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  • Galaxium's Avatar
    April 9, 2024, 6:56 pm to Public
    I got it working 2 days ago so yay
  • Diiby's Avatar
    April 9, 2024, 1:39 pm to Public
    Warning: Serious non-joke based post talking about serious non-joke based issues

    You have been warned

    I’ve come to the conclusion that self doubt is in fact a pain in the ass

    I’ve entirely avoided doing things that I consider life goals because I don’t ever want to be bad at them despite how much I tell myself that I need to be bad before I can be good

    I can’t just accept praise or share stuff I made without multiple layers of “Well” and “Yeah but” laced over because I have unrealistic goals set

    Content Creation and entertainment as a whole (YouTube/Music/Art) has always been something I am very passionate about and as of right now I’d like it to be what I am known for but outside of the occasional doodle I’ve never even attempted to pick up a pen and write a script or try out playing the piano despite literally having a music teacher as a mother all because I’m too afraid to fail

    As a note of advice that I will share for y’all and completely disregard for myself

    Experience is the best way to learn how to do something and if you never try you won’t even have learned anything from said experience

    In order to be corrected you must first be incorrect
    C_Corp2002 said 2024-04-09 14:54:28
    C_Corp2002's Avatar
    Oh man, this hit home hard. I'm in the same exact boat with self doubt.
  • Diiby's Avatar
    Diiby shared MOLTENONI's post
    April 9, 2024, 2:58 am with Public
    This is the 11th commandment
    MOLTENONI's Avatar
    April 8, 2024, 4:27 pm to Public
    yknow, every time i see people talking about how ai should be just another tool in an artist's toolbox i just know what theyre talking about.

    im not even gonna talk about how its immorally trained, that topic has already been covered to hell and back.
    what i mean is like, the people who sing praises about ai or try and discuss in favor of it are all like.. either really novice artists (no hate towards them, theyre figuring stuff out), people who don't know anything about art (or flatout dislike art in general) or just scammers.

    like really, as an artist, i can't see a place for ai thats not covered by other better things. like, lets go over it..
    anatomy studying? ai isn't gonna help there, too innacurate and doesnt help with showing how muscles and stuff like that actually work.
    posing? you'll have mor control with mmd, blender, or litterally any game that let's you pose your character.
    learning colorwork? lighting? shading? inconsistent.

    honestly, its just a tool made by scammers for other scammers.
    you won't learn anything from ai. ai isnt going to help with your workflow or anything of the sort. hell, its also basically useless to anyone who wants to establish themselves in any way as an artist.

    it's just plain souless.
    View original post
  • Diiby's Avatar
    April 7, 2024, 12:48 pm to Public
    You know you’re living in a small rural town when the best food option is literally a hospital
  • Galaxium's Avatar
    April 6, 2024, 3:51 pm to Public
    Sucsessfully modded it... But now I have to fix some of the caps under the X-clamp bc the xbox is having power issues now :/
  • Diiby's Avatar
    April 6, 2024, 1:20 pm to Public
    The only three things in this world that truly upset me are mosquitos and AI Art

    The third thing is AI Art of mosquitos
    AvatarKage said 2024-04-06 14:00:51
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  • Galaxium's Avatar
    April 4, 2024, 11:36 pm to Public
    For those of you who don't quite know what I've been up to, here's a pic of what I have done :)

    Yes, that is in fact a VGA and AUX port on the Xbox 360 Trinity.

    I just recieved a Raspberry Pi Pico in the mail today so I can mod my Xbox :D

    Which means taking apart the Xbox 360 again, but I'm fine with that (:

    Also someone on discord challenged me to put it back together blind folded. So thats what I'm going to do so wish me luck and I'll update you on the process tomorrow! ;D

    And and another update: I have been doing WONDERFULL as well. Life has just been going well for me in the past few weeks and I hope to keep it up. I hope y'all are doing good to and if not, I'm sure things will look up in the near future :)
    CrownDeluxe said 2024-04-05 08:29:06
    CrownDeluxe's Avatar
    raspberry pi lesgo!!
    ScotsMiser said 2024-04-05 00:33:59
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    Interesting bit of 'kit bashing' to make that work…
    Galaxium said 2024-04-04 23:43:35
    Galaxium's Avatar
    Oh and yes the VGA and AUX ports work as intended, with the exception to get video output I have to press a button I added on the top :)
  • Diiby's Avatar
    April 4, 2024, 7:16 pm to Public
    If I were an alien then I would be genuinely baffled by the concept of clouds
  • Diiby's Avatar
    April 3, 2024, 3:27 pm to Public
    Heroes don’t always wear capes

