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Level 19
Journeyman Architect

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    12/27/2012 5:22 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Name: tylerhorton
    Age: 11, please don't judge. I'm very mature.
    Previous server experience: I've owned a 24/7 Bukkit server, been Co-Owner on another server, and I'm currently Head Admin on a 250 slot server that I joined from day 1.
    How many hours you can play a day: 2-3
    Why you want to help: I am experienced in the minecraft server field. I know how to identify and fix problems that arouse. Also, I can set up professional websites. (I.E. WordPress and Joomla)
    Could you possible donate to the server? : No sorry
    11/06/2012 5:45 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Bump every 24 hours. Please post this in the "Servers" category, unless you are actually looking for staff (recruitment.)
    11/06/2012 4:56 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Moderator Application

    Position: Moderator, or which ever you prefer.
    IGN: tylerhorton
    Name: Tyler
    Age: 11, but very mature. I've been mistaken as 15,16 year olds sometimes.
    Gender: Male
    How long will you be on each day?: A few hours, from about 4:00 PM CST to 9:00 PM CST (off and on)
    Personality: Friendly, I have a sense of humor but I don't let it go too far when participating in a high/experienced role.
    Time-zone: Central Standard Time (USA)
    Skype:(optional) N/A
    Are you a good builder?: Yes, I love building towns with town squares and such.
    Maturity Rate: 9/10
    How will you benefit out server?: I've been wanting to find a set up server that is trusted and not some Hamachi etc server. I believe that I would fit in nicely in a large server and contribute a lot to your community of players.
    What would you do if someone hacks?: I've been staff on many servers before (and even Owned a 24/7 Bukkit server.) I've dealt with petty hackers and the big hackers. Justice was served in all aspects. Bans were given to all of the hackers.
    Why should I choose you?:(Be descriptive! Must be 5-10 sentences) Everyone has a good time when I'm on a server. Whether a new player arrived and needed to find the warp station or a veteran player has questions about a new plugin, I can answer these questions and help people feel at home on FallenForce. I like experimenting with plugins. Also, building towns is what I love (as I mentioned above.) Your server is well set up, which I would love to join a community like yours and become a staff member. You won't regret approving my application.

    Thanks for reading my application!
    10/23/2012 9:42 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Good luck on your server, too.
    10/23/2012 9:41 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    10/23/2012 9:39 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    The second server is not 24/7 and isn't up when I'm on Minecraft because they are way ahead of me in Timezones. The first IP is the only server I'm staff on.
    10/23/2012 9:35 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Age: 11
    IGN: tylerhorton
    Skype: N/A
    Redstone: 7/10
    Building : 9/10
    Mining: 9/10
    Farming: 9/10
    Why should I pick you?: I have been wanting to play on a small survival server for a long time but I've never found a good one.
    Anything else: I'll be good on your server!
    Thanks taking 5-10 positions
    10/23/2012 9:33 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    10/23/2012 9:28 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    IGN (In game name): tylerhorton
    Time Zone: Central (USA)
    Skype: N/A
    Screenies: http://s1167.photobucket.com/albums/q638/tr_hn/
    Past servers builder on?:,
    10/23/2012 9:17 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    10/22/2012 9:40 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    -Your skype account: I don't have one, nor can I have one. Sorry!
    -IGN: tylerhorton
    -Age: 11, but I'm really mature. A server admin once thought I was 16.
    -Gender: Male
    -Timezone (if you know): Central (US)
    -How active are you: Very active, I have school. I play a lot, probably 2-3 a day. I'm not active on any other servers because they aren't good. I've been trying to find a good, professional server to become staff on and share my creations on.
    -Do you have server experience: Yes, I've owned a 24/7 Bukkit server that had a player base of 4-5 on at a time. I'm Admin on a server currently: and Moderator on this one (not 24/7):
    -How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since February, but since I play it so much I've become very familiar with the game.
    -What is your building skill level (out of 10): 8.5/10 - I love building and creating skyscrapers and towns.
    -If you are good at building, link of your best structure (must): http://s1167.photobucket.com/albums/q638/tr_hn/ (PhotoBucket Album)
    -How good are you with plugins (out of 10): 8/10, I learned a great bit owning a server.
    -If you are good with editing plugins, list a few plugins that you are great with: PermissionsEX, Minecars, WorldEdit, Factions
    -What position would you like: Head-Architect/Mod/Admin (Sorry if I sound picky)
    -Are you friendly: Yep.
    -Will you be dedicated to the server: Yes!
    -Any additional information you like to add: You can contact me via Email.
    10/21/2012 10:23 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    (Hint, you are probably going to disagree with me.)

