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    07/12/2013 12:18 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Texture Ender will not work for me ether, but in a different way then you. I opened Texture Ender, selected my TP, and then let it convert. It created a file like this: 'My Texture pack(16x16)-converted-1373602233572'. At first I thought it worked, but when I opened in in was still in 1.5.2 format, and none of the files had been renamed.

    Any advice?
    06/04/2013 10:04 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Not arguments, discussions.


    06/04/2013 9:59 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Hybrid Warrior
    P.S. Fake meat? Interesting... as a veterinarian, I think I would eat meat that no animal has died for. After all, it is nutritious.

    You'd still be eating a living animal. Cells are alive, and animal is nothing more than a large system of organs, which are a large system of tissues, which are a large system of cells.

    I beg to differ.

    The reason me and my family are vegetarian is...

    1. It is how I was raised
    2. Animals. Though, technical, I will be eating cells. Guess what!.... so are plants. And, if you clone the meat, no animal has died for it. Therefore, it is pure and innocent,

    No death+Meat= Happy EVERYONE!
    06/04/2013 9:55 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    mmm... pizza....

    That is going to be awesome!
    06/04/2013 9:50 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
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    Yes, clones should be treated with respect. However, do we really need more people?

    The world is over populated already, what do you think will happen when human cloning become legal? China already has the one child rule; do we really want to strain the world even more?

    If we need 'spare parts', then yes, I am sure they will just grow the specific part that is needed. That would make perfect sense. It would save lives, and not add anymore problems.

    P.S. Fake meat? Interesting... as a veterinarian, I think I would eat meat that no animal has died for. After all, it is nutritious.
    05/29/2013 8:38 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Quick! fix it! ;p

    I suggest you read the rules. if you don't, you will get banned, and you will not know what for.

    Anyway, glad I could help!
    05/29/2013 8:30 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Sorry, but you can only have 1 PMC file. You should not have more then one, and if you posted it on the wrong profile, bad luck bud. Delete the other profiles. ASAP.
    05/13/2013 6:57 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Wait! There are people who are not lazy! interesting. no, wait. the other thing. Tedious.
    05/13/2013 6:10 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    I am pretty sure gimp has more advanced tools, but I find easyer to use, expecaly for pixel art.
    05/13/2013 5:26 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Fair enough
    05/13/2013 5:20 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Lay off the mods. It would take a lot of their time to organise contests, and they all have other lifes, you know? Now, for my brilliant ideas...

    1. Texture pack contest. Goes for whole year:
    Perks: PMC would get some great texture packs if you give us a whole year
    Disadvantages: Why do yuo think skin contests are so popular? Because skins are easy to make. Almost bnobody with spend a whole year on that, as most of them will get borad
    Verdict: Highly unlikey.

    2. Texture pack contest: 5 different textures per week.
    Perks: You would get ALOT of good entrys if they only had to mkae 5 textures per week. In reality, it will take longer to make all the textures, but you dont have to enter every time. PMC could have texture packs out of the winners.
    i.e. the winner from eacjh contest goes into the first place texture pack, and the second placer goes into the second place TP, And the third placer goes into the third place TP.
    Disavantages: Lots. It would take AGES to prepare. The mods would be working non stop.
    Verdit: Awesome, but unlikely

    well, thats all I got. The_Soup?
    04/22/2013 7:57 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Poor Australia.
    04/21/2013 8:22 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    True... However, it is fine to ask questions about this stuff. If you never ask, you never learn!
    04/21/2013 8:19 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Yes, but he did not know where to find the files.
    04/21/2013 8:09 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Follow my instructions. They should work.
    04/21/2013 8:08 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    I just told you? *confuesd look*
    04/21/2013 4:11 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    And for mobs, do step 1-8, then copy the 'mob' file instead of the 'textures'.

    Then do 10-11.
    04/21/2013 4:09 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Here is how to easily make a TP for 1.5.1

    (This is for windows)

    1. go to home button
    2. search 'run' run '%appdata%'
    5. go to '.minecraft'
    6. go to 'bin'
    7. Do you have something like winrar or 7zip? get one of this using the all powerful Google. (I use WinRar.)
    8. Open 'minecraft.jar' with WinRar/7zip
    9. Copy the 'textures' file (Don't shut down winrar or you cant paste the file)
    10. Paste on desktop
    11. then edit the files. ( you can now close Winrar)

    If you have any questions or need help, PM me.
    04/19/2013 8:43 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Yes... hard working... 0_o
    04/19/2013 8:42 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Trident3's Avatar
    Koslaw99I talked to Paril. They do not plan on adding a donate system anytime soon. The reason PMC is down all the time will be fixed soon. So now quit your crying and deal with it.

    Agreed. Sure, It would be great with less downtime. Sure, it would be great if PMC had a bigger server. But I think PMC is fine as it is. To all those people who are like: "PMC is down again! What the *insertrudewordhere* am I going to do now?' Hmm... how about...
    Play minecraft
    Go outside
    Talk your friends
    Play minecraft
    Watch TV
    Go to the movies
    Play minecraft
    Work on skins
    Play minecraft
    Work on TP
    Play minecraft
    Play minecraft

    I mean, come on! There are plenty of thing to do while you wait for PMC to return! And , like, only half of them involve minecraft!

    Though most people might donate to PMC to help it, Has cyrpex asked for money? NO! Until he does, people should stop saying "if this" And "if that". He has not, and PMC is ruining fine.

    P.S. I doubt a PMC app would work. People can just use there browsers.

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