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Level 5 Apprentice Network

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    08/10/2016 9:58 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    train212's Avatar
    train21's Admin Application

    Role: Admin

    Name: Dylan Rivero

    IGN: train21

    Age: 15, going to 10th grade.

    Skype (You must have this): (PM me on PMC if I get accepted, since I always get random contact requests)

    Have you worked on a server before (Describe your experience):
    I have been helper / moderator / admin on many servers. I am experience with helping players and running servers as I do own a server myself with custom plugins. On that server I don't really have to maintain it that much since I only have to update the server version since it is an anarchy server. I have made a kit-pvp server in the past along with factions. Now I know how to manage plugins such as PermissionsEX, GroupManager, and I know basically every perm on essentials. I have retired from my positions from other servers since some of them don't make it and get shut down or I resign my position. But I recently wanted to find a new server to apply to and I found this server. I know how to appropriately punish players if they don't follow the rules. For example, if a player advertise their server, I would warn them with a 10 minute mute to not advertise their server. If they still advertise their server I will perm mute them. Same with people swearing I will warn them first, if they keep swearing in chat I will mute them for 10 minutes. Also I have experience with catching hackers. I can go into /vanish and watch over new players if they hack. I would punish accordingly what kind of hack it is. If they just have Anti-KB it will be a 7 day ban. Also with x-ray I would ban them for 7 days. Now if it is like kill aura, speed, and fly hacks I will perm ban them. I also have an FPS file browser so if I need to edit the config I can do so with that.

    What makes you a good staff member?:
    I am a friendly guy. I am also very mature, meaning I wouldn't swear in chat. I am very kid friendly as well. I love to interact with players. All previous staff positions on other servers, I have been one of the best staffs for helping and interacting with players in chat . Also I have experience as I said earlier and I know all the basic admin commands and essentials commands. I also know how to punish players accordingly. I feel that this server has a lot of potential and I want to be a part of the community and want to help out the server.

    Thank you Josh for taking the time to read my application. Please PM me on PMC for my Skype.
    02/11/2016 7:13 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    train212's Avatar
    Age (13+):I am 14 but February 25 is my birthday so soon I will be 15.

    IGN: Supertrain212

    Timezone: New York EST

    How many hours can you contribute daily to the server: Well I do have lots of work but I will be on alot on the weekends if I dont have a project!

    What is your previous experience with moderating players: I have been moderater, admin, and even co owner. But sadly all those server ran out of funds. Thats why I came here to apply. But I know how to handle every situation I come into.

    Do you know which commands to use to punish people: I'm not that mod that everyone hates, but If someone tries to advertise their server, I will try to ask them to stop, but if they keep going, I will /mute them or /kick. If someone if hacking I will temp ban them for 7-10 days depends on what hacks they use. If I see them hacking I might just ban them for the heck of it. I know how to use all the other commands /jail, /freeze, /ipban (If they have more accounts), and etc.

    Why should we choose you to join us: I have been looking for a Mod position and I found your server. I am looking forward to moderating a server and I hope this server doesn't run out of funds. I am going to keep the chat clean and help anyone in need. Now getting back to the question, "Why should we choose you to join us?" I believe I can make this server better and help because I know alot about plugins because I use to own a server but I ran out of funds. I can't wait to join you guys!

    Can you use Skype or Slack?,( if so, if you are accepted, PM Beaverer with it): I have a skype and I will pm if I get accepted!

    Extra (Optional): I am starting a twitch channel and I am looking forward to streaming on this server.
    10/28/2014 7:58 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Network
    train212's Avatar
    Helper Team Requirements:
    - Age: 12+
    - Skype Required
    - Help staff to complete compulsory tasks

    Helper Team Application:
    Age:13 (Almost 14)
    Skype:Can I pm you in the server)
    Past experience:I experience ownership in my server. I had to ban people (For Hacking) and asking for op
    Why you?:Because I have experience being owner and helpers on other servers I can help with testing plugins and building stuff!
    What can you bring to this network?: I can help kick / mute players asking for op because GIVE ME OP IM A PMC STAFF! I wont ban players unless they are gliching or hacking. I may only tempban for 1 day if gliching but hacking, I dont accept. I believe this server will grow in a month!

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