    First, video games are for kids, not adults. If you're 8, you should play Mario etc. If you're 38, you should be working. Nintendo are based on mainly kids with games like Mario and such, and GTA Chinatown and the older-group games are for 12-15 year olds. That's my thought, you should give up video games at a certain time...
    10/21/2012 10:04 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Do not come on this server. You waste your time playing there. It's boring and the staff are horrible.
    10/20/2012 5:33 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    IGN: tylerhorton
    Skype: N/A
    Age: 11, but really mature.
    Previous experiences with being staff on servers (1-10): I am currently staff on two servers. Admin: Mod: (not 24/7)
    Building experience (1-10): 9.9/10, I love building. I have pictures for evidence/proof: http://s1167.photobucket.com/albums/q638/tr_hn/
    Redstone experience (1-10): 7/10, I'm okay. I like to experiment with it and watch tuts on YouTube.
    Plugin experience (1-10): 7/10 once again, I once owned a 24/7 Bukkit and performed the Plugin Dev role. I'm not the best, but not the worst either.
    Other info: I love building in Minecraft. My experience with building and administration/moderating goes deep, I've been staff on many servers and owned a couple. Either helping out a new player find the warp place or building a skyscraper, I can perform both equally good. I enforce the rules, but not harshly. I'm nice and kind, and I have a sense of humor. When I joke, they are clean.
    -Thanks for reviewing my application, have a good day!
    10/20/2012 5:25 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    IGN (in game name) : tylerhorton
    Name : Tyler or Ty (Either one, )
    Email : (you can PM if you like) If accepted, will give info about this.
    Location (where i live) : United States of America
    Why i would like to become a member of staff : I am currently looking for a good server to spend lots of time on that will reward with promotions and staff roles. I enjoy building, and I'm pretty good at it too. I like helping people that need help enjoying the server. With playing Minecraft for awhile and being staff on other servers, I have experience in all angles of the field.
    Evidence of my builds : ( you can use http://www.imgur.com to upload pictures) : http://s1167.photobucket.com/albums/q638/tr_hn/
    What i would bring to the team : Experience, Honesty, Respect, good builds, and people.
    Previous Experiences ( would be helpful if you had some evidence of you being a member of staff to back up your application) : One server I'm Admin on:, Mod on this one (not 24/7):
    10/11/2012 10:29 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar

    IGN: tylerhorton
    Gender: Male
    Age: 11, but very mature.
    Plugin Experience: I've setup Essentials, Minecars, bLift, PermissionsEX, Factions, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, I can go on all day about setting up plugins.
    Leadership Skills: I've owned a 24/7 Bukkit server and I'm staff on many other servers. I am a very good builder. I can envision ideas in my head and produce it on the landscape.
    Hours/Day your on: ?
    Can you help manager a server: Yes, wholeheartedly. I can manage and protect the server. Many people say they can do this, but they don't provide results. I can provide results and make you happy.
    How well do you work with others: Good with friendly and mature people.
    Can You clean up greif: Yes, I know how to rollback with various Bukkit plugins.
    Do you have the guts to demote/ban someone: Yes, but I let them have a fair chance before being ban. Example: If someone griefs someone's house, I will rollback the grief and jail them for a day or week. If they do it again, they will be Tempbanned or Perm banned (depends on Severity)
    Contact: Email or PM
    10/11/2012 10:17 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Hello! My name is tylerhorton. I've owned two servers and administrated and moderated a few others, too. I'll give some pointers below.