    Papa Enny said 2024-04-03 16:22:12
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    real chad wear lavish dresses
  • Diiby's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 10:20 pm to Public
    Tomorrow PMC will set the world record for company layoffs

    Millions of people will lose their jobs as site moderators
    Karrfis said 2024-04-02 05:13:24
    Karrfis's Avatar
    i mean its trendy to have mass layoffs in the tech and gaming industry at the moment, and who would we be if we didnt follow trends
    Fabful said 2024-04-02 00:13:43
    Fabful's Avatar
    Procrafter said 2024-04-01 23:39:00
    Procrafter's Avatar
    So so true
    Escapazition said 2024-04-01 22:35:41
    Escapazition's Avatar
  • Galaxium's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 2:03 pm to Public
    Hol up why we all moderators

    If anything, I should be a super mod
    JustaFlqmingo said 2024-04-01 23:26:02
    JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
    JustaFlqmingo replied to CrownDeluxe's comment below 2024-04-01 23:25:55
    JustaFlqmingo's Avatar

    it shall be done
    CrownDeluxe replied to Galaxium's comment below 2024-04-01 19:49:12
    CrownDeluxe's Avatar
    im telling flamingo to promote you
    Galaxium replied to CrownDeluxe's comment below 2024-04-01 17:35:32
    Galaxium's Avatar
    Make or made?
    CrownDeluxe said 2024-04-01 14:59:23
    CrownDeluxe's Avatar
    JustaFlqmingo lead dev make it happen
  • Diiby's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 11:24 am to Public
    I have successfully acquired the 10th disk and will sell it on EBay for more than what I paid for it

    Sp3nc3r_ said 2024-04-01 11:26:38
    Sp3nc3r_'s Avatar
  • Diiby's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 11:05 am to Public
    Now PMC truly is a Walmart

    ajthepeach said 2024-04-01 11:10:09
    ajthepeach's Avatar
  • Diiby's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 10:59 am to Public
    With my power I shall do absolutely nothing
  • Diiby's Avatar
    March 31, 2024, 3:46 pm to Public
    My first April Fools Day prank shall be telling everyone it’s April Fools Day when in fact it is March 31st
    Diiby replied to JustaFlqmingo's comment below 2024-03-31 17:12:25
    Diiby's Avatar
    Indeed you may
    JustaFlqmingo said 2024-03-31 16:37:11
    JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
    May I partake in this
  • Diiby's Avatar
    March 29, 2024, 9:31 pm to Public
    Being a Steam user while Xbox and Sony duke it out feels like watching people fight over M&Ms or Skittles when you’re team Reese’s Pieces
    ajthepeach said 2024-03-29 21:39:41
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    side note, reeses pieces ftw
  • Diiby's Avatar
    March 29, 2024, 9:28 pm to Public
    Animal Crackers should replace modern day currency
    wqffles said 2024-03-29 21:48:17
    wqffles's Avatar
    You've got my vote
  • Diiby's Avatar
    March 29, 2024, 5:20 pm to Public
    This post is entirely dedicated to the appreciation of mustard
  • Diiby's Avatar
    March 29, 2024, 12:30 am to Public
    I’ve decided to replay Minecraft Dungeons with my younger brother and I can now confidently say that after reliving a lot of memories from a few years ago that I had a funner time playing it over Minecraft for the first time and that as a video game I far prefer it

    All I chose to remember when I dropped it was that after beating all the content I expected it to be like Minecraft with it’s replayability and when it wasn’t I saw it in a negative light but after remembering what the actual content was like I am having more fun playing through Minecraft Dungeons then I have playing actual Minecraft in recent years

    And it’s not that I hate Minecraft or anything it’s more so that I’ve come to see it more as a Creative Mode building sim and I have a hard time getting invested in Survival worlds
    winston___ said 2024-03-29 12:59:08
    winston___'s Avatar
    this is definitely bringin back memories i remember when it firsrt came out me n my brother were so hype to play it and had sm fun
  • Galaxium's Avatar
    March 26, 2024, 7:12 pm to Public
    Share this post because I'm bored
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