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    10/12/2014 2:07 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Tysonizer's Avatar
    garrettferg12907me(garrettferg12907) and my friend(0zzboss) were trolled by this server mc.yukkuricraft.net DO NOT JOIN THE SERVER THEY GO AGAINT MC GUIDLINES AND TROLL FOR NO RESON GIVE AT ALL.I was banned for greifing but the decided to hunt down my friends house and destroy it and make it unusable! They took all his weapons and tools.

    Banned for griefing, but yet we're being unreasonable and trolled you? Right, let me clarify some things. #1: The staff are very fair and honest in their work, if you screw up, it's your fault, not theirs. #2: To declare that they trolled you, but you openly admitted to griefing, it's understandable why the banned you, as for going against mc guidelines? We are not bound by "mcguidelines", we are a server dedicated to the tribute of minecraft as a whole AND the Touhou Community, we are a haven for people who love both of these things and overall seek to enjoy themselves. We are not here to follow guidelines and rules set by people who have no influence on our community whatsoever, with that said. I am sorry that you couldn't appreciate our server for what it is, and hopefully in the future when you've grown up, maybe you'll realize that your irresponsibility to follow a simple rule of "No griefing" is what got you banned.

    -Greetings from the YC Staff, and Community.

    K47This isn't really even in the right area.
    BUT-- I wouldn't rage. Find a server on the Servers section under the tab Most Popular. Those people probably won't troll you if you play on Vanilla or Survival! Owners don't normally do that.
    Were they staff?

    To clarify things for you and others who may read this, OP was not trolled nor harassed in any way shape or form, but was simply flat out banned, for griefing and not following our general server's guidelines and rules. (Very fair and straight forward, you can't follow them, that's your fault) As for what he typed out, it's more apparent that he's angry and upset by our action of banning him, which he can appeal on our forum if he ever so wishes to do so. As of such with my little bit of input on this situation, I hope this had in no way disrupted the planetminecraft community either. Aside from the slander, we can always make our counter argument known, but the choice on whether or not you want to join and/or visit is all on you, with that little bit said; I wish you and everyone else a good day, and that you consider stopping by and forming your own opinion on us. Feedback is always welcome and greatly appreciated.

    Sincerely Tysonizer
    Honorable Mediator of Yukkuricraft.net

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