    Starting Off

    How much money do you have to spend on this server? Are you going to allow people to donate? These are very important questions to ask yourself. You may think "I'll build the best server ever and get hundreds of $$ in donations." This is what you may think, but this is usually what doesn't happen. You may get a few people to chip a few bucks here in there, or you may get steady streams. As you probably know, the more money you have to spend, the more slots there are to buy. This means more people, which could mean more money. As you said you are going to buy a server, you need to shop around before buying. Look for: price, customer support, reliability, being professional, etc. Don't get a cheap host that has terrible customer support and no reliability. This you will regret.

    Now you've bought the server, what about plugins and staff?

    Okay, you've bought your new server. You should set up plugins before anything else. Plugins just depend if you are going for Creative, PvP, Survival, Hunger Games, etc. This all depends. The standard plugins that you need are: Essentials, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, PermissionsEX (PEX), Towny or Factions. Towny is good for Survival servers that don't allow PvP and griefing/raiding. Factions is good for PvP and griefing/raiding. WorldEdit is a plugin that allows you to make stuff quickly. WorldGuard guards your creations and doesn't allow people to grief them. All of these plugins require you to have a Bukkit server. This mean you can add plugins and mods. Of course, these are standard plugins. You can add more plugins that gravitate toward your theme. Now, about staff. You don't need too many staff members, but enough so your server stays protected. You should have these ranks and amount of staff members.

    Owner - 1
    Co-Owner - 1
    Head-Admin - 1
    Admin - 2
    Moderator - 3
    Builders - 5 (or up)
    Members - (These are reg. players)
    Guest - (Default rank)

    Owner - ALL Commands (Op)
    Co-Owner - ALL Commands (Op)
    Head-Admin - ALL Commands (Op)
    Admin - Not as many as above - GM (not Op)
    Mod. - Not as many commands as above - GM (not Op)
    Builders - Not as many as above - GM (not Op)
    Members - /sethome , /home, /back - Survival (Not Op)
    Guest - No commands can't place/destroy block - Survival (not op)

    Marketing (Name, getting players)

    Once you've got all of your plugins and staff set up, you need to get people to come to your server. Now, you need a website. I can set up the website. You also need to add your server to Minecraft server lists. This advertises your server to a big audience. The name just depends what type of server it is. You could be CentrePvP or CentreSMP or CentreHG. This all depends and a big decision. This needs to be discussed.

    Okay, there's my advice! If you need anymore, and you need staff and help, I'm here to help you in anyway being staff or plugins!



    (I might've made some errors, please excuse them!)
    10/11/2012 9:10 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Hello, just as an inquiry, why was I denied? Thanks.
    10/11/2012 8:11 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Age: 11, but very mature. I'm not your regular immature kid.
    Preferred role: I don't care, but I'm experienced in all fields. I love building, moderating, and administrating.
    -If you're a builder, please give a screenshot of past builds: http://s1167.photobucket.com/albums/q638/tr_hn/
    Why you want that role?: I have a lot of experience as I stated above. I love building, helping people, practicing good leadership roles, and contributing wholeheartedly.
    What makes you deserve that role?: I have experience being staff on numerous servers before. I've been wanting to contribute to a popular and well setup server. I feel my experience and time should go to a well-established server.
    What do you do in your spare time?: Play tennis, read.
    Do you have skype?: No, but I know this is very important to some owners.
    Do you have a mic?: No
    (Optional) Suggest a plugin that could help the server: Survival Games, Mob Arena, Towny, PermissionsEX, WorldGuard, WorldEdit, mcMMO, etc.
    10/10/2012 6:54 pm
    Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
    tylerhorton's Avatar
    Youtube BG's
    Font(http://www.dafont.com): http://www.dafont.com/minecrafter.font
    Text: PhenomCraftMedia
    Details: The theme being modern and stylish please
    Left side: PhenomCraftMedia
    Right side: PhenomCraftMedia

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