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Level 1 New Miner

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    12/07/2012 6:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Trainguyrom's Avatar
    IGN: Trainguyrom
    Age: 17
    Name: Ryan Lamb
    Skype: Trainguyrom
    Why you want to join?: Having become addicted to modding back in Beta 1.8.1, I have enjoyed mods for quite a while. My issue has always been the fact that I have a cruddy computer, so I get a bit of lag, and I can't record. I have been searching for a LPer to let me co-host, but I've never had much luck. Hopefully, I will find my luck with you. I really enjoy Minecraft, and I have wanted to do an LP for quite a while.
    Are you good at FTB?(Dont Matter Much): I have been playing with the core mods in FTB mod pack since Beta 1.8.1, and I'm quite experienced in all of them except Factorization and Greg's Tech, but those should be fairly quick to learn.
    Timezone: Central (GMT +6)

    Other: I'm currently running a private server for a few friends of mine, but I'm planning on switching hosts so I can feasibly do the FTB mod pack (with my friends). My current host gives a free TS server, but the new one doesn't, so I've found an affordable Mumble server host, and I would prefer to use that over Skype, if possible.

    Edit: If you want to get a feel for my personality, voice, style, etc. my YouTube channel is
    12/05/2012 6:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Trainguyrom's Avatar
    I'm quite well-versed in the mods in FTB mod pack, with the exclusion of Factorization.
    I am 17 yrs old, live in Wisconsin (USA), I can't record myself, since I've got a pretty cruddy computer, but I can co-host (almost) daily. My Skype is Trainguyrom (Ryan Lamb) but I also have a private TeamSpeak server we could use. My Minecraft username is Trainguyrom, and I can pm you the details about the TS server, if you are interested.


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