treyevers's Avatar
Level 11
Journeyman Pokemon

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    08/30/2014 5:46 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Incredibly pointless. can't people realize a picture isn't the only thing for a post? and A lot of people have seen a witch's hut, we don't need a single representation of it, save it for a forums for a server that your friends play on like enjin, so you can at least share it with them?
    08/30/2014 11:33 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Normally, I don't request twice, but I love my original skin too much to leave it out lel

    Link to skin:

    I'll be using it for youtube if/when i can begin making vids again, as well as for PMC and other pages.
    08/29/2014 3:56 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Yeah, i saw it in mine and I'm a critic on the small things, and went back to my old background XD, but yeah, Black Underlines for the hats should definitely be double checked
    08/28/2014 8:05 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    not to complain, but why is there always this little black line across the bottom of the "hat" area? XD
    08/28/2014 2:13 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    It's good, but where did you get my reincarnate skin? I directed you to the one I wanted or did you just search my MC username and take that skin? XD
    08/27/2014 6:09 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    I would love to have one, might even use it for my YT

    IGN: TrueTreyevers

    Link to skin:

    08/27/2014 5:41 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Never felt like changing it to something, too busy to do that, and your just refusing because you don't have an excuse for any of this.
    08/27/2014 4:25 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    so you say it's "Open to The Public" well, you sir just screwed yourself in your OWN statement, that man above got banned because he refused to leave a "PUBLIC" server, It may be your server, but no need to advertise it as public when it isn't only the "staff" and "builders" will be allowed on as it seems, and i wouldn't doubt that when your done with said "staff" or "builders" that you'll just dispose of them in the same way.

    Try to convince me to believe you and not VolcalicJaguar.
    I await our explanation of nonsense.

    What on earth is wrong with your account, supposedly this was posted 40 minutes ago, but your profile says you've been offline since 2 months ago .-.
    08/26/2014 9:31 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Skype: treyevers (but I'd rather you pm me on here, i don't use skype very much)
    Product: Logo
    Details(ex. size, color etc..): the dimensons for a youtuber banner.
    I want it to have a Saints Row Logo, with a revolver crossing a diamond sword, and A Blue Pikachu in the middle, if that's possible for you?
    08/26/2014 8:48 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Sorry, I don't mean to spam. :/
    Just posting an opinion, should be tolerated. XD
    08/26/2014 8:43 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Hah, you slugs and your power-hungry and self-absorbed nature, your rising is as slow as your movement, we all know the Pikachus shall arise one day, to pull you under.

    Messing around for the Hell of it.
    08/26/2014 4:23 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Give me a purple sword then? if you cant do that go with diamond .-.
    08/25/2014 9:59 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: TrueTreyevers

    Link To Your Skin:

    What image to you want in the background (With Link): ... papers.jpg

    How long can you wait (I can mostly finish them in like a few days): however long it takes

    Do you want to hold anything in your hand (Diamond Sword in Example): If you would/are going to be able to do this, could you make a golden pistol in my characters hand like this?: ... _00008.jpg
    Or are we just doing MC Items?

    Image Size (Default 1920x1200): 1280x800 and 1920x1200 if you can, but if you'll only do one the do the 1280x800

    Image Format (JPEG or PNG):You can decide it doesn't matter to me

    Anything else: Sorry, that my request is a quite specific, if you can't do certain things It's okay with me you just leave em out :/
    08/25/2014 9:24 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Stupid Minecraft finally let me change my MC skin, so that skin is up on my Account now :/ stupid errors

    Truthfully I just wanna see what you can do. XD
    08/25/2014 9:20 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Can you make it to where my character is this?:
    The MC Servers won't let me change my character into it right now.
    08/25/2014 9:01 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    IGN: TrueTreyevers
    Anything Special?: Struck by lightning
    (Best special addon EVER!)
    EDIT: main skin is on
    08/25/2014 8:54 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    That's an obvious point but she is offline :/ i guess i can wait lol
    06/09/2013 2:12 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    Name:(optional) TrueTreyevers
    IGN:None, normally busy on work other than IGN.
    Skype(some source of communication?) Skype: Treyevers
    Can you host?: (its ok if you can't) Currently ive had a problem hosting so, no.
    Time Zone: looked all over, no idea, but i live in ohio and my time is 2:12 PM
    Favorite Youtuber(that plays minecraft) Too many to count =__=
    Anything Else You Think I Should Know....I record youtube videos and possibly during our games, i could upload a few, if youtube will be nice and not make a upload over 100+ minutes to upload
    Youtube: Treyevers
    10/24/2012 9:22 pm
    Level 11 : Journeyman Pokemon
    treyevers's Avatar
    LISTEN UP! there is no BEST minecraft name, because we all like different things so our liking in names varies ALOT. so dont go posting stuff saying " oh! my friend has the best minecraft name in the world!" because frankly thats your opinion, until everybody in the world agrees with it, then it wont be the BEST. sorry for busting your bubbles but its the freaking truth.

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