sounds good!
    04/24/2016 9:23 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    TotallyMuffin's Avatar
    IGN: MagicalHindu

    Name: Jordan

    Age: 16

    Skype: chadisrad5

    Time Zone: PST

    Education: I am a sophomore in high school.

    Languages Spoken(Relatively Fluently): English

    Moderation Experience:

    Yes. I've owned a few servers earlier, and I've been staff on a few. The once that I owned with my friends, went down after about a year, because of not enough donations. I also applied and got Helper on VixaPvP which is down. I got Helper after about 2-3 weeks, and so I just like ranked up in the staff ranks each 2nd week because they thought I were the Ultimate Staff member. I have a lot of experience with chat control, to hold the chat clean and good. I also involve every person to a chat who wants to join, or be with. I'm always trying to keep as many as possible happy. And I try to answer each persons question

    Managerial Experience:

    I do not really have a background in the management side of things

    Do you have a microphone?

    I have a webcam that can record my face and my voice. It isn’t a professional microphone or anything like that, but it works for TS3 and recording my voice if needed.

    Do you have some form of recording software?

    I do not, but I can search for on if needed!

    When are you available(Time and Day)?

    In game: I will be highly active in game. I willl be on the server for about two and a half hours per day maybe more This is my average and not a perfect figure. Some days, I might be able to play for three hours or more, while other days, I might only be able to play for 45 minutes. I cannot really give a perfect answer that will cover every day because of my ever-changing schedule as an sophomore in high school. I can say though that I am very active.

    On the forums:

    I will be highly active on the forums. I am a bit of a forum dweller and will check the forums frequently. I will reply to most threads and make sure my response is detailed and thorough.

    On Teamspeak:

    I will be somewhat highly active on Teamspeak. This means me going on for two and a half hours or so per day. I have relatively recently started using TS3. My ability to use Teamspeak greatly fluctuates because I cannot disturb the other people at my house. Sometimes and other times, I just cannot get on. Some days, I can get on for hours and hours, but other days, I can only get on for 30 minutes.

    References/Referees: N/A

    Why should we choose you over other candidates?

    I feel I would be a nice addition to the staff team. I am nice to everyone and treat everyone with respect. I am a hard-working individual and will not stop until problems are solved and requirements are met. Additionally, I try to be as friendly as possible to others and I will never judge people. I really enjoy helping people out and trying to be the best person I can be. I would love to be added to the team and hope to make the server a wonderful and fun place for everyone!

    How could you benefit ArchaicMC?

    I will help and be nice to any new players coming to ArchaicMC for the first time. My main goal is to make the server a great server and help make it onto people server lists by making it have a clean and enjoyable environment. I will do this by reporting rule breakers and keeping the chat to a nice state. From personal experience, I know it is always nice to come into a new server and there is no swearing or roughhousing in chat. I would love to create a safe environment for everyone, old and new. Also, I will always put helping others first and to keep other people as my priorities. I will reply to every question or request fully and make sure they are happy and fully satisfied with my response.

    What do you believe are your strengths?

    My greatest strength has to be acknowledging people and their strengths and weaknesses to help them where they need it. I feel that this strength is not very common among other people and it would help me help people grow from their weaknesses and be better or more likable in the game. All the time, people help me out with my weaknesses so I would love to give back to the community with this strength of mine.

    What do you believe are your weakness’s?

    My greatest weakness has to be my sense of opinion. I either will die for making my opinion right or have no opinion at all. I wouldn't get into arguments about little things on the server, but on some topics that have to do with higher standings than basic server arguments. My weakness comes into play on the forums more than on any other platform (in game and TS3). I am working on this very hard and over time, it has gotten much better.

    Why are you applying for a staff position on ArchaicMC?

    I've decided to apply on ArchaicMC because this is a Minecraft Factions server and I really enjoy playing on faction servers. Since I started playing Minecraft in Year 2011-2012 I've always wanted to help out online servers as much as I humanly possibly can. I really want to be able to help ArchaicMC to grow, and get bigger in the history of minecraft. So I really want to help ArchaicMC out, and make it become bigger, and even better.

    Anything else?

    I just want to thank you for reading this application
    04/14/2016 5:54 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    TotallyMuffin's Avatar
    Bump :3
    04/12/2016 6:06 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    TotallyMuffin's Avatar
    04/10/2016 10:56 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    TotallyMuffin's Avatar
    BlondiebluegreenMy Builder/Helper Application

    Real Name (optional):
    Currently ZombieMonkey6_6
    Do you have Skype:
    Yes, lizzieb12338
    Age (must be at least 12/14 years old):
    Level of Experience (Basic, Intermediate or Expert):
    I'm good at building as long as I have directions and I'm Basic as a helper but I'm willing to learn!
    Any past builds you would like to show (Recommended):
    Just because I just started to play again I'm sad to inform you that I don't have any present builds to share
    When are you available:
    I'm still in school and I switch between my parents house every other week but I'm fixing my computer so I can play at both houses.
    How dedicated will you be (Scale 1-10):
    7-8 Due to school and housing (I understand if you need more dedicated staff)
    Tell me about yourself (1-2 paragraphs):
    Well I'm just started playing MC again (after a little over a year) like you and I'm looking for a server in which I can spend my time on. I enjoy League of Legends and different steam games. I'm applying for two positions just in case you might be low on staff but I'm willing to do ether.
    Thank you look looking at my application

    +1 We are in need of builders so I'm glad you to have you aboard! Also could you please download skype, it is our form of communication
    04/10/2016 10:18 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    TotallyMuffin's Avatar
    +1 We could use someone like you, welcome aboard!
    04/10/2016 9:49 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
    TotallyMuffin's Avatar
    +1 Very well made application!

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