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Level 40 Master Dolphin

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    01/28/2013 12:49 am
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    Congrats to all of you, wish you all luck and stuffs.
    01/25/2013 10:31 am
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    I subbed, you got some great stuff on your channel.
    11/30/2012 11:27 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    I just re looked at the original thread, my writing was terrible before. I kinda wish the Rp would start again, I have not seen many rps lately.
    11/14/2012 4:29 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    I want to do a skin battle, I'm extremely bored.
    09/30/2012 3:09 am
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    Trent slowly made his way through the museum, he thought of all the stories it told. It reminded him of a happier time. He then left the museum hoping it would someday begin again and that he would return....
    08/28/2012 2:18 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    Hello all, I have returned and is it true that I hear that there is a server. Could any of you fine chaps please send me my information, I would incredibly greatful.

    Sincerely gentleman trenty.
    08/09/2012 12:14 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    The sad thing was in Morrowind I got killed by a small worm because my dagger couldn't reach it, I was trying to kill it for roughly 10 minutes then it killed me.
    08/09/2012 12:10 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    Indeed, that is a splendorous idea, we shall need to find a server!
    08/08/2012 3:05 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    Hello all, my character in Skyrim is a level 34 high elf with 100 smithing, and my game also is messed so I use and ebony dagger and the dagger you get from the quest for the mythic dawn dude and my dagger hits like 5 times a second. My oblivion characters are super OP but its been so long since I played. My Morriwind character was a complete fail, and I only played it for 1 day because I was like 8 and I couldn't hit anything with the darn dagger.
    08/08/2012 2:16 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    Test Subject

    Name: Dyne Barrett

    Serial Number: #043

    Age (14-19): 14

    Personality: Dyne is mostly shy, unless he knows the person he is with well, if he meeting someone for the first time he will shake the person's hand then stick to himself. He has trust issues because of his father. But he will also stand up and do what is necessary even if it gets him hurt, he won't let another person close to him get killed.

    Normal Appearance
    Click to reveal

    Gun Hand (It doesn't have those huge clips on the side, it has some small clips in the gun)
    Click to reveal


    Click to reveal
    Dyne was born into a very privileged family, his father was a government worker and his mom was from a rich family, but she was a stay at home mom. He lived in a huge house with his younger sister Thalia, and his baby brother Lucas. He had a problem that made him shy, when he was a baby he had fell out of a tree and broke his arm. IT was a horrible day that he never wishes to relive and now he is more careful if he doesn't want to get hurt again.

    The break was unable to be fixed with the technology at the time, so it had to be amputated. For his whole life after that his dad was ashamed of him, when he would have dinner with co-workers or bosses he would keep Dyne in his room and have the maids send food for him. So he thought that he was ugly and everyone was ashamed of him and the only people he would let in where his siblings and that maids to bring in food.

    One day he father and mother were having an argument and they sent all of the kids to their rooms, but Dyne didn't really, he stood around the corner listening to them bicker on and on. Then his father got really mad and pushed Dyne's mom down the stairs and killed her. His father had it blamed on one of the maids who was sentenced to 25 to life for the murder of Catherine Barrett.

    The maids knew for a fact that it wasn't her who murdered her and if they tried to speak out they would be going against a government official. so all the maids quit, leaving just his father to take care of them. His father had heard about a scientific experiment that was using children, so his father signed him up because he knew that Dyne knew and he couldn't let that get out. So Dyne now resides in the lab as some useless science experiment, hoping to get out and get revenge.

    Worst Fear: Coming home and finding that everything is gone and that his brother and sister are gone too.

    Biggest Dream: To beat the life out of his father for everything he has done.

    Darkest Secret: He is the only one who knows that his mother was killed by his father.

    Power: Dyne's power is that his left arm is a robot arm. But that is not all, the arm transforms into a mini Gatling gun at will, he still has to add them ammo through clips like any other gun and clean it. He is only allowed to have ammo when he is testing the gun, or when the scientists are adding enhancements to the weapon.

    Anything Else: Pundanar is on fire
    08/07/2012 9:52 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    Indeed it appears as thou thread has been scrambouzled back to its life, quite amazing chaps!
    08/02/2012 9:54 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    ^this right here^
    08/02/2012 8:24 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    I strongly disagree, many people who are on the forums don't come here to post skins and projects many come here to talk on the forums. Also if that would happen, people would spam with meaningless uploads meant for xp.
    07/25/2012 5:52 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    Sour where should we meet, and you have 1234 posts!
    07/13/2012 10:32 pm
    Level 40 : Master Dolphin
    trenty43's Avatar
    Douglas rose, he had calmed down and he needed to find a weapon of sorts. He began walking and saw a few people in the distance. "maybe they are some of the other testers or some people who could help me!". He began running over towards them.